Word limit: Up to 3000 words (excluding references and annex ONLY). Your Tender Application must not exceed 3000 words.
Look at the marking criteria and pay attention to the percentage allocated to each section. Produce effort commensurate to the weight of the section.
Your Tender Application is an opportunity to showcase your understanding of health promotion concepts and theories taught throughout this unit. These could be (but not limited to) models of understanding health, Ottawa Charter principles, theoretical models of behavior change, health promotion values. Consider how they may relate to your project and try to use them when appropriate.
As outlined in the assessment criteria, your Tender Application requires the following sections:
- Executive Summary (Project summary)
- Concisely summarises the project including the need, objective(s)of the program intervention, anticipated outcomes and evaluation
- Approximately 3/4 of a page
- Background and Needs Assessment – Summarises the general context in which the program intervention will take place, including the location and target group
- Description of the problem that the program seeks to address, including:
- Statement of the problem
- Impact of the problem on the target group using evidence
- Evidence of critical analysis of stakeholders (stakeholder matrix as annex) and stakeholder engagement strategy **If this was weak in your original Needs Assessment submission, then change it – add it in**
- You will be assessed on your use of concepts taught in this unit (e.g. guiding theory, relevant health promotion and behaviour change models, socio- ecological approach)
- Note: You are permitted to use the Needs Assessment and Stakeholder Analysis you wrote for assessment 1. However, you will be expected to consider the feedback from assessment 1 and use that feedback to improve your original Needs Assessment. Your community/location may have changed (become more specific), therefore you will need to revise and provide localised evidence where possible.
- You will not be penalised for self-plagiarism, in this case.
- Description of the problem that the program seeks to address, including:
3. Project design and implementation plan
- Project longer-term outcome (overall goal) and purpose/objective defined
- Major impacts of the project defined – key results (as per the Program Logic) that will contribute to the achievement of the longer-term outcome and objective
- Clear and achievable – Key project activities defined alongside each output and impact or outcome, plus how it will be implemented
- Major impacts of the project defined – key results (as per the Program Logic) that will contribute to the achievement of the longer-term outcome and objective
- Project management: Issues of management, responsibilities and resources (inputs) addressed
- You will be assessed on your use of health promotion concepts taught in this unit
- Evaluation plan
- Evaluation methods and data sources clearly defined
- Frequency of data collection specified
- Short term, intermediate and long-term impacts and outcomes defined (as stemmed from your Program Logic as annex) – Must include short and intermediate with focus here and mention of long term – depending on the program you are doing
- You will be assessed on your use of health promotion concepts taught in this unit
- Team
- Clear demonstration of organisational capacity – how can your organisation prove that it can handle the project?
- Each team member bio presented, summarizing strengths and skills they will bring to the team and project
- Roles and responsibilities assigned
- Budget
- Realistic and cost-effective
- Includes:
- personnel
- travel/meetings
- equipment
- overhead cost
- rent, telephone, postage and accounting services
- printing and dissemination of project materials.
- Budget is divided into financial years with a total cost included
- Budget – $50k – $100k per year
o Be mindful of the exchange rates as some or all of program will be conducted overseas
- Budget could increase year by year, need to show congruence from year to year proportionally for the time it demands.
- Annexes
- Stakeholder matrix (power, influence and management strategy evaluated)
- Project Activity Schedule (Gantt chart)
- Program Logic – broad overview of the program implementation and evaluation plan. It is only a table/diagram of what you will be doing and how it will be evaluated. In the body (above sections) you need to highlight the significant activities (how the project is built – describe concisely what your program logic includes)
- If you used your own health issue/target population for assessment 2, you are permitted to use this program logic in your tender application. It is expected that you will consider feedback from assessment 2 and revise your program logic as required.
- You will not be penalised for self-plagiarism, in this case.
- Your program logic should also include impacts/outcomes (short-term impacts, intermediate impacts and the longer-term overarching outcome) of the project
- Map of location (optional)
- Resources
- APA 6th edition
- Having literature to support the design of your health promotion intervention is ESSENTIAL – your program must be evidence-informed. Try to find evidence of successful implementation of a similar project elsewhere (nationally or internationally). It is highly desirable that referencing includes literature to support your program strategies are relevant, timely and appropriate HP, as wel as being based on theory.
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