3D, 4D, 5D BIM Models Assignment
Assignment Brief
Word Count
3500 words
Assignment Overview
Using BIM you will develop 4D and 5D BIM models (involving timeline and cost estimation) for the given 3D BIM model. As well as detecting the clashes from the given model and explaining how the critical ones can be managed and sorted out, this assignment enables you to practise the guided tasks shown in the weeks of study.
The purpose of this assignment is to:
- Select a proper construction method, develop a detailed project plan, estimate the project cost, and detect and analyse the design clashes.
- Investigate the advantages and barriers to implementing project management software.
On successful completion of this assignment, you will be able to plan using industry-standard project management software, and evaluate the effectiveness of project management software
What You Need To Do
Produce a 3500-word Project Management portfolio that includes the following tasks. For each of these tasks, provide a record of your analysis and findings, as well as a discussion and justification of the key issues you identified:
Tasks | Weight |
1. Appraise the impact of BIM to enhance the delivery of the construction project. (LO4 and LO6) | 15 |
2. Develop a project timeline using Autodesk Navisworks, including the list of activities, relationships and simulation of the construction process. (LO2) | 25 |
3. Develop a 5D BIM model by extracting the bills of quantities (BoQ), and estimate the entire project cost. (LO2 and LO4) | 25 |
4. Using Autodesk Navisworks, develop an animation video of the project that includes a walkthrough outside and inside the project. (LO2 and LO6) | 15 |
5. Using BIM, identify the most critical clashes among all design disciplines (ie architectural design to mechanical and electrical design). (LO3) | 20 |
Support your arguments with citations from a variety of sources as required, using the APA format 7th edition (2020) referencing convention.
Further information can be found here about referencing at the University of Portsmouth.
Assignment Expectations and Process
- You will complete all tasks using Navisworks.
- You will produce a written portfolio, including screenshots, in a Microsoft Word document (suggested), after which you will upload as a PDF file.
- When ready to submit your work, you will upload in Moodle (via large submission):
- your portfolio (PDF file including completed cover sheet, see below)
- your Navisworks file (.nvd file)
- your animation and simulation videos (as mp4s)
Accessing Programs Remotely
Using AppsEverywhere (see below), download these Navisworks files to complete the above tasks:
BIM file (.nwc)
Clash Detection File (.nwd)
Navisworks Files
You are able to use one of the university computers and any of the software installed on that particular computer remotely. This is possible by connecting to the physical computers within the university using Microsoft Remote Desktop.
To gain remote access to Portsmouth’s Lab computers, please follow this link on how to get remote access to Lab computers.

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