TASK DESCRIPTION (Assessment item 1)
Aim: This assessment is related to the legal, ethical, and other governance structures that inform your practice as a registered nurse.
Task: Progressive assessment: Compendium workbook
This assessment consists of FOUR parts. Students will need to select any four stimulus questions from weeks one to 8 inclusive. You will need to create an original response of approximately 200 words for each of your selected stimulus questions. The post must contain a quote or paraphrase from the identified journal or source linked to the question, plus one additional reference to support your discussion (i.e., two references). Sources must be referenced according to APA formatting. You will place your post in the discussion forum AND copy your post into a word document and submit this via the assessment submission on Moodle. The first two posts are due by Monday week 5. Students MUST submit each task individually and may complete the assessment progressively with the final TWO posts due by Monday week 9. Please ensure you have completed and submitted FOUR POSTS in total.
Learning Outcomes Assessed: LO1 to LO 4 inclusive
Due description
PART A: The first TWO posts are due by Monday week 5. PART B: The final TWO posts due by Monday week 9. Please ensure you have completed and submitted FOUR POSTS in total.
Return description
Target return date for on time assessments is 2 to 3 weeks following submission due date. NOTE: Once marked the results will be released progressively.
Submission instructions
Each part of the workbook compendium can be progressively uploaded provided ALL four parts are received by the due date. You will need to post to the forum AND copy the content of your post into a word document and upload in Moodle
Marking rubric begins on next page
This assessment item is weighted at 40% (i.e., each post is worth 10%)
HD | D | C | P | F | Mark |
Identification of key concept | |||||
Clear and succinct identification and definition of a key concept from the corresponding module content. | Clear and appropriate identification and definition of a key concept from the corresponding module content. | Appropriate identification and definition of a key point contained in the module content. | A suggestion of a concept or definition that is linked to module content | No or inappropriate identification or definition of any concept. | /10 |
Approach and discussion | |||||
Discussion is clear, logical, and exceptionally well linked to the Stimulus question and e-reading item. | Discussion is clear, logical, and well linked to the stimulus question and e-reading item. | Discussion is satisfactory and links to the stimulus question and e-reading item. | Discussion occurs at a basic level and links to the stimulus question and e-reading item. | An inadequate discussion that has little or no link to the stimulus question and/or e-reading item. | /10 |
A high level of critical thought is presented. | Well-developed critical thought is evident. | Emerging critical thought is presented. | Some perceptible critical thought is evident. | Limited/ no critical thought is evident. | /10 |
Research and Referencing – | |||||
References fully adhere to APA guidelines. A minimum of 2 references used. References are within the last five years. | References consistently adhere to reference list presentation guidelines of APA style. A minimum of 2 references used. References are within the last five years. | References frequently adhere to reference list presentation guidelines of APA style. A minimum of 2 references used. References are within the last five years. | References occasionally adhere to presentation guidelines of APA style. A minimum of 2 references used. References are within the last five years. | References do not adhere to presentation guidelines of APA style. A minimum of 2 references not provided. References are not contemporary. | /10 |

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