Assesment 1:
3a Workplace health and safety record keeping requirements for the harmonised jurisdictions are provided in the Model Regulations to the Workplace Health and Safety Act and incorporated into each jurisdiction’s own regulations.
Provide an outline of the requirements for reporting a notifiable incident and provide two (2) examples of notifiable incidents. (50-100 words)
Question 3 B
Explain the requirements for recording and reporting workplace incidents.
Question 3 C
Discuss the requirements for record keeping relating to health and safety matters or incidents in the workplace. In your response, include the requirements for maintaining records of accidents or incidents and the different types of record keeping requirements associated with work health and safety.
Question 3 D
Outline how an organisation can ensure that its WHS policies, procedures and practices are up to date with current legislative and regulatory requirements.
Question 4 A
In your own words, discuss general duty requirements as it relates to WHS and due diligence.
Question 4 D
Discuss the requirements for consultation with employees and how their contributions can support better work health and safety. In your response, discuss the benefits of employee consultation (50-100 words)
Question 5 A
Discuss the Code of Practice relating to manual tasks and its relationship with the WHS Act.
Question 5 B
What are four (4) injuries that may be sustained from hazardous manual tasks and from a generic perspective, what are three (3) main causes of these injuries?
Question 5 C
What are the manual tasks that put workers at risk of injury in the community care sectors and how can these injuries be avoided or minimised? (50-100 words)
Question 6 A
Explain the hierarchy of control and the associated strategies for controlling risks.
Question 6 B
Discuss the process of hazard identification and provide three (3) examples of poor practices of work. (50-100 words)
Question 6 C
Discuss the process of risk assessment. Include in your response how risks are categorised.
Question 6 D
What are two (2) key points that should be applied during the development and implementation of a risk assessment strategy
Question 7 A
Explain the purpose and process of conducting an investigation following a workplace incident. Why do incidents need to be investigated?
Question 7 B
Describe the reason/s for using PPE.
Question 7 C
Describe four (4) items of personal protective equipment and their purpose.
Question 7 D
In terms of the PPE being fit for purpose, what should the use of PPE ensure and how should PPE be used and maintained.
Question 8 A
What are four (4) ways to assist in the prevention of infection spreading between workers and clients?
Question 8 B
When working in close proximity to clients and other workers in community services care environments, what are three (3) bacteria, viruses, rashes or other contagious conditions might you be exposed to? Be specific and provide at least example for each.
Question 8 C
Describe how infections can occur in community services? (20-40 words)
Question 8 D
Discuss why infection control is essential (50-100 words)
Question 8 E
Explain the reasons why surface and utensils need to be regularly cleaned. Include in your response the reasons why and how they can be cleaned under certain circumstances (50-100 words)
Question 9 A
What are four (4) responsibilities of the human resource department as it relates to WHS in the workplace?
Question 9 B
What are four (4) specific human resource policies that link with the health and safety of workers? (50-100 words)
Question 10 A
How can employees become involved in WHS in the workplace? (50-100 words)
Question 11 A
Discuss emergency procedures in the workplace (100-200 words). In your response, include information on:
- What emergency procedures should include
- How emergency procedures support safety protocols in the case of large emergencies such as fire, bomb threats and other disasters
- Three (3) types of emergency situations that may occur in the workplace
- Three (3) different types of emergency procedures
- The role/responsibility of the worker to act in an emergency situation
- Recording requirements
Question 12 A
Briefly discuss the procedure to be followed in the event of a fire or an emergency lockdown.
Question 13 A
What are four (4) methods that can be used by a PCBU to provide support for workers.
Question 14 A
Discuss the role of the HSC in relation to supporting staff and supporting the organisation’s commitment to work health and safety. Consider the make up of the committee, its rights and responsibilities and how it functions at meetings.
Question 14 B
Discuss the role of the HSR
Question 15 A
What are the five (5) principles of Safe Design?
Question 15 B
Discuss the purpose of the safe design approach.
Question 16 A
What is the purpose of and what is involved in safety benchmarking?
Question 16 B
Identify four (4) examples of reasons to benchmark WHS.
Introduction to Assessment 2
Learner Instructions
To complete this project, you are required to develop a WHS policy and procedure.
Case study- You work for an organisation that has clients who use wheelchairs and your organisation operates a van with a wheelchair lift.
Write a policy and procedure covering the safe operation of a wheelchair lift.
Question 1 A
Your policy must include:
- the purpose of the policy
- the legal duty of your organisation as an employer
- your organisation’s commitment to controlling hazards at their source where practicable, and minimising risks where possible hazards cannot be eliminated
- an outline of how a hazard or issue will be managed – including resources to be provided
- roles and accountabilities of managers and supervisors
- a description of how the policy will be communicated to employees/volunteers and put into practice
Write your procedure to include
- Purpose
- Legislation
- Hazard Control and Minimisation
- Emergency procedure:
- Risk Management
- Standards(safe operation of a lift)
- Accountability:

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