Essay Task.
Due: Week 6 (to be submitted online via Turnitin) Weighting: 35% Length: 1500 words
Individually you are required to write a researched essay (keeping to the stipulated word count) from one of the topics listed below:
- “All the world’s a stage and all the men and women merely players. They have their exits and their entrances, and one man in his time plays many parts”.
These are lines from Shakespeare’s play, “As You Like It”.
In the main, the accomodation sector can be compared to various aspects of a theatre such as the genres, stagecraft, characters and terminology of acting. Explain, using examples.
- Service Quality is essential in any guest-facing industry, arguably none more important than the hospitality industry. Explain what Service Quality is, what it involves and its importance in particular to the luxury accommodation sector.
- The changing face of accommodation and the sharing economy: Is Airbnb a disrupter or a challenger to the accommodation sector?
- The Experience Economy: In relation to Pine and Gilmore’s (1999) article, how does aesthetic labour, emotional labour, national culture and corporate culture affect employment in the hospitality industry?
Marking criteria Content
- Clear understanding of the selected topic of discussion and
- Its impact on the accommodation sector in the current environment
- Well explained pros and cons of the arguments put forward
- Coming to a conclusion from your point of view
- Importance to the accommodation sector
- Wholistic knowledge of the Unit demonstrated. Research
- Use of a minimum of 8 references (minimum of six (6) academic articles and two (2) non- academic articles.
- Appropriate depth and breadth of research
- Literature is relevant to the component chosen
- Correct referencing in-text and in the List of References
- Essay is fluent and succinct with related ideas grouped together
- Essay must be written in the 3rd person.
Please see the Marking Rubric prior to submitting your assessment.

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