MAN6070 Innovation Thinking of Organisational Development Assignment
- Introduction (approx. 100words) (May finish this introduction after finishing section 2-7)
- *Introductory sentence.Keep it simple. Using simple English writing, about the project. E.g., “Creative idea is important for our daily life. A good idea can solve our daily problem or make our life easier.”
- **Briefly mention the problem. Are there any existing solutions out there?
- ***The purpose of this e-portfolio writing. (the purpose of this report is to…..)
- **Brieflyintroduceyourproject. State and briefly describe what discussions will be included in this e- portfolio. (The different sections of this writing. I.e., section2to7,Problem definition, research, etc.)
- *What may be the brief description of your idea and whatto besolvedhere?
- Researchprocessforthedesignthinking(approx.200words)
Introductorysentence(E.g. Before starting the entire design process, it is important to conduct various researches in order to………)
- *What is the purpose of the research process for your project? (Why this research stage is important? To understand the market? To understand what do users want or don’t want? To understand the existing or similar products, services or processes out there? To understand concepts and theories to help your design process?)
- **What are your research processes? (Field research, desk research, interview, library, academic articles, qualitative, quantitative)
- *How your researches were done? (Describe the above selected/used ways of research)
- **What areas of research you are focusing on? (Market, user, organization, current products/services and their characteristics, etc.)
- *Are there any academic theories or concepts that you need to research and understand to help your
overall design process?
- *Summarize all the main points from your researches. E.g. by photo, interview, comments, feedback, academic theories or concepts.
- Make sure your referencesandsourcesarecurrentandrecent. A total of no less than 10 references required. At least 4ofthemareacademic references.
- ***Try to refer to the lesson2discussiononresearch.
- Problemdefinition(approx.200words)
You will need to define or explain the current situation, problem issue as clear as possible at this stage. Make sure you read the item 2-6 and understand them before even start your problem definition stage. Keep in mind, for this assignment, you will only need to state, mention ONE problem.
- *Introductoryor openingsentencesfor this section. (e.g., For a successful design process, it is important to understand and define the problem before proceeding forward.)
- *Trytodefineand explainwhat is the stage “Problemdefinition”.
- *What is the purposeof this stage?(Need to understand exactly what problem is before developing ideas)
- Try to use toolssuch as tables, mind–mapsif needed.
- *Why definingthe problemis importantas the first stage of design thinking?
- **What stagesneededfor this problemdefinition?
- **What theoriesor conceptscan be used and applied? E.g., 5Ws.Rootcausesofaproblemandlistthem.
- ***How the problemaffects you, people, or society?
- ***Why type of problemwe are facing? Explain.
- ***In what ways peopleaffected by this problem? How do they feel, think, see, worry, irritated,upset,do
and why this is not ideal?
- ***Which aspector elementof the problemaffecting peoplethe most? And why?
- Briefly describewhatkindof changeyouwouldliketomake? In whatway?
- **You should use the fivewhymodelor problemrecognitionmodel mention in the lesson 3 materials.
- ***Why is the rootcauseof the problem? Or just a symptom?
- ***Summarizethe problemsat the end of this section.
- Provide any theories or concepts when needed.
- Proposed solutions to the problem (Ideation- the process of creating the idea) (approx. 200 words)AfterthementioningONEproblemfromthepreviousstageyouresearched,nowyouneedtogenerateatleastthreesolutionstotheproblem.Thethreeversionofsolutionscanbequitedifferentorsimilar.
Some ideas can be difficult to work on if your idea is too fancy. Try to be realistic and achievable about the idea.
- Yournewideacanbebigorsmall,atangibleproductorintangiblesuchasserviceorprocess.
- Prepare*Transitionalsentenceat the beginning of this section. (E.g., After the stage of problem definition, it is now the stage of providing solutions to the problem.)
- *Brieflydescribewhat is this stageand what is the purpose. (Providingsolutionfor the mentioned problem and to selectthe bettersolutionsamong the alternatives)
- *Why is this stage important?
- *Try to think outsidethe boxand listsolutionsyou ideatedusing different methods such as
brainstorming? Why these solutionsare appropriatefortheproblems?Again, you may use any concepts or tools to help developing your ideas such as Root causeanalysis.
- ***Create no less than three ideas and briefly describe these initial ideas from your or user’s point of view.
- ***How can these ideaslinktotheidentifiedproblems?
- *You may explain howdidyoucomeupwith eachofthesesolutions? (at least 2)
- ***How your idea/scan solvethe problem?
- *What may be the initialblocksstoppingyou from implementingtheidea?
- *Why these initial blocks stop you or why any issues are difficult to overcome?
- ***What are the keyfeaturesofthesolutions?
- ***Try to evaluatethesesolutions,describethestrengthsand weaknessesin terms of feasibility, costof development, market acceptability, blocks to development, ability of your organization to furtherdevelop, functions, features, cost, difficulties, risks, users, etc.
- ***Try to think about the benefits,features,experiencesfor userse.g. wants,fears,needs,risks.
- **You may use the concept of risksmentionedin lesson4to discuss why some of the solutionmayor maynotwork.
- Provide concepts and theories, reference when needed.
- Descriptionoftheprototypeanditsfeature(approx.200words)
After generating the three solutions (or more), now you need to select the best version and discuss why the selected one will be the concepts for further development of prototype and why the others are
- *Describe what is a prototype? Why it is importantfor the designthinkingprocess.
- **Discardsomeofyourideasand discusswhysome of the ideas were not selected.
- ***Finally, which solutionsdid you chooseand whybased on strengthsand weaknessesoftheselectedidea.
- *** Afterselecting,please, try to provide asmuchdetailandrealisticaspossibleabout your prototypein this section e.g. description, pictures, mockup, 3D printing, modelling. You may show a storyboard if the idea is a process.
- If the prototype can’t be created or produced due to cost or any resources limitation, you may use drawing, pictures, 3D printing, to show the prototype as clear and realistic as possible. If your idea is a new process or a service, you may need to state, list, describe or explain the process as clear as possible.
- You will need to select one idea to develop prototype from the previous ideation stage.
- ***How does the prototype/service/processwork?
- ***Demonstratehow the ideawork by picture.
- **A storyboardcan be prepared if it is a newprocessornewservice.
- You may try to use for following website to create your storyboard.
- **You may explain the detail of the prototypeby using the 8qualitydimensionsinlesson3.
- Testingstageandfeedback(approx.200words)
After development stage of the prototype, now you need to do some testing based on any relevant testing criteria of your own. There are no absolute answers for what considered to be relevant testing criteria. It
- *What is testing? Why testingis important?
- ***Try to refer to the testingdiscussinlesson6.
- **Are there any otherrelevantconcepts, theories, toolsyou can apply for this testingstage?
- If the real testing stage cannot be conducted due to cost or resources limitation, you need to describe and
explain your test plan using drawing, pictures, etc, to show it as clear as possible.
- **What aspects/criteriaof the prototypeare goingtobetested? (E.g., Alphaor betatest, questionnaire, focusgroup, the 8 qualitydimensionsin lesson6,etc.)
- **Is the test based on quantitative figures or qualitative comments or feedback?
- *Whereis it to be tested? Howit is going to be tested?
- *What levelof testit is going to be done? High,middle to lowfidelity?
- **What processesare requiredfor the testing, describethemand applythem. (6 stages of testing)
- *Who is goingto test it? How muchit cost? How long it takes?
- **Are Interview, data, comments, feedback, pictures, table, diagram are to be collected and provided
- ***How may you evaluateand interpretthese data? What does the datameanto you?
- **What do testerlikeand don’tlikeabout the prototype?
- ***What levelof resultconsidered to be acceptable? Why?
- ***Summaryyour testingresultat the endofthissection. Is the prototypeacceptableor not based on the testing data, information, feedback or comments, etc.
- **Are there any improvementsor refinementscan be achievedbasedonthesummaryof your testing?
- **Try to provide a questionnaire, table, formso that usercanprovidecommentsor feedbackafter testing.
- Reflectionofthedesignthinkingproject(approx.200words)
- This stage is a rather personalopinion for reflecting the entire processes of the design thinking project.
- You can reflect on what did you wellat, what areas you may improve?
- How can you applytheknowledgeinthefutureby reviewing the all of any of the designthinkingprocesses.
- What did you learn from eachor someof the stagesof the project?
- It is all about what did you learn, which aspects you did well or poorly, why? And, how can you improveyourcreativethinkingand planninginthefuture. If you have the chancetodoagain, whatgoodelements
would you keep and what elements to avoid. Which stage is the most difficult stage for your assignment?
***This is a section for you to include any relevant materials which they can enhance the overall credibility and that reader can refer to such as emptyorfilledInterviewform,questionnaire,testingforms,pictures,etc.
Please include any, if you have, rough notes, research notes, transcriptions, photos of documents, visual
material such as post-its, diary entries, models, map and so on at the end of the e-portfolio in the appendix section.
- You must submit your file for plagiarismscanand it should be below25%ofplagiarismsimilarity. For detail, please contact your programme leader. Ms. Junne.
- ***At the end of your e-portfolio, you need to include a Harvardreferencelist.
- ***It is absolutely important NOT to simply just copy and paste materials from various sources.
- ***Try to keep in mind, almost all of the discussion of this writing has to by yourself in order to fulfill the passing requirement as most of the content must be directed toward your “creative” idea. Notsomethingcopiedfromtheinternetorothersources.
- ***Need to adheretoHarvardreferencestylewhen providing references.
- ***Don’t forget to include “in-text”referenceand arrange references alphabetically fromAtoZ.
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