Assessment item 3 – Biomechanics Report – Part 1
Value: 20%
Due Date: 22-Apr-2022
Return Date: 17-May-2022
Length: 1500-2000 Words
Group Assessment: No
Submission method options: EASTS (online)
Part 1 – Introduction and Methods
This assessment will assess your capacity to develop and formulate a research project. Your 1500-2000 word research project assignment will be on the biomechanical analysis of a jump/landing movement aimed at identifying biomechanical problems attributed to decreasing performance, causing an injury/disease, and/or identifying potential injury risk factor(s) during human movement. In performing this assessment, you will be expected to obtain and critically evaluate published literature in relation to the biomechanics of your jump-landing task, develop a research question and hypothesis in relation to injury and/or performance, and design and develop appropriate data collection methods drawing on the research principles you developed in EHR128. In order to complete this task, you will be required to select a movement task (stop-jump, cutting task, running), then you will write a scientific-style biomechanical report on this human movement task identifying biomechanical problems attributing to performance analysis, the effect of an intervention, or an injury and/or potential injury risk factor(s). This assessment must include a minimum of 15 peer-reviewed references. Written feedback will be provided via EASTS assignment return.
- Select a topic and movement (sport, injury/performance, experimental movement task) to answer a question aimed at improving sports performance, reducing the likelihood of injury, and/or rehabilitation (i.e. what is the aim of your project).
- Perform a literature review search to locate peer-reviewed journal articles;
- Develop an outline for the “Introduction” section;
- Develop an outline of the “Methods” section;
- Develop a research question and hypothesis.
This assessment task will assess the following learning outcome/s:
- be able to explain and apply biomechanical principles using a scientific approach in relation to data collection, analysis and interpretation.
- be able to apply and utilise various biomechanical methods and equipment to perform movement analysis.
Criteria | High Distinction | Credit | Pass | Fail | Mark |
Introduction (25 marks) | Proposal contains a very high quality introduction to the topic. Extensive range of scholarly literature utilised. Propose very clear and appropriate questions, hypothesis or approaches that focus upon significance of the rationale for the investigation. | Proposal contains a good introduction to the topic. A range of scholarly literature utilised. Propose questions, hypothesis or approaches that focus upon significance of the rationale for the investigation. | Proposal contains an adequate introduction to the topic. Limited range of scholarly literature utilised. Might propose questions, hypothesis or approaches that focus upon significance of the rationale for the investigation. | Proposal does not contain an adequate introduction to the topic. Very limited range of scholarly literature utilised. Does not propose questions, hypothesis or approaches that focus upon significance of the rationale for the investigation. | |
Methods (15 marks) | Participants’ cohort to be recruited is very thoroughly described with all relevant details. Experimental design and details of the approach is described in extensive detail. Data collection and analysis methods are comprehensively justified. Statistical techniques are comprehensively defined and justified. | Participants’ cohort to be recruited is well described with relevant details. Experimental design and details of the approach is described in good detail. Data collection and analysis methods are well justified. Statistical techniques are well defined and justified. | Participants’ cohort to be recruited is adequately described with some detail. Experimental design and details of the approach is described in adequate detail. Data collection and analysis methods might be justified. Statistical techniques might be defined and justified. | Participants’ cohort to be recruited is not adequately described. Experimental design and details of the approach is not described in adequate detail. Data collection and analysis methods are not justified. Statistical techniques are not defined and justified. | |
Structure & Writing (10 marks) | Proposal is extremely well written, concise, properly organised, and very easy to follow. Information is presented in an open-mined and objective manner. Logical flow that is compelling that the reader has absolutely no reason to doubt the rationale. | Proposal is well written, mostly concise, organised, and fairly easy to follow. Information is presented in an objective manner. A flow that is organised that enable the reader not to doubt the rationale. | Proposal is satisfactorily written and organised. Information is presented in a somewhat sound manner. A flow that is organised that might enable the reader to doubt the rationale. | Proposal is elementarily written, unorganised, and difficult to follow. Information is presented in a basic manner. The flow is unorganised that enables the reader to doubt the rationale. | |
Referencing | References cited in text and in a reference list at the end of the assessment are NOT according to the APA referencing system (- 2 mark penalty). Did not use a minimum of 15 primary peer-reviewed references (-2 mark penalty). Note: primary references do not include review references. | ||||
TOTAL Additional Feedback: Note, your mark as a % (mark will equal a % value as the total marks are 50) will be adjusted to suit the total marks allocated to this assessment item (15% = 15). For example, a mark of 41/50 = 82% will be equivalent to 16.4 (0.82 x 20 = 16.4). |
Assessment feedback will include written comments as well as a numerical mark and a grade as feedback upon return.
Students who feel they require further feedback or an elaboration or explanation of the feedback provided should contact the Subject Coordinator.
Please take pride in the presentation of your assignment and demonstrate attention to detail.
You must include a title page as the first page of your assessment. This must include title of the assignment and the chosen practical class, your name, your student ID, subject name and code, due date and word count.
– Assignments must be typed with 12pt font size, using a font that is clear and legible (i.e. Calibri, Arial, Times New Roman, or Verdana).
– Please use a line spacing of 1.5 to 2 lines (i.e. go to paragraph function in MS word and select 1.5 or double spacing)
– If you are using headings, please make them stand out (i.e. make them bold!)
– Apply a footer to all pages that includes your name on the left, student ID in the middle and page number on the right.
– Reference list must be in APA 7th edition format (https://apps.csu.edu.au/reftool/apa-7) and MUST be in alphabetical order of the first authors surname.
NOTE: This subject is one in which CSU utilises the Turnitin software system to check the academic integrity of the work submitted for assessment in the subject.

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