The survey which was conducted online during week 2 of this trimester will form the basis of the Lab Report due on Friday 30th December, 2022 (Study Break Week). This Lab Report is to be a maximum of 2000 words (excluding the abstract and references), and must be submitted using the APA 7th edition formatting guidelines discussed in class. You are required to submit your Lab Report (.docx format) to the SafeAssign drop box on LearnJCU by 23:59pm (SGT) on the due date.
The aim of the experiment was to evaluate whether the Big ‘5’ personality factors influence climate change anxiety. In your lab report you are to formulate 2 hypotheses, each focusing on a different personality trait. Your hypotheses must clearly indicate the direction of the relationship/association between the trait and climate change anxiety.
169 students attempted the survey; those with missing values were deleted (n = 11). Total usable sample = 158
Mean age = 21.30, Standard Deviation = 3.99. Minimum age = 17 years. Maximum age = 41 years.
- Males: 35
- Females: 117
- Non-binary / gender diverse / intersex: 2
- Prefer not to say: 4
Qualtrics survey platform was used to house this study.
There were 3 sections in this survey: Demographic items, Mini IPIP, Climate Change Anxiety Scale.
Total scale scores are obtained by averaging values for each item within a scale. i.e. scores from all items measuring extraversion are averaged to find the extraversion subscale score.
Previous Cronbach alphas for each scale are reported in the respective articles. Cronbach alphas for the current study are reported in table below.
Scale | Alpha value |
Climate Change Anxiety | .912 |
Neuroticism | .707 |
Agreeableness | .736 |
Conscientiousness | .742 |
Extraversion | .778 |
Intellect/Imagination | .748 |
The average time taken to complete this survey was 7 minutes.
Reporting the results (i.e. what to include in your results section!)
When reporting the results in your laboratory report, you will first describe how the raw data was treated. Then have a section called Descriptive Statistics where you will include a table which details the descriptive statistics. The next section will be called Correlations. You will need to report the results of the two relevant correlations in full sentences.
Raw data was downloaded from Qualtrics directly into SPSS v27. The statistical test conducted to analyse the data was a Pearson’s correlation.
Descriptive Statistics
Scale | Mean (M) | Standard Deviation (SD) | Minimum score | Maximum score |
Climate Change Anxiety | 2.38 | .585 | 1.00 | 3.38 |
Neuroticism | 3.25 | .699 | 1.50 | 4.75 |
Agreeableness | 3.68 | .712 | 1.75 | 5.00 |
Conscientiousness | 3.28 | .725 | 1.25 | 5.00 |
Extraversion | 2.68 | .764 | 1.00 | 4.50 |
Intellect/Imagination | 3.56 | .746 | 1.75 | 5.00 |
Climate Change Anxiety | ||
Trait | r | p-value |
Neuroticism | .313 | .023 |
Agreeableness | .093 | .111 |
Conscientiousness | .127 | .053 |
Extraversion | -.038 | .434 |
Intellect/Imagination | .165 | .031 |
To get you started with your discussion… in regards to the two traits you are evaluating in your lab report… highlight the applicable option below
Trait | Statistical Significance | Direction of association | Strength of association | ||||
Yes | No | + | – | S | M | L | |
Yes | No | + | – | S | M | L |
Now determine whether your hypotheses were supported or not supported. Interpret these findings in light of the previous literature.
· If your findings were inconsistent with previous literature consider and discuss why this is so

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