Scenario: A recent staff survey has revealed areas of concern regarding workplace communication, workplace culture and a ’blaming’ patient safety culture. The leadership team meets and decides to make changes to achieve the following improvement goals; to improve communication and workplace culture and to introduce a ’no blame’ culture in relation to patient safety.
Discuss how the leadership team may apply two leadership styles to make changes to achieve these goals and evaluate how these two leadership styles may be facilitators or barriers to changes that will achieve these goals.
Include in your discussion:
A definition of workplace culture and an explanation of how a ’no blame’ culture assists in improving patient safety.
A description of the characteristics of two leadership styles.
Application of the chosen two leadership styles to make changes to achieve the goals of improved communication, improved workplace culture and introducing a ’no blame’ patient safety culture.
An evaluation of how the characteristics of these two leadership styles act as either facilitators or barriers to changes that will achieve these improvements.
– an opening sentence that introduces topic. Opening sentence should be concise, sparks interest in the topic, does not include examples, does not include an intext citation.
– general background information related to topic. Reasons for significance of topic/issue. Examples of use in healthcare.
– thesis statement. A broad formally written personal statement without the letter I. Do not include in text citation.
– outline of main ideas covered in body.
Each body paragraph focuses on one main aspect. It consists of:
-a topic sentence that introduces the main idea (no intext citation)
Section 1
Provide a definition of workplace culture and an explanation of how a no blame culture assists in improving patient safety.
Begin with a topic sentence (essay topic + main idea)
Provide a definition of workplace culture.
Explain (give reasons) how a no blame culture assists in improving patient safety.
Support each reason with evidence.
Wrap up the section with a concluding sentence.
-supporting sentences (facts/ examples/ statistics/ that elaborate on the main idea, insert intext citations).
– a concluding sentence that wraps up the paragraph (no intext citation required)
Section 2
A description of the characteristics of two leadership styles.
– begin with a topic sentence that outlines the leadership style/ styles
– describe the style and its characteristics.
– end with a concluding sentence.
Section 3
Apply the two leadership styles to the given scenario.
– begin with a topic sentence.
– draw on the characteristics of a transformational leader.
– how would this leadership characteristics be applied to the given scenario? (Communication, workplace culture and no blame culture).
– develop your body paragraph by providing more explanation and sufficient evidence to support your ideas.
– finish with a concluding sentence.
Next, apply the second leadership style to the given scenario.
Section 4
Evaluate how the characteristics of these two leadership styles act as either facilitator or barriers to changes that will achieve these improvements.
– include facilitators and barriers.
APA 7 referencing

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