In this assessment, you will reflect on how key themes of Laudato Si’ and principles of Catholic social thought relate to your course of study.
You will do this using the format of stand-alone, medium-length paragraphs that address the two parts of this assessment task (400 words for each part):
Part 1:Discuss what Laudato Si’ (specifically chapter 4 (paragraphs 137–162)) says about the CST principles of human dignity and the common good.
Part2:Identify connections between your response to part 1 and your course of study.
The course of study: the degree program you are enrolled in at ACU. It is a requirement that you:
- cite atleastthe following four readings/resources:
- Lisa Sowle Cahill, “Laudato Si’: Reframing Catholic Social Ethics,” The Heythrop Journal 59 (2018) 887–900.
- two resources (e.g., LEO book, a linked article, reading (other than Cahill, 2015), a YouTube video, etc.) that are included in the LEO folder/tile for Module 1: Laudato Si’ (NB: two resources from LEO in total).
- one Faculty-specific unit reading from Module 1: Laudato Si’ or one Faculty-specific resource/website (refer to ‘Texts and References’ section towards the end of the Extended Unit Outline).
- identify your course of study. Further instructions:
a) When citing chapter 4 of LaudatoSi’, please ensure you include specific paragraph number(s).
a) After each “prescribed resource” in your reference list/bibliography, please add in square brackets (e.g., [ ] ) which prescribed resource you are identifying it as, e.g.:
Lisa Sowle Cahill, “Catholic Social Teaching,” in The Cambridge Companion to Christian PoliticalTheology, ed. Craig Hovey and Elizabeth Phillips (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2015) 67–87. [Required Resource]
Joan M. Marston, “The Spirit of ‘Ubuntu’ in Children’s Palliative Care,” Journal of Pain and SystemManagement50 (2015) 424–427. [Faculty-specific Resource]
Duedate: Tuesday, 29 November 2022, 11:00pm AEDT
Weighting: 20%
Lengthand/orformat: 800 words
Purpose: Students reflect on how the Catholic social thought principles relate to what they are learning in their course of study.
Learning outcomes assessed: LO1
How to submit: This assessment task must be submitted electronically via Turnitin on LEO.
Return of assignment: This assessment task will be graded electronically, and your
mark will be provided on LEO. An announcement will be posted on LEO when your mark is available.
Assessment criteria: Please refer to Appendix A at the end of the Extended Unit
Outline for further details on the assessment criteria/rubric for this assessment item.
In this assessment you will overview either Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 1 (No Poverty) or
SDG 11 (Sustainable Cities and Communities) from a global perspective.
You will do this using the format of stand-alone, medium-length paragraphs that address three questions:
- What are the main aims of the SDG you have chosen, and the crises to which they are responding, from a global perspective?
- How is one Australia-based organization making progress toward reaching the SDG?
- What are some connections between your course of study and this SDG?
Course of study: the degree program you are enrolled in at ACU. It is a requirement that you:
- cite at least the following five readings/resources:
- two resources (e.g., LEO book, a linked article, reading (other than Sachs, 2017), a YouTube video, etc.) that are included in the LEO folder/tile for Module 2: Sustainable Development Goals (NB: two resources from LEO in total).
- one Faculty-specific unit reading from Module 2: Sustainable Development Goals.
- one Faculty-specific resource/website (refer to ‘Texts and References’ section towards the end of the Extended Unit Outline).
- the Global Goals website: https://www.globalgoals.org/.
- identify your course of study. Further instructions:
- After each “prescribed resource” in your reference list/bibliography, please add in square brackets (e.g., [ ] ) which prescribed resource you are identifying it as, e.g.:
Lisa Sowle Cahill, “Catholic Social Teaching,” in The Cambridge Companion to Christian PoliticalTheology, ed. Craig Hovey and Elizabeth Phillips (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2015) 67–87. [Required Resource]
Joan M. Marston, “The Spirit of ‘Ubuntu’ in Children’s Palliative Care,” Journal of Pain and System Management50 (2015) 424–427. [Faculty-specific Resource]
Duedate: Tuesday, 20 December 2022, 11:00pm AEDT
Weighting: 30%
Lengthand/orformat: 1,250 words
Purpose: Students analyse the UN Sustainable Development Goals from a global perspective.
Learningoutcomesassessed: LO1, LO2
How tosubmit: This assessment task must be submitted electronically via Turnitin on LEO.
Return of assignment: This assessment task will be graded electronically, and you will
receive your mark and written feedback via Turnitin. An announcement will be posted on LEO when your mark is available.
Assessment criteria: Please refer to Appendix Bat the end of the Extended Unit
Outline for further details on the assessment criteria/rubric for this assessment item.
In this assessment, using a carefully structured essay, you will:
compare Laudato Si’ with either SDG 1 (No Poverty) orSDG 11 (Sustainable Cities and Communities) [it is strongly recommended that you choose the same SDG you focused on in assessment task 2],
and you will:
- explain the relevance of this comparison to:
- a module topic;
- your course of study; and
- a local community organisation.
Moduletopic: choose one from the following options:
- Community engagement (relates to Module 3); or
- Human dignity (relates to Module 4); or
- Advocacy and action (relates to Module 5).
Course of study: the degree program you are enrolled in at ACU.
Local community organisation: your choice, but it must be local (i.e., not global).
It is a requirement that you:
- cite atleastthe following eightreadings/resources:
- LaudatoSi’.
- Wolfgang Sachs, “The Sustainable Development Goals and Laudato si’: varieties of Post- Development?” ThirdWorldQuarterly 38 (2017) 2573–2587.
- one Faculty-specific unit reading from your chosen module topic.
- one Faculty-specific resource/website (refer to ‘Texts and References’ section towards the end of the Extended Unit Outline).
- one resource (e.g., LEO book, a linked article, reading (other than Sachs, 2017), a YouTube video, etc.) that is included in the LEO folder/tile for Module 2: Sustainable Development Goals (NB: it must be different to the LEO resource you chose in Assessment task 2).
- one resource (e.g., LEO book, a linked article, reading, a YouTube video, etc.) that is included in the LEO folder/tile from your chosen module topic.
- the LaudatoSi’Action Platform website: https://laudatosiactionplatform.org/.
- the Global Goals website: https://www.globalgoals.org/.
- identify your chosen SDG; your module topic; your course of study; and your local community organisation.
Further instructions:
- When citing LaudatoSi’, please ensure you include specific paragraph number(s).
- After each “prescribed resource” in your reference list/bibliography, please add in square brackets (e.g., [ ] ) which prescribed resource you are identifying it as, e.g.:
Lisa Sowle Cahill, “Catholic Social Teaching,” in The Cambridge Companion to Christian PoliticalTheology, ed. Craig Hovey and Elizabeth Phillips (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2015) 67–87. [Required Resource]
Joan M. Marston, “The Spirit of ‘Ubuntu’ in Children’s Palliative Care,” Journal of Pain and SystemManagement50 (2015) 424–427. [Faculty-specific Resource]
Duedate: Tuesday, 17 January 2023, 11:00pm AEDT
Weighting: 50%
Lengthand/orformat: 1,600 words
Purpose: Students apply their understanding of the Sustainable Development Goals in a local community, by drawing on the skills and knowledge from their course of study.
Learningoutcomesassessed: LO1, LO2, LO3
How to submit: This assessment task must be submitted electronically via Turnitin on LEO.
Returnofassignment: This assessment task will be graded electronically, and you will
receive your mark and written feedback via Turnitin. An announcement will be posted on LEO when your mark is available.
Assessment criteria: Please refer to Appendix Cat the end of the Extended Unit
Outline for further details on the assessment criteria/rubric for this assessment item.
In this unit, you are welcome to use a reputable referencing system that is specified by yourfaculty/discipline area, e.g., if you are an Education or Health Sciences student, you may use the APA system; if you are a Business student, you may use the Harvard system; if you are an Arts student, you may use the Chicago system; etc. It is important that you are consistent with the use of your chosen referencing system. See the ‘Academic referencing’ page of the Student Portal for more details.
Students may exceed the word limit on assessments by up to 10% without penalty. Word limits do not include the reference list/bibliography, or the in-text referencing citations/footnoting.
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