PBHL20001 Term 1, 2022
Supplementary Assessment
The influenza pandemic that followed World War I and took place over the period from 1918-1920 resulted in an estimated 100 million deaths worldwide and 500 million infections. In addition, this pandemic had a significant impact on public health practice throughout the 20th century and that continues to be felt today.
In about 1000 words, discuss the continuing impact of the 1918-1920 influenza pandemic on public health practice today and draw parallels with the current COVID19 pandemic. Make sure to discuss similarities and differences as well as the effect of lessons learned over time.
Note, you should NOT discuss the clinical aspects of either influenza or COVID19, except as required to support your discussion of public health practice today and in the past.
Referencing should use the Harvard system, and your assignment should have in text references as well as a reference list. Please check the guidelines for referencing available through the Library or more generally on the internet.
You must submit your assessment as an MS Word file in Moodle by July 20, 2022.

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