HSNS447 – Assessment 2: Education plan-health promotion
Weight: 30%
Must Complete: Yes
Word Length: 1000
Students are required to comply with word and time limits. You are not expected to achieve exactly the required length, and a 10% leeway on either side is acceptable. The marker will not mark beyond the 10%. Only your work to that point will be marked against the assessment criteria.
Notes: Written assignment
Due Date: Is displayed at the bottom of this page
This assessment relates to:
Learning Outcomes 3, 5
In this assessment you will explain the role of the nurse in providing health education and develop an evidence-based and culturally informed health education plan for Nellie Jackson who is one of your clients. The health education plan focuses on health promotion, and addresses Nellie’s statement that “she doesn’t understand why she needs to continue taking Warfarin”.
- Discuss the nurse’s role in providing health education and health promotion to clients.
- Explore why education is an important form of health promotion.
- Formulate an education plan that includes health promotion for your client Nellie Jackson. The plan should include:
- program goal (a general statement about long term program outcomes)
- objective/s (specific statements that address how each goal of the program will be achieved)
- intervention/s (actions)
- process (how the plan will be put into action)
- impact (how the health promotion program positively affects Nellie)
Assessment criteria
1. Explain health promotion and health education as provided by the primary health and community nurse.
2. Desribe the nurse’s role in providing care specific to the case study.
3. Develop an education plan relevant to the case study.
4. Write the paper using academic tone, language, formatting and presentation. Follow the essay format that is attached below (Introduction, body – you may use the headings detailed under Task #3 – and a conclusion). You must write complete paragraphs and are not permitted to use dot points, lists or tables.
5. Paper is widely researched using credible academic literature; in-text referencing and the reference list are in APA 7th edition style.
Reading list
You should review the following sources before starting this assessment. These sources may be used within your reference list but you will also need to do some research of your own. A good rule of thumb is 1 reference for every 100-200 words within an essay.
Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care, “National Statement on Health Literacy: Taking action to improve safety and quality”.
Kanj, M., & Mitic, W. (2009). Health literacy and health promotion. Geneva: World Health Organization.
Criteria | Above expected 75-100% | Expected 50-74% | Below expected 0-49% | Mark |
Explain health promotion and health education. | Provides a detailed explanation of health promotion and health education. Demonstrates an in-depth understanding of the primary health and community nurse’s role in health promotion and health education. Integrates current and relevant literature from academic sources to support discussion and explanations. (23-30) | Provides a clear explanation of health promotion and health education. Demonstrates a clear understanding of the primary health and community nurse’s role in health promotion and health education. Integrates current and relevant literature from academic sources. (15-22) | Incomplete or inaccurate explanation of the topic provided. Lacks discussion on the essential roles of health promotion and health education for primary health and community nurses. Inappropriate literature used to support discussion or lacks integration of literature. (0-14) | /30 |
Describe the nurse’s role in providing care specific to the case study. | Provides an in-depth and detailed description of how the nurse incorporates education into health promotion and how this will apply to Nellie Jackson’s case study. Identifies Nellie’s knowledge deficit and explains how the education plan will address her education needs. Integrates current and relevant literature from academic sources. (23-30) | Provides a clear description of how the nurse incorporates education into health promotion and how this will apply to Nellie Jackson’s case study. Identifies Nellie’s knowledge deficit and explains how the education plan will address her education needs. Integrates current and relevant literature from academic sources. (15-22) | Minimal or inaccurate description of how the nurse incorporates education into health promotion and how this will apply to Nellie Jackson’s case study. Incomplete or incorrect knowledge deficit identified; incomplete or inappropriate education plan developed to address her education needs. Inappropriate literature used to support discussion or lacks integration of literature. (0-14) | /30 |
Develop a case specific education plan. | Formulates an evidence based, culturally appropriate education plan for Nellie Jackson’s health promotion needs. Plan should include a program goal, 2-3 objectives, 3-4 nursing interventions, and the process for implementing the plan. Provides two examples of how the plan’s impact will be evaluated. Integrates current academic literature from reliable sources to support the plan. (23-30) | Formulates an evidence based, culturally appropriate education plan for Nellie Jackson’s health promotion needs. Plan should include a program goal, 1 objective, 2-3 nursing interventions, and the process for implementing the plan. Provides two examples of how the plan’s impact will be evaluated. Integrates current academic literature from reliable sources to support the education plan. (15-22) | Lacks discussion on the use of health promotion interventions that are evidenced based, culturally appropriate and are relevant to Nellie’s situation. Minimal or incorrect evaluation of the plan’s impact. Inappropriate literature used to support discussion or lacks integration of literature. (0-14) | /30 |
Uses academic tone, language, formatting and presentation. | Well-presented paper in academic style and format. Paper is well-structured and cohesive. Applies clear logical to argument; adheres to formal writing and grammatical conventions with minimal errors. (5) | Adheres to academic style and format. Clearly written and easy to read; cohesive and well-structured paper that adheres to grammatical conventions with no more than 3-5 errors in total. (2.5-4) | Little attempt to adhere to academic format, or writing conventions. Multiple grammatical errors with minimal attention to writing/ spelling. A poorly structured assignment lacking cohesion. (0-2) | /5 |
Follows requirements for referencing (APA 7th edition) | Widely researched and referenced. Range of credible academic literature. Consistently correct APA style, acknowledges references throughout. No errors in APA referencing in-text and reference list. (5) | Adequately researched and referenced. Credible academic literature, correctly applies APA style referencing both in-text and reference list with no more than 2 errors in total. (2.5-4) | Insufficient range of references. Non-adherence to APA referencing and/or multiple and consistent APA errors throughout. Few or no acknowledgment of sources. (0-2) | /5 |
Assessment 2: Essay template
Word count: 1000+/-10%
Introduction: (3-5 sentences say around 100 words) THIS ISN’T A SUMMARY BUT A PLAN
- Identify the topic-this gets the reader’s attention (health education plan that focuses on health promotion and enabling a client to improve their health)
- Give essential but sufficient background information-this orients the reader (Nellie’s background, cultural issues and relevant info such as her statement about why she needs to take Warfarin)
- Indicate the direction and angle of your argument-this focuses and defines the topic (nurse’s role in improving Nellie’s health outcomes by developing an evidence-based education plan)
The introduction starts off general and ends focused.
Body-this is where you gain the bulk of the points, look at the rubric it will be criteria 1-3: (around 700-800 words)
The body of the essay consists of a number of paragraphs in which you present your main points and supporting evidence (see resources on the assessment page or use the key words below to conduct a literature search)
Key words-health promotion, health literacy, stages of change, patient education, patient education tools, Warfarin management, self-management, motivational interviewing, adult learning, models of health education)
The following are some ideas, you must include references and/or statistics
Paragraph 1 criterion 1
Explain health promotion (Ottawa charter, WHO), health education (WHO) and the role of the primary health and community nurse in providing health education and health promotion. Consider issues that the nurse has to consider such as health literacy, language, culture, gender, communication skills and therapeutic relationships as factors that could impact the provision of health education and strategies nurses can use to ensure health education is provided
Paragraph 2 criterion 2
How does the community nurse use health education to enable Nellie to have more control over her health condition and improve her health (health promotion)?
What does Nellie know and need to know so her DVT is managed without negative consequences? Consider issues specific to Nellie like health literacy, culture, adult learning and readiness to learn as well as strategies the nurse can use like advocacy, enabling and mediating.
Paragraph 3 criterion 3
This is the education plan, use the subheadings below, you could combine a couple like goal and objectives into one paragraph.
Use current and relevant literature to support your discussion. For example, in process what resource could you use to teach Nellie and what evidence is there that this is an appropriate resource?
- Program goal (a general statement about long term program outcomes) Nellie adheres to the medication regime; Nellie can access healthcare promptly
- Objective/s (specific statements that address how each goal of the program will be achieved) Nellie demonstrates self-management skills (how to request a prescription refill); Nellie states the name and dose of the Warfarin
- Intervention/s (actions) Provide a teaching session to Nellie about reasons to call her GP; Educate Nellie about how long she will need to continue Warfarin; Educate Nellie about the need for dose adjustments
- Process (how the plan will be put into action) who is going to do what? Who will you involve? What resources can you use? What will be the cost? Who will you collaborate with?
- Impact evaluation (how the health promotion program positively affects Nellie) She takes the Warfarin regularly and you know this because her INR is in the therapeutic range, she has the correct number of tablets left in the blister pack. She can explain what could happen if she stopped taking the Warfarin
Conclusion (4-5 sentences say around 100-150 words):
Summarise your main points, refer back to the question
Come to a conclusion or judgement
You shouldn’t introduce any new material or references here
Guidelines for writing academically in this essay.
See https://aso-resources.une.edu.au/academic-writing-course/academic-writing-style/
Academic phrase bank-University of Manchester UK
For each of the statements below there are explanations on the ASO site found above
‘What to do’
Write clearly
Use the technical vocabulary of your subject area such as clinical terminology
Use standard, correct English and non-discriminatory language
‘What NOT to do’
There is much to learn from what is NOT wanted. Following are some of the small but specific mistakes in style that are made (mainly unconsciously) in formal written work.
Do not use colloquial language or slang
Do not use personal tone-e.g. unfortunately……
Do not use shortened forms of words and phrases incorrectly
Avoid using personal language like personal pronouns
Avoid using language that is emotional
Avoid using words that express your opinion tooooooo strongly
Avoid using unnecessary words Be concise
Avoid using brackets and dashes to add information
Do not use dot/bullet point lists unless you are instructed to
Do not shift verb tense unnecessarily
Do not use exclamation marks (!!!) in your essay
Do not use questions and commands
Do not misuse font and font styles (mainly italics & underlining)

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