Weight: | 50% |
Type of Collaboration: | Individual |
Due: | Teaching week 7: Thursday 20 April 2022 by 04.59 PM |
Submission: | Submit your assessment electronically through the Turnitin link on the subject vUWS site. |
Format: | All assignments are to be typed Typing must be according to the following format: 3 cm left and right margins, double spaced. Font: Arial or Times New Roman Font size: 12pt See further submission requirements below Submission Requirements Electronic copy only. Students are to submit an electronic copy of the assessment. Students are not required to submit the original hard copy of their assessment on campusSubmit your assessment electronically through the Turnitin link on the subject vUWS site.Students are to upload the assessment with the following title; Surname_Firstname_assessment titleYour assessment must be submitted in .doc, docx format.This assessment is marked online; no paper copy will be accepted. Marks, comments and the marking criteria will be released online. If you do not receive your marked assessment when all others have been returned, it is your responsibility to contact the Subject Coordinator for assistance. |
Length: | 2500 words |
Curriculum Mode: | Essay |
Word Count
There is a word limit of 2500 words. Use your computer to total the number of words used in your assignment. However, do not include the reference list at the end of your assignment in the word count.
In-text citations will be included in the additional 10% word count.
If you exceed the word limit by more than 10% the marking at 2500 words plus 10%
Aim of assessment
The aim of the assessment task is to provide the student with the opportunity to discuss the applicability and importance of theory guided nursing practice, including the discussion of their application of a major espoused theory and exploration of their own theory-in-use and how this impacts on their own nursing practice.
Assessment task
With particular reference to current (from 2017 onwards) academic literature, critically discuss the importance and applicability of theory guided nursing practice in general and to your own nursing practice in particular.
In addressing the assessment task you are required to:
- Discuss one major theoretical perspective, such as a nursing theory, that currently guides your nursing practice
and discuss why this perspective was chosen and how it guides and impacts on your nursing practice.
- Discuss your own personal theory of nursing, including your beliefs and values in relation to the concepts of
health, nursing, person and environment and the relationships between these concepts as you understand them.
- Discuss how your own personal theory-in-use developed and how it impacts on your actual nursing practice
- With particular reference to the current relevant academic literature critically discuss the importance and applicability of theory guided nursing practice in general and to your own nursing practice contexts in particular (Please see the Marking Criteria and Standards for the Discussion Paper).
Note re student directions
- The work is to be structured as a formal essay, with a relevant introduction, body of work and conclusion, however, headings and subheadings may be used.
- The assessment task as set must be adequately and appropriately addressed.
- There must be clear identification and evidence of understanding of major issues, with evidence of critical
examination of issues, including sound arguments and positions adequately supported by academic literature as appropriate and required.
- When presenting your own reflections and ideas in relation to your own personal theory of nursing, it is
appropriate to use the first person; however, elsewhere use of the third person is required.
- The work is to conform to the conventions of academic writing, with logical flow of ideas, clarity and conciseness of expression, non-discriminatory use of language, and consistently accurate spelling, grammar, punctuation,
and sentence and paragraph construction.
- You are required to have at least five (5) recent (i.e. from 2017) references from peer-reviewed academic journals,
preferably from nursing journals.
- All sources of information must be adequately acknowledged by correct and complete referencing. References must be: in the APA 7 referencing style, adequately and correctly given, both in text and in the final reference list, and in strict accordance with the Western Sydney University (2020) American Psychological Association 7th edition referencing style guide. Available from: https://library.uws.edu.au/main/sites/default/files/pdf/ cite_APA.pdf The reference guide is based on the American Psychological Association (2020) Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (7th edition) . Use of non-academic literature is not acceptable. Further, it is not acceptable to copy any information from other sources, including Websites or other electronic sources, other students, books, journals, etc., and present it as your own work (please see the Student Misconduct Rule policy)
- The reference list is not included in the word count, but in-text references are counted.
- Examples may be available on the vUWS site.
- There are a number of textbooks and resources available through the Western Sydney University Library that may assist you. Please refer to the subject’s vUWS site for specific subject resources.
Marking Criteria:
Criteria | High Distinction | Distinction | Credit | Pass | Fail |
Criteria 1 –Introduction | Exceptional, outstanding clear, concise overview of topic and paper. All major concepts and issues identified and addressed in excellent manner. | Good or superior overview of topic and paper. All major concepts and issues clearly, concisely and accurately identified and defined. | Most central concepts and issues are clearly identified. Satisfactory, relevant, clear overview introducing main issues to be addressed. | Some central concepts and issues are clearly identified. Satisfactory, relevant, clear overview introducing main issues to be addressed. | The main issues are neither identified nor fully defined. Poor or absent overview of main issues to be addressed. |
/10 | 8.5-10 | 7.5-8 | 6.5-7.0 | 5-6 | 0-4.5 |
Criteria 2 – Discussion of one major theoretical perspective currently guiding own nursing practice, including why this perspective was chosen and how it guides and impacts on own nursing practice. | Outstanding, original, clear, concise identification and justification of one major theoretical perspective guiding own nursing practice. Discussion involves excellent argumentation and expert support from current academic literature. Exceptional understanding of issues related to own theory guided practice. | Superior identification and justification of one major theoretical perspective guiding own nursing practice. Discussion involves very good argumentation and very good support from current academic literature. Very good understanding of issues related to own theory guided practice. | Good identification and justification of one major theoretical perspective guiding own nursing practice. Discussion involves good argumentation and good support from current academic literature. Good understanding of issues related to own theory guided practice. | Satisfactory identification and justification of one major theoretical perspective guiding own nursing practice. Discussion involves minimal support from current academic literature. Limited understanding of issues related to own theory guided practice. | Fails to adequately identify, justify and discuss one major theoretical perspective currently guiding own nursing practice. Poor substantiation from current academic literature. Poor understanding of issues related to own theory guided practice. |
/15 | 13-15 | 11.5-12.5 | 10-11 | 7.5-9.5 | 0-7 |
Criteria 3 – Discusses own personal theory of nursing, including own beliefs and values in relation to the concepts of health, nursing, person and environment and the relationships between these concepts. | Exceptional, innovative, original approach to the identification and discussion of own personal theory of nursing. Outstanding identification and discussion of own, personal theory of nursing’s concepts of health, nursing, person and environment and relationships between them. | Superior, excellent identification and discussion of own personal theory of nursing. Very good identification and discussion of own, personal theory of nursing’s concepts of health, nursing, person and environment and relationships between them. | Good identification and discussion of own personal theory of nursing. Good identification and discussion of own, personal theory of nursing’s concepts of health, nursing, person and environment and relationships between them. | Satisfactory identification and discussion of own personal theory of nursing. Adequate identification and discussion of own, personal theory of nursing’s concepts of health, nursing, person and environment and relationships between them. | Failure or inadequate identification and discussion of own personal theory of nursing. Lack of adequate identification and discussion of own, personal theory of nursing’s concepts of health, nursing, person and environment and relationships between them. |
/15 | 13.5-15 | 11.5-12.5 | 10-11 | 7.5-9.5 | 0-7 |
Criteria 4 – Discusses how own personal theory-in-use developed and how it impacts on own actual nursing practice. | Exceptional, cogent, focused, critically reflective discussion on development of own personal theory in use and its impact on own nursing practice. | Superior, excellent discussion on development of own personal theory in use and its impact on own nursing practice. | Good discussion on development of own personal theory in use and its impact on own nursing practice. | Satisfactory discussion on development of own personal theory in use and its impact on own nursing practice. | Little or no discussion on development of own personal theory in use and its impact on own nursing practice. |
/15 | 13-15 | 11.5-12.5 | 10-11 | 7.5-9.5 | 0-7 |
Criteria 5 – With particular reference to the current academic literature, discuss the importance and applicability of theory guided nursing practice in general and to own nursing practice in particular. | Expert, thorough use of current, relevant peer reviewed academic literature to support cogent, focused, structured, critical examination and outstanding discussion of theory guided nursing practice and its applicability and importance to nursing practice contexts including own. | High quality work with relevant extensive use of current, relevant peer reviewed academic literature to support excellent critical examination and thorough discussion of theory guided practice and its applicability and importance to nursing practice contexts. | Effective, relevant use of current, relevant peer reviewed academic literature to support good critical examination and cogent discussion of theory guided nursing practice and its applicability and importance to nursing practice contexts including own. | Satisfactory use of a limited range of current, relevant peer reviewed academic literature, to adequately support critical examination of theory guided practice and its applicability and importance to nursing practice contexts including own. | Poor or inadequate or inappropriate use of academic literature to support discussion. Little evidence of critical examination or discussion of theory guided nursing practice and its applicability and importance to nursing practice context including own. |
/15 | 13-15 | 11.5-12.5 | 10-11 | 7.5-9.5 | 0-7 |
Criteria 6 – Conclusion. | Exceptional, outstanding clear, concise conclusion, excellently drawing on significant points raised in the essay and drawing these together in an outstanding manner. | Very good, clear, concise conclusion, succinctly and meaningfully drawing on significant points raised in the essay and drawing these together in a very good manner. | Relevant, clear, concise conclusion, that aptly supports the preceding arguments and significant points raised in the essay and drawing these together in a good manner. | Relevant conclusion with reasonable support for preceding arguments and significant points in the essay. | Problematic conclusion that fails to provide a relevant, adequate conclusion for preceding points, arguments and issues raised in the essay. Failure to address the basic requirement of a conclusion. |
Criteria | High Distinction | Distinction | Credit | Pass | Fail |
/10 | 8.5-10 | 7.5-8 | 6.5-7 | 5-6 | 0-7 |
Criteria 7- Referencing using APA 7 ed. referencing style. | Flawless referencing, with all references adequately and correctly given, both in text and in final reference list according to APA 7 ed. referencing style. Extensive, relevant current academic reference lists effectively utilized. | Very good referencing, with adequate and correct references given both in text and in final reference list according to APA 7 ed. referencing style. Comprehensive, relevant, list of current academic references effectively used. | Good, adequate referencing, using a reasonable range of current academic reference. Minimal referencing style errors, following APA 7 ed. referencng style both in text and in final reference list. | Satisfactory referencing, using a reasonable range of current academic reference (at least 5). Some referencing style errors ,but following APA 7 ed. refrerencing style both in text and in final reference list. | Unsatisfactory referencing, insufficient, current academic references (i.e. less than 5). Absent, inadequate or incorrect referencing style noted. |
/5 | 4.5-5 | 4 | 3.5 | 2.5-3 | 0-2 |
Criteria 8 – Correct sentence, paragraph, grammatical construction, spelling and punctuation. | Publishable level or outstanding writing style and use of language. | Excellent writing style and use of language. No errors in spelling, grammar, punctuation or writing style. | Effective expression and writing style. Minimal errors in grammar, punctuation, sentence construction, paragraph construction or spelling. | Adequate, writing style. Limited vocabulary, with minor errors in grammar, spelling, and/ or sentence structure that do not impede meaning. | Poor writing style with errors in expression, sentence structure, paragraph structure, spelling and punctuation that impede meaning. |
/5 | 4-5 | 4 | 3.5 | 2.5-3 | 0-2 |
Criteria 9 – Clarity of Expression throughout work, with scholarly and non-discriminatory use of language. | Publishable or outstanding level of clarity of expression, scholarly writing style and absence of any discriminatory use of language throughout. | Clear concise clarity of expression, with no ambiguity issues, advanced, very good, well developed writing style with no use of discriminatory language throughout. | Clear concise clarity of expression, with no ambiguity issues, good, well developed writing style with no use of discriminatory language throughout. | Reasonable clarity with little or no ambiguity issues. Reasonable writing style but limited use of language. No use of discriminatory language throughout. | Poor clarity, with ambiguity issues noted. Writing style of language impedes clarity of meaning and adequate communication of ideas. |
/5 | 4.5-5 | 4 | 3.5 | 2.5-3 | 0-2 |
Criteria 10 – Organized and logical sequencing. | Expert, outstanding coherent, logical organized sequencing. | Very good, cogent, focused, structured sequencing with logically ordered flow of ideas. Concise and orderly. | Effective, focused structured sequencing with logically ordered flow of ideas. | Adequate organization and logical sequencing of material and major points. | Inadequate organization and logical sequencing. Illogical flow to presentation of ideas and arguments. |
/5 | 4.5-5 | 4 | 3.5 | 2.5-3 | 0-2 |