NUR3020 Assessment 1b: Presentation Task overview
Assessment name Assignment 1b – Presentation Assessment Brief task description Assignment 1b utilises the information that students investigated in Assignment 1a to present a synopsis of the professional responsibilities of the Registered Nurse and a discussion of relevant strategies to resolve the conflict arising. The synopsis is to be presented in a Voiceover power point presentation that includes a written set of presenter notes. Rationale for assessment task As the complexities of caring for a patient in our healthcare system increases there is a need to improve our own critical thinking processes, our capacity to work in complex organisations and in making decisions as part of an interdisciplinary team. Our ability as registered nurses is affected by our awareness of the importance of our professional responsibility when ethical issues arise in practice. Ultimately the decisions of a registered nurse can improve, change or benefit patients, families and colleagues and peers. Due Date 6 September 2021 by 2359 AEST Length The audio-visual requires the student to provide the following: A PowerPoint voiceover presentation that should not exceed 100MB in sizeA presentation that is 6 – 7 minutes duration that is recorded by you.Presenter notes with associated referencing on each slide as appropriate and a final reference slide is required. Marks out of: Weighting: Marks out of 60 30% of final grade Course Objectives measured Course Objectives assessed: 1,2,3,4,5,6 Exemplar/Example provided Assignment 1b is linked with the case study in Assignment 1a. Information relating to the assessment task are provided in the Assessment tab on Study Desk. A frequently asked questions forum is available to ask relevant questions Consultation times can be accessed Monday through Friday at the times advertised on Study Desk |
Task information
Task detail | Please refer to the case study below and the recording on study desk in Assessment Tab 1b. The case study highlights key areas in the ethical decision-making capacity of the Registered Nurse in a ward environment. Assignment 1a developed a critical evaluation of the ethical principles arising from the case study relating to the conduct of the Enrolled Nurse. The evaluation gathered knowledge of the key areas of professional judgement in resolving conflict and identified professional decisions utilised by the Registered Nurse. Your Nurse Unit Manager seeks a presentation that could be provided at an upcoming Symposium at the Hospital. He provides you with 5 articles that he requires you to use in the presentation. He asks you to prepare and record a Voiceover power point presentation that: Provides a synopsis of professional responsibilities, duty of care and ethical issues arising from the Case Study and the literature reviewed,Discuss the implications for the Registered Nurse in resolving the professional conflict, and;Clearly articulate the strategies used by the Registered Nurse in seeking a resolution. The presentation includes an introduction, synopsis of professional responsibilities and ethical issues arising, the implications of the decisions made by the Registered Nurse in resolving the professional conflict, the Registered Nurses duty of care and the strategies used by the Registered Nurse to resolve the conflict. To complete the assignment follow the steps in the assignment guideline/structure section below. Five references are provided and are available on study desk (Assignment tab, 1b). These must be used in the assignment. Students are required to use all reference sources provided and to locate and utilise a minimum of a further three (3) articles. Case Study The newspaper article and excerpt from the Tribunal report provides the scenario for both assignment 1a and 1b. The Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Authority (AHPRA) Tribunal Outcome in 2021 report Synopsis from the report On 17 July the nurse was at work and made comments to colleagues to the effect that she had helped the deceased to die, that she was proud of this, and that she believed in euthanasia, believed that it should be discussed, and more of it should occur. She referred to herself as the angel of death, and as Dr Kevorkian. When questioned about these statements by her employer, the respondent admitted that the morphine she had administered to the deceased was not a normal dose, because she was not going to let the deceased suffer, and said that she had acted in the best interests of the deceased. Following this, her employment was terminated on about 26 August 2014. Her registration as an enrolled nurse expired on 30 May 2015. At the hearing she said that she had not worked since, as a nurse or otherwise. The complete Tribunal report is included in the ‘Assessment Tab, Assignment 1a and 1b’ on study desk. |
Guidelines / structure Your assessment is required to be developed in the style of an audio-visual Power Point presentation with audio and included presenter notes in written form for submission. The presentation is to contain the following sections: Introduction (1 slide) –The introduction slide in the presentation needs to provide the listener with an outline of your intended power point discussion based on the case study and areas for investigation outlined by the NUM. The presenter notes provide the synopsis of your discussion.Synopsis of Professional Responsibilities (including ethical issues and duty of care) (4 slides) – This section requires at least 4 slides that share a synopsis of the professional responsibilities and ethical issues arising and the duty of care of the Registered Nurse. This section must provide a comprehensive discussion of these areas based on the case study and with reference from the literature. Five references are provided and are available on study desk (Assignment tab, 1b). Students are required to use all reference sources provided and to locate and utilise a minimum of a further three (3) articles. The presenter notes in written form must be inclusive of a summary of the slides.Implications of decisions in resolving professional conflict (2 – 3 slides) – This section requires you to collate information into a summary that specifically shares the decisions made in relation to resolving the professional conflict arising. The section must be supported by the literature (both provided articles and a minimum of 3 others). The slides can share the decision making process, the decisions made and the implications relating to the case study. The presenter notes in written form provide the synopsis of your discussionStrategies (3 – 4 slides) – This section requires you to consider a minimum of 4 strategies to focus attention that relate to the case study, the registered nurses professional responsibility in appropriate professional decision making to resolve conflict. A rationale for each strategy, referenced to credible, contemporary literature is required. The presenter notes in written form provide the synopsis of your discussionEssay Conclusion (1 slide) – A summary of the main points, key implications and strategies with their relevance to the case study and professional practice outcomes is required. The presenter notes in written form summarise a conclusion to the presentation. | |
Writing Style | One presentation completed in Power Point is required to be submitted with Voice Over completed and presenter notes in written form visible in the notes section of the presentation or as a separate word document |
The presenter notes relating to the voiceover must be included in the notes section of the presentation slides. If IT issues present the presenter notes can be submitted as a separate word document. The presenter notes provide the synopsis of your discussion. | |
Referencing/ citations | For this assessment you will use APA 7th referencing style.Sources: The reference list must include all of the provided references found on study desk in the Assessment Tab – Assignment 1b. There are five (5) articles in this section. Further scholarly sources that are no older than 6 years old may also be used, a minimum of three (3) is required.In text citations: In-text citations must be included in the body of work. Each new point or piece of evidence must be attributed (via in-text citation) to the source. |
Formatting Style | Presentation formatting The PowerPpoint presentation must have a voice over provided by you.The presentation must contain presenter notes in the PowerPoint slide notes section or as a separate word document.The presentation must contain the following items: a file no larger than 100MB; presented and recorded in your own voice.Listen to / watch the recording before you submit it to check for sound and video qualityKeep a copy of the recording prior to submissionFollow the instructions for creating a media file that is located on study desk in Assessment Tab 1b |
Resources available to complete task | The NUR3020 StudyDesk Assessment Tab contains the following resources to help you with this assessment: Student Tool Kit – Assessment & Study Skills: Academic Writing.Unpacking the assessment recording under the Assessment 1b area.Student consultation times are available each week as advertised on the NUR3020 Study desk Study Schedule.Support for academic writing (and referencing) is available from the Learning Advisor and Liaison Librarian, you can find information and contact them via their site: Study and Research Support for Health & Community students |
Submission information
What you need to submit | One voice over power point recording presentation: Coversheet is not required as the submission is electronicA front page to the presentation must include: course code, course name, semester and year, assessment title, student name, student numberDo not include the marking criteria sheet |
Submission requirements | This assessment task must be submitted in electronic format as Power Point voiceover with included presenter notes submitted via the link provided in the Assessment Tab Assessment 1b on the StudyDesk. |
File Name Conventions | Save your document with the following naming conventions: surname_initialORstudentnumber_coursecode_A2.doc/docx/pdf |
Moderation | A rigorous moderation process is undertaken for this course. All staff who are assessing your work meet to discuss and compare grading decisions before marks or grades are finalised. This task will be moderated against the Marking Rubric attached to this document. Final release of marks will normally be within three weeks of completion of assessment. This timeframe also applies for any student who have approvals for an extension of time commencing at the time of submission. |
Academic Integrity Statement | Student’s should be familiar with USQ’s policy on Academic Integrity: https://policy.usq.edu.au/documents/13752PL Turnitin has been enabled so that students can check for similarity matching within their assessment and make amendments prior to the due date to demonstrate academic integrity. |
PROFESSIONAL TRANSITIONS | NUR3020 Assessment 1b | Marking Rubric
CRITERIA | ||||||
MARKS (5) | 5 | 4 – 3.5 | 3 – 2.5 | 2.5 – 2 | 1.5 – 1 | 0 |
Introduction | Power point voice over presentation provides a highly relevant comprehensive introduction Defines topic and includes an articulate introduction to points included in the presentation Articulate and strong linkage to case study evident throughout the presentation | Power point voice over presentation provides a well-developed introduction Defines the topic and includes a clear introduction to points included in the presentation Clear linkage to case study evident throughout the presentation | Power point voice over presentation provides an effective introduction that outlines the topic and attempts to introduce points in the presentation. Some linkage with case study evident throughout the presentation | An attempt made to provide an introduction in the power point voice over presentation, however the topic is simply defined/unclear. A linkage with the case study is not relevant or identified throughout the presentation | Inadequate and/or poor introduction. Minimal/no, evidence of an overview in the presentation. No defined link to topic Power point voice over not evident | No evidence of introduction |
MARKS (15) | 15 – 13.5 | 13 – 11.5 | 11 – 9.5 | 9 – 7 | 6.5 – 3.5 | 3 – 1 |
Synopsis of Professional Responsibility | Voice over presentation in Power Point articulates a concise synopsis of the professional responsibilities of the registered nurse and its application to the case study. Key ethical principles are explicitly discussed with specific meaning and inherent linkage to the case study. The duty of care of the registered nurse is explicit. The professional responsibilities of the registered nurse presented are comprehensive, highly appropriate and specifically relevant to the NUM requirements in the brief | Voice over presentation in Power Point is a relevant synopsis of the professional responsibilities of the registered nurse and its application to the case study. Key ethical principles are fully relevant and discussed with meaning and solid linkage to the case study. The duty of care of the registered nurse is expressed well. The professional responsibilities of the registered nurse presented are comprehensive and relevant to the NUM requirements in the brief | Voice over presentation in Power Point provides a basic synopsis of the professional responsibilities of the registered nurse and its application to the case study. Key ethical principles are sound and relevant with meaning and linkage to the case study. The duty of care of the registered nurse is sound. A sound attempt to outline the professional responsibilities of the registered nurse relevant to the NUM requirements in the brief is provided All five (5) provided references are used appropriately with two (2) to three (3) further references applied | Voice over presentation completed in other sources than Powerpoint provides limited synopsis of the professional responsibilities of the registered nurse and its application to the case study. Some ethical principles are identified that are relevant with some meaning and linkage to the case study. The duty of care of the registered nurse is identified with some or minimal meaning and linkage to the case study. Minimal representation of an outline of the professional responsibilities of the registered nurse relevant to the NUM requirements in the brief is provided Less than the five (5) provided references are used appropriately with limited use of other supporting peer reviewed literature Some aspects were unclear. | Voice over presentation is absent, vague or inappropriate. Limited or no evidence provided that links a synopsis of the professional responsibilities of the registered nurse and its application to the case study. Ethical principles are vague/absent with limited or no meaning and linkage to the case study. The duty of care of the registered nurse is unclear/absent. Absent/unclear representation of an outline of the professional responsibilities of the registered nurse relevant to the NUM requirements in the brief is provided References are not appropriately used. Provided references are not utilised. Additional references are inappropriate/not evident. Many aspects were unclear. | No evidence of a completed Voice over power point presentation Information not relevant to the case study Ethical principles not evident Duty of care not discussed References absent or highly inappropriate |
All five (5) provided references are explicitly used appropriately with more than three (3) further highly appropriate and research based references applied | All five (5) provided references are used appropriately with at least three (3) further appropriate references applied | |||||
MARKS (15) | 15 – 13.5 | 13 – 11.5 | 11 – 9.5 | 9 – 7 | 6.5 – 3.5 | 3 – 1 |
Implications of Decisions in Resolving Professional Conflict | Voice over presentation that specifically shares explicit decisions made in relation to resolving the professional conflict in the case study | Voice over presentation that shares a comprehensive discussion of decisions made in relation to resolving the professional conflict in the case | Voice over presentation that shares a clear and reasonable discussion of decisions made in relation to resolving the professional conflict in the case | Voice over presentation that shares a narrative with minimal or vague relevance to the decisions made in relation to resolving the professional conflict in the case study | Voice over presentation is not clear or concise and does not appear to have relevance to the decisions made in relation to the professional conflict in the case study. Vague/minimal detail is provided of the decision making process. Vague/absent discussion of the decisions made and the implications relating to the case study. Minimal use of appropriate peer reviewed references both supplied and sourced is applied. Many aspects are unclear Material is not collated well | Voice over presentation is absent. No findings included in presentation or |
Explicit detail is provided of the | study | study | presenter notes | |||
Sound detail is provided of the | ||||||
decision making process, the | Comprehensive detail is | Sound detail is provided of the | decision making process, including | No detail relating to | ||
decisions made and the inherent implications relating to the case | provided of the decision making process, the decisions made and | decision making process, including most aspects of the | most aspects of the decisions made and most aspects of the implications | the decision making process is applied. | ||
study. | the inherent implications | decisions made and most | relating to the case study. | No references or | ||
Explicit and comprehensive use of appropriate peer reviewed | relating to the case study. Comprehensive use of | aspects of the implications relating to the case study. | Sound use of mostly appropriate peer reviewed references both | inappropriate references are used. | ||
references both supplied and | appropriate peer reviewed | Sound use of mostly appropriate | supplied and sourced is applied. | |||
sourced is applied. | references both supplied and sourced is applied. | peer reviewed references both supplied and sourced is applied. | More detail is required |
Material is collated, synthesised and expressed effectively. | Material is well synthesised | Material is collated however greater synthesis is needed. | Material is not collated and provides some insight. | |||
MARKS (10) | 10 – 9 | 8.5 – 7.5 | 7 – 6.5 | 6.0 – 5.0 | 4.5 – 3.5 | 3 – 1 |
Summary of Strategies | Four key strategies that are highly relevant to the case study and the professional responsibility of the registered nurse are well-articulated and articulately presented Highly articulated strategies are supported by peer reviewed referenced rationales in the presentation. Highly relevant strategies have clear and concise alignment with the registered nurses professional responsibility and the case study provided. Explicit and comprehensive use of appropriate peer reviewed references both supplied and sourced is articulately applied. | Three to four strategies that could be actioned in practice relevant to the case study and the professional responsibility of the registered nurse are clearly and concisely presented. Strategies are clearly supported with relevant and credible rationales supported by peer reviewed references. Concise strategies have a solid alignment with the registered nurses professional responsibility and the case study provided Comprehensive use of appropriate peer reviewed references both supplied and sourced is applied | Two to three strategies that could be actioned in practice relevant to the case study and the professional responsibility of the registered nurse are somewhat presented. More detail is required Strategies are mostly supported with some relevant rationales supported mostly by peer reviewed references. Strategies presented are mostly in alignment with the registered nurses professional responsibility however greater linkage could be provided. A greater link to the case study provided is required An attempt to use suitable references both supplied and sourced is made | Two or less strategies that could be actioned in practice are presented. Strategies have minimal or vague linkage to the professional responsibilities of the registered nurse or the case study provided More detail is required. Rationales are brief and non-specific with minimal or vague linkage to the strategies provided or the case study. Rationales are not well supported by appropriate peer reviewed literature sources, both provided and sourced references. Linkage with the case study is confusing or vague | No or limited suggested strategies that could be actioned in practice are presented No or limited linkage to the professional responsibility of the registered nurse or the case study is provided. Rationales are not evident or have no linkage to the case study Appropriate use of peer reviewed literature is not apparent. | No strategies No evidence of rationales are provided. Voice over presentation not evident |
MARKS (15) | 5 | 4 – 3.5 | 3 | 2.5 – 2.0 | 1.5 – 1 | 0 |
Presenter Notes | Presenter notes are highly relevant, articulate and explicitly linked to the presentation and the case study provided A highly articulate and concise summary of the professional responsibilities and ethical issues arising is presented A decision making summary is provided that is articulate and supported by provided and additional peer reviewed literature The implications summary is highly inclusive of the decision making process, the decisions made and the implications relating to the case study Presenter notes share a highly articulate rationale for the strategies and the implications for practice in alignment with the case study | Presenter notes are relevant and linked to the presentation and the case study provided A concise summary of the professional responsibilities and ethical issues arising is presented A decision making summary is provided that is concise and supported by provided and additional peer reviewed literature The implications summary is inclusive of the decision making process, the decisions made and the implications relating to the case study Presenter notes share a clear rationale for the strategies and the implications for practice in alignment with the case study | Presenter notes are attempted and somewhat linked to the presentation and the case study provided An attempt at a summary of the professional responsibilities and ethical issues arising is presented A decision making summary is attempted but not well supported by provided and additional peer reviewed literature The implications summary is attempted with aspects of the decision making process, the decisions made and the implications relating to the case study Presenter notes share an attempt at rationales for the strategies and implications for practice with some alignment with the case study | Presenter notes share minimal or vague link to the presentation and the case study provided A vague/absent summary of the professional responsibilities and ethical issues arising is presented A decision making summary is vague/absent Limited peer reviewed literature is utilised The implications summary is minimal/vague surrounding aspects of the decision making process, the decisions made and the implications relating to the case study Presenter notes share a vague/minimal attempt at rationales for the strategies and implications for practice with limited alignment with the case study | Presenter notes share no link to the presentation and the case study provided No summary of the professional responsibilities and ethical issues arising is presented that is appropriate to the case study A decision making summary is vague/absent and not appropriate to the case study Absence of appropriate peer reviewed literature is utilised The implications summary is absent surrounding aspects of the decision making process, the decisions made and the implications relating to the case study Presenter notes share a minimal to no attempt at rationales for the strategies and implications for practice with limited alignment with the case study | No presenter notes included in the assignment submission |
MARKS (15) | 5 | 4 – 3.5 | 3 | 2.5 – 2.0 | 1.5 – 1.0 | 0 |
Presentation Content | A highly stimulating presentation is methodically presented to the audience and engages the audience through a voiceover with stimulating evidence of key findings supported by the literature Strategies are methodically and articulately discussed Content is highly articulate and comprehensive to the case study and the graduate nurse | An interesting presentation is presented to the audience and engages the audience through a voiceover with good evidence of key findings supported by the literature Strategies are clearly discussed Content is clear and comprehensive to the chosen topic and the graduate nurse | Presentation is clear to the audience and engages the audience with a voiceover with some good areas of evidence of key findings supported by the literature Strategies are discussed Content is linked to the chosen topic and the graduate nurse | Presentation is a narrative to the audience and tends to not always engage the audience Voiceover is somewhat difficult to understand A narrative is provided of some key findings supported by minimal supported literature Strategies are somewhat discussed Content is somewhat linked to the chosen topic and the graduate nurse | Presentation is not clear to the audience and does not engage the audience with a voiceover that is clear or comprehensible with much supporting evidence Key findings are vague/not evident with little/no linkage to literature Strategies are vague/not evident Content is not linked to the chosen topic or the graduate nurse | Presentation is not clear or available No evidence of content linked to the question chosen Strategies are not evident |
MARKS (5) | 5 | 4 – 3.5 | 3 | 2.5 – 2.0 | 1.5 – 1.0 | 0 |
Academic Writing: structure, APA referencing expression /grammar | Expression High standard of academic presentation. Expressed ideas clearly, concisely & fluently. Very few/no spelling or grammatical errors in notes The presentation is accurately timed and is maintained within the prescribed limits Structure Well-constructed speaker notes Main points explicit to the case study Referencing Correctly cited sources both within text & reference list. No/limited mistakes in referencing format | Expression Expressed ideas clearly and concisely, thoughts expressed clearly in presentation time limits Very few spelling or grammatical errors The presentation is accurately timed and is within the prescribed limits Structure Well-constructed speaker notes Main points linked to the case study Referencing References to literature are good | Expression Expressed ideas mostly clear with some grammatical errors The presentation is reasonably timed Structure Provided paragraphs with main points however not clearly expressed Referencing References to literature are satisfactory | Errors in spelling & grammar The presentation is not well timed Structure Provided paragraphs but either main points were inappropriate or they were not linked key content areas. Referencing Reference to literature is present but not strong | The presentation is either too short or too long Structure No or limited structure The presentation does not answer the question and is not engaging Referencing Literature not appropriate or insufficient Incorrect referencing | No voice over recording is evident No use of APA referencing Presentation requires extensive development No speaker notes submitted with presentation |
LATE PENALTY: 5% of total marks available for the assessment item per business day deducted from total mark gained | ||||||

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