Friday 11th December 2020 1300-1500 † *
† All students: you have an additional 1 hour to assemble and submit your PDF. Final submission deadline: 16:00.
- Students with a Schedule of Adjustment: You are entitled to a further fixed additional 1 hourfor this remote examination.
Final submission deadline: 17:00
Attempt all questions
- Start each question on a new sheet of paper.
- Number your sheets of paper to help you scan them in order.
- Only write on one side of each piece of paper.
- If you have rough work to do, simply include it within your overall answer – put brackets at the start and end of it if you want to highlight that it is rough work.
- For each part state whether the statement is True or False, giving a justification or counterexample for your answer. (Each part is 3 marks.)
- Every noncommutative ring has a zero divisor.
- → → ◦ If f: V Wand g: W Vare linear maps such that g f= IdVthen Vand
Whave the same dimension.
- If f: R2n+1 → R2n+1 is a linear mapping then fhas an eigenvalue.
- The group of units (Z/mZ)×is cyclic. (Here m∈ Z>0.)
- Let A∈ Mat(n, F). The eigenvalues of Aand ATare the same. (f) Let R= R[x] and I= R<x3 + 3x+ 7 >. Then
(x2 + 1) + I(2x2 + 3x) + I= (−4x2 − 20x− 21) + I.
- The following defines an inner product on R[x]<n:= {P∈ R[x] | deg(P) <n},
(P, Q) = P(i)Q(i), ∀P, Q∈ R[x]<n.
- The following defines an inner product on C2,
1x1,y1= 4xy
- 2xy
- 2xy
1 + 3xy,
2 where →x= x1 , →y= y1 ∈ C2.
- A nonzero vector →v∈ Vcannot be both in the kernel and image of a linear mapping f: V→ V.
- There exist linear maps f: Fn→ Fnsuch that ker f= 0 and ker f2 /= 0.
[30 marks]
[Please turn over]
- Let A∈ Mat(n, F), where Fis an arbitrary field. Recall that if P(x) = pnxn+
pn−1xn−1 + … + p0 ∈ F[x] then P(A) = pnAn+ pn−1An−1 + … + p0 Idn.
Let mA(x) be a nonzero monic polynomial of minimal degree such that mA(A) = 0.
- A 0 λ 0 λ Calculate m(x) for A= λ 0 and A= λ 1 , λ∈ F. [5marks]
- Show that IA:= {Q(x) ∈ F[x] | Q(A) = 0} is an ideal in F[x] generated by
mA(x). [5 marks]
- Prove that mA(x) = mP−1AP(x) for any invertible P∈ Mat(n, F). [5 marks]
- If A= A1 0 is a block matrix prove that m
0 A2 A
(x) = lcm(mA1
(x), mA2
where lcm means “theleastcommonmultiple”. [7 marks]
- — | Prove that mA(λ) = 0, that is (x λ) mA(x), if and only if λis an eigenvalue of
- [7 marks]
- i=1 If p(x) = Qm(x− λi)di (where the λi∈ Fare distinct) find a matrix Asuch
that mA(x) = p(x). [6 marks]
- (a) Let A∈ Mat(n, R) and define a mapping
αA: Rn\ {→0} → R, by αA(→v) = →vTA→v.
- A Let A= 2 −1 . Show that Im α
−1 2
= (0, ∞). [4 marks]
- — { } Suppose that AT= A. Prove that Im αA= 0 and that Idn+Ais invertible. [6marks]
- Suppose that A= MTMfor some M ∈ Mat(n, R). Prove that Im αA⊆
[0, ∞) and that Im αA⊆ (0, ∞) if Mis invertible. [6 marks]
- Suppose that AT= A. Then by the Spectral Theorem Ais diagonalisable with real eigenvalues λ1,. . . ,λn. Prove that
Im αA=
aiλi| ai≥ 0 with (a1, … , an) /= (0, … , 0)) .
- Show that the following are equivalent for AT= A,
(i) Im αA= (0, ∞),
- All the eigenvalues of Aare positive,
- A = MTMfor some invertible M∈ Mat(n, R).
[6 marks]
∈ (b) Let A Mat(n, F) be such that A2 = A. Prove that Ais diagonalizable.
[6 marks]
[End of Paper]
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