Assessment Information/Brief 2022-23
Module title | Automation & Robotics |
CRN | 31817 |
Level | 7 |
Assessment title | Programmable Logic Controllers (PLC) |
Weighting within module | This assessment is worth 15% of the overall module mark. |
Submission deadline date and time | Friday 28/04/2023 16:00. |
How to submit A Draft and Final submission area is available in Blackboard under ‘PLC Assignment‘. I advise you to make full use of the Draft area to check your referencing and similarity before submitting your Final report. (NOTE: only reports in the Final area will be marked). Please submit your report as a Word or PDF document. | |
Assessment task details and instructions The assignment is clearly more than simply writing a PLC program and showing that it works – the aim is to treat the activity as if it were a real industrial automation project, from requirements specification, design and implementation through to testing, critical assessment and documentation. Appendix 1 provides information on the hardware used in this assignment. Minimum Control Requirements 1. Start both conveyor motors under push-button control. 2. Release one ring onto the upper conveyor. 3. When ring clears the plastic/metal sensors system, release another ring. 4. If ring is plastic, operate Ring Release solenoid for 1st chute for long enough to divert ring into chute (allow metal rings to proceed to surplus ring container). 5. Limit number of rings that can be released into chute if there are insufficient pegs. 6. When a ring is detected in 1st chute assembly area, release a peg. 7. Divert completed ring-peg assemblies to Assembly Collection Area 1. In terms of a Grafcet program, the above requirements could be implemented as three concurrent sequences: 1. Measurement of Rings on top Belt 2. Upper conveyor ring release; metal/plastic ring detection; diversion of plastic rings into chute; monitoring of number of rings in chute. 3. Lower conveyor peg release; diversion of complete assemblies into collection area | |
Assessed intended learning outcomes On successful completion of this assessment, you will be able to: Knowledge and Understanding Have a critical awareness of the principles of feedback control and its application to industrial plant;Have a systematic approach and comprehensive understanding of the ladder logic methods to design PLC based control systems. Practical, Professional or Subject Specific Skills Ability to program and developing control system with PLC. Transferable Skills and other Attributes Demonstrate communication skills through written examinations and assignment reports.Demonstrate information technology skills via the use of PLC programming, PID control system design and tuning. | |
Module Aims To provide the student with a comprehensive understanding of current industrial control technology and practices. On completion of the module, the student will have an appreciation of current PLC systems and have the ability to design a PLC based control system. To provide the student with a comprehensive understanding of the theory and practice of advanced robotic manipulators. | |
Word count/ duration (if applicable) Your assessment should be between 2000 and 5000 words. | |
Feedback arrangements You can expect to receive feedback within 15 working days of the deadline date on Blackboard. | |
Support arrangements You can obtain support for this assessment from Dr Saber Mahboubi through email correspondence or a prearranged meeting. Academic Integrity and Referencing Students are expected to learn and demonstrate skills associated with good academic conduct (academic integrity). Good academic conduct includes the use of clear and correct referencing of source materials. Here is a link to where you can find out more about the skills which students need: Academic integrity & referencing Referencing Academic Misconduct is an action which may give you an unfair advantage in your academic work. This includes plagiarism, asking someone else to write your assessment for you or taking notes into an exam. The University takes all forms of academic misconduct seriously. Assessment Information If you have any questions about assessment rules, you can find out more here. Personal Mitigating Circumstances If personal mitigating circumstances may have affected your ability to complete this assessment, you can find more information about personal mitigating circumstances procedure here. Personal Tutor/Student Progression Administrator If you have any concerns about your studies, contact your Personal Tutor or your Student Progression Administrator. You can find more information about understanding your assessment brief and assessment tips for success here. Assessment Rules and Processes You can find information about assessment rules and processes in Blackboard in the Assessment Support module. Develop your Academic and Digital Skills Find resources to help you develop your skills here. Concerns about Studies or Progress If you have any concerns about your studies, contact your Academic Progress Review Tutor/Personal Tutor or your Student Progression Administrator (SPA). askUS Services The University offers a range of support services for students through askUS including Disability and Learner Support, Wellbeing and Counselling Services. Personal Mitigating Circumstances (PMCs) If personal mitigating circumstances (e.g. illness or other personal circumstances) may have affected your ability to complete this assessment, you can find more information about the Personal Mitigating Circumstances Procedure here. Independent advice is available from the Students’ Union Advice Centre about this process. Click here for an appointment to speak to an adviser. | |
Assessment Criteria Your report should include the following sections – if you omit a section – you don’t get the marks for that section: Introduction – purpose of the assignment and what it involves. You could include here some background to the use of PLCs in industrial automation. (5 marks) System Description – include the diagram of workcell from the attached notes with a brief description of its construction and required operation. Identify and describe the purpose of all sensors and actuators (include the table of I/O assignments from the notes). State what model of PLC and programming software were used. (10 marks) Requirements – present a detailed list of the automation requirements and constraints. (10 marks) Program Design – using Grafcet and explanatory notes, describe the high-level design of your program. Mention any problems you encountered and explain how they were resolved. (15 marks) Ladder Logic Program – present a listing of your program with inputs and outputs appropriately annotated, e.g. “upper conveyer motor”, “inductive sensor” etc. (25 marks) Explanation of Program – a brief explanation of each line of the ladder program. In particular, explain the purpose of the various timers and flags. (10 marks) Testing – describe the tests that could have been done to check the programme. (10 marks) Discussion – here you should comment on the effectiveness of the use of a PLC to solve this control problem. What other control techniques could have been used? Are there any limitations or weaknesses in your solution? (10 marks) Conclusion – a brief conclusion summarising what has been achieved and any comments you may have about the exercise. (5 marks) At level 7 the pass mark is 50% and the scale is: Percentage Mark Level of Performance 90-100 Outstanding 80-89 Excellent 70-79 Very Good 60-69 Good 50-59 Satisfactory 40-49 Unsatisfactory 30-39 Inadequate 20-29 Poor 10-19 Very poor 0-9 Extremely poor | |
In Year Retrieval Scheme Your assessment is not eligible for in year retrieval. | |
Reassessment If you fail your assessment, and are eligible for reassessment, you will need to resubmit this assignment. The submission date will be in summer with the exact date confirmed in a Blackboard announcement. For students with accepted personal mitigating circumstances, this will be your replacement assessment attempt. Appendix of Equipment and Hardware Workcell Actuators Workcell Sensors Feedback PLC Workcell 34-120 / Allen-Bradley MicroLogix 1000 PLC Wiring Actuators MicroLogix 1000 PLC Output Wire Colours Workcell Input Workcell Actuator Description O/0 [O:0/0] Red/Blue SOL3 Flipper solenoid at 2nd ring chute O/1 [O:0/1] White/Red SOL2 Flipper solenoid at 1st ring chute O/2 [O:0/2] White/Blue SOL1 Width/diameter guage reject flipper solenoid CURRENTLY NOT PRESENT O/3 [O:0/3] Red/Brown HMDRV Height/thickness motor drive O/4 [O:0/4] Yellow/Red DISP1 Ring release solenoid, ring loading chute O/5 [O:0/5] White/Green CONV1 Upper conveyor motor O/6 [O:0/6] Orange/Green CHUT2 Ring release solenoid, 2nd ring storage chute O/7 [O:0/7] Yellow/Blue CHUT1 Ring release solenoid, 1st ring storage chute O/8 [O:0/8] Red/Black SOL4 Assembly sort solenoid O/9 [O:0/9] Blue/Black CONV2 Lower conveyor motor O/10 [O:0/10] Yellow/Green DISP2 Peg release solenoid, peg loading chute O/11 [O:0/11] Orange/Blue WMDRV Width/diameter guage motor drive CURRENTLY NOT PRESENT Power MicroLogix 1000 PLC Output (Wire Marker on) Wire Colour(s) Workcell Input Work Cell Input Description DC COM Brown & Green on Black 24PLC PLC PSU 24V VAC VDC Brown & Purple on Red 0VPLC PLC P0V Sensors MicroLogix 1000 Input (Wire Marker on) Wire Colour(s) Workcell Ouput Workcell Sensor Description I/0 [I:0/0] Purple HBDC Height/thickness guage bottom dead centre I/1 [I:0/1] Orange HTDC Height/thickness guage top dead centre I/2 [I:0/2] Brown HGHT Ring height/thickness OK I/3 [I:0/3] Grey OPT1 Opto sensor ahead of height/thickness guage I/4 [I:0/4] Dark Blue OPT2 Opto sensor at inductive sensor I/5 [I:0/5] Pink IND Inductive sensor I/6 [I:0/6] Yellow DMX Ring width/diameter > maximum acceptable CURRENTLY NOT PRESENT I/7 [I:0/7] Green DMN Ring width/diameter < minimum acceptable I/8 [I:0/8] Pale Blue WDTH Ring width/diameter OK I/9 [I:0/9] White OPT6 Assembly collection area 1 full sensor I/10 [I:0/10] Green/Red OPT5 Assembly collection area 2 full sensor I/11 [I:0/11] Red OPT4 Ring present in assembly area, 1st chute I/12 [I:0/12] Brown & Red on Yellow OPT3 Ring present in assembly area, 2nd chute I/13 [I:0/13] Brown & Orange on Green DBDC Ring width/diameter guage bottom dead centre CURRENTLY NOT PRESENT I/14 [I:0/14] Brown & Yellow on Blue DTDC Ring width/diameter guage top dead centre CURRENTLY NOT PRESENT I/15 [I:0/15] Black HMAX Ring height/thickness > maximum acceptable I/16 [I:0/16] Brown & Blue on White HMIN Ring height/thickness < minimum acceptable I/18 [I:0/18] Blue Start button (BLACK) in box on flying lead I/19 [I:0/19] Green Stop Button (RED) in box on flying lead |

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