CPPREP4503–Presentathearingsin realestate
Student Name: | |||
Email: | Mobile: | ||
By signing below I, the student, declare that: The material and answers I have submitted in this assessment is my own work; I have referenced all sources of information including the words, ideas and images from others; and I have kept a copy of this assessment for my own records (RETAC does not return assessments). | |||
Student Signature | Date | ||
Trainer’s Name: | Training Date: | ||
Assessor’s Name: | Date Assessed: | ||
CompetencyAchieved | NotYetCompetent | Resubmitrequired | R 1 2 3 |
Assessors Comments: | Assessor Signature: | ||
ADMINISTRATION USE ONLY | Date Assessment Received: | MC+SAQ (1-32) Y/N | |
P1 (33-48) | P1 (38) email | P1 (46) role play | |
P2 (49-51) | P2 (50) email | P2 (51) role play | |
Questions Missing: |
Assessment Description and Candidates Instructions
This Unit of Competency may contains forms, documents and Projects that relate to skills and knowledge required to appear effectively before a tribunal. It includes preparing for tribunal hearings, using appropriate tribunal etiquette, acting as a witness, participating in conciliation hearings and presenting a case.
This assessment can be completed in your own time. It is important that all questions in this assessment are completed. The assessment tasks may not be straight-forward and to assist in the planning and submitting of responses it is recommended
- to read through the student workbook carefully;
- if necessary, undertake additional research to supplement material in the student workbook;
- if required discuss the workbook material and assessment questions with your trainer;
- if undertaking a traineeship or if the candidate is employed in the real estate sector they may discuss their responses with their supervisor or colleagues.
If you require support you are welcome to contact your Trainer or attend a Workshop Support Session (visit www.retac.com.au for timetable).
Assessments in this Unit includes questioning Short to Medium length Answers and multiple choice; and Workplace simulation activities (Projects)
- If handwriting your responses please ensure your writing is neat and legible.
- When submitting in hand-writing, please use blue or black pen. Pleasedonotusepencil.
- Dot points are acceptable.
- One (or few) word responses are not acceptable. You are required to provide meaningful context to your responses and be guided by the amount of space provided for your response. For example, if a full page is provided for your response, then a response of 5 words is unlikely to demonstrate your competency to the assessor.
- If any of your responses are incorrect, incomplete or illegible then you will be required to re-submit those responses. Students requiring to have responses re-submitted will be contacted by email. It is important that you check your emails regularly.
- Competency in this Unit will only be granted upon successful completion of this assessment.
- Role play assessments can be either conducted in class or completed externally and filmed on a smartphone, tablet or any device that records video and audio. Once completed the video can be submitted either a) on USB delivered or posted to us; b) uploaded to any cloud-based storage (DropBox, Google Drive, iCloud) where you can email us a shareable link for us to download your video.
Assessment Part 3: Project 2 with Practical Skills Demonstration |
Project2:This assessment activity consists of questions requiring a written response and a role play. Please read the scenario and assessment instructions carefully. This Project is a simulated workplace assessment designed to assess skills and knowledge on Prepare case and documents for tribunal Presenting a case to tribunal Use appropriate tribunal etiquette Present case at tribunal Complete tribunal process Please respond to each question in full. Project2Scenario Throughout this assessment activity you will be asked to visit our virtual agency Green Chair Real Estate (http://bit.ly/RETACVirtualAgency) to view and download the relevant data, form and documents. During a routine inspection at 43 The Drive, Purple Estates, South Australia 5151 you discover a hole in the passage wall. You contact the tenant to discuss the hole, and the tenant tells you it isn’t his fault as it was caused by a friend who came to visit, tripped and fell into the wall. You explain to the tenant that he is legally responsible for the damage to the property. Then tenant maintains that he is not liable for repairs to the wall. You serve the Form 2 but the situation is not remedied so you decide to take the case to SACAT. |
4503P2Q49 In the space below prepare a mock email to the landlord explaining the situation, the actions you have taken and include your recommendation on the steps to be followed to remedy this breach. |
4503P2Q50 Complete the SACAT application. Visit Green Chair Real Estate (http://bit.ly/RETACVirtualAgency), locate and complete the appropriate application form. After you have completed the application form follow the instructions below Prepare an email and attach the completed SACAT application form, and – In the body of the email provide a list of the documents you would include with the submitted application. Email this form to assessment@retac.com.au and in the email subject line write ‘4503P2Q50’ with your fullname. |
4503P2Q51 Role Play activity This role play relates to the above Project 2 Scenarioand must simulate a Hearing and will require two other participants. The other participants can be fellow students, work colleagues, friends or family. It is best that this role play be conducted around a table in a quiet room. One participant must act as the Member, the other as the tenantand you (student) must act as the Property Manager. Only your performance in this role play will be assessed. The entire Role Play must follow the structure below: You, as the Property Manager, must follow the appropriate protocols and etiquette for entering, participating and leaving the hearing. The Memberis to say “Welcome to this Hearing. Please present your case.” You as the Property Managerwill need to prepare and present a case statement at this conference. This means that you must: Outline the case clearly and concisely. What has happened/What is the issue? Explain the documents you have as evidence and present the evidence to the Member and tenant. Explain that you are seeking an order that the tenancy be terminated and why you are seeking this order. The Memberis to ask the tenant “Mr/Mstenantwhatisyourresponse?” The tenantis to respond with: (you can be creative) a) It’s not my fault; b) I don’t think I should be held responsible … The Memberthen says “Thankyouforattending.IwillissueanOrderbasedonthemeetingtodayindue course.Thankyoubothforattending, Conferenceclosed.” The assessor will need to observe that you are participating in a simulated Conciliation Conference at the Tribunal following the correct etiquette presenting the details of the case and presentation of evidence at Tribunal according to Conciliation and Tribunal protocols Submitting 4503P2Q51role play assessment: This role play must be recorded on a device such as a smartphone, tablet or digital camera. Werequirebothvideowithaudio. Audio only will not be accepted. The video must be submitted as your assessment. This can be done on USB delivered or posted to us; or upload to any cloud-based storage (DropBox, Google Drive, iCloud) then share (email) the link for us to download. |
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