BBMK501 Market Planning and Strategy
Group Strategic Marketing Plan
Learning Outcome Assessed: a – d Evaluate theoretical models and environmental scenarios. Analyse marketing objectives and assess how strategic marketing planning helps meet those objectives Apply marketing theories and models into developing marketing plans Analyse business data to maximize opportunities and mitigate threats Graduate Attribute Assessed: 1 and 4 The individual report will assess student’s disciple knowledge and their information literacy and problem-solving skills. Weighting: Total 30% Format: Written report of word length 3000 +/- 10% (excludes references) | |
Group Report (Group of 2) | Written assignment to be uploaded to Turnitin by 11.59pm, on Wednesday of Week 7. |
Please include a cover page that states: Subject Code and Name, Student Number and Full Name and each group members contribution. | |
- Students will work in groups of up to 2 members and submit a 3,000-word written report (equivalent to 1,500 words per member) on a Strategic Marketing Plan.
- Each group is to select an Australian small to medium sized organization with operations in Australia.This may be an employer or family business and should be a business with which you are familiar.
- Your task is to propose a Marketing Plan detailing and analysing the competitive strategies of your chosen organisation.
Strategic Marketing Plan Outline
Strategic functions | Students need to focus on: |
1) Introduction | State the objectives of the marketing plan Include relevant background for the company you are using State and justify your industry and market selection |
2) Environmental Analysis (5 marks) | Perform a PEST analysis. Analyse data from each factor and explain how it impacts your product. Use data from ABS.Gov.au Apply Porters’ five forces: Porter, Michael E. “The five competitive forces that shape strategy.” (2008). Apply McKinsey’s 7S model to analyse internal capabilities Create a Problem/Opportunity Statement based on the analysis Minimum 2 academic references needed. |
3) Growth | • Apply the Ansoff’s Growth Matrix strategy |
strategies | • Which strategy or strategies within the Ansoff’s Growth Matrix would you |
(5 marks) | use and why? Ansoff’s Growth Matrix: Ansoff, H. Igor. “Strategic issue management.” Strategic management journal 1, no. 2 (1980): 131-148. Support with references using Harvard Referencing Style. Minimum 2 academic references needed. |
4) Segmentation, Target and Positioning (5 marks) | Describe your customer segments based on demographics, geographic, behaviour and psychographic variables (Use data from abs.gov.au) Who are your consumers, what approach are you taking to offer your products to them, what are the brand’s core values and brand image) How does your positioning compare to your main competitors in the market? Justify the decisions that you have made. Support with references using Harvard Referencing Style. Minimum 2 academic references needed. |
5) Customer Value Creation Mix (10 marks) | Explain how you will create value Explain how you will communicate value Explain how you will deliver value Support with Harvard referencing style Minimum 2 academic references needed, |
6) Report Layout format and | • Harvard Referencing Style (must have in-text citations and a reference |
Research (5 marks) | Report must be presentable. Format, clarity, and grammar must be to a professional level. Quality of Research |
Not Provided 0% | Fail 40% | Pass 50% | Credit 60% | Distinction 70% | High Distinction 100% | /30 | |
Environmental Analysis | Not provided | Poor analysis of PEST | Basic discussion of PEST. | Good overview of objective of PEST Some application of theory | Excellent overview of PEST objectives and applying theory | Exceptional PEST objectives, illustrate exceptional application of theory and sound rationale for the company. | 5 |
Growth strategies supported by theories and concepts | Not provided | Poor analysis of strategy. | Basic analysis of strategy with little relevance to theory. | Good analysis of strategy with some theoretical support | High level of analysis and well supported strategy | Exceptional analysis of strategy formulated through application of theory and well supported with academic research | 5 |
Segmentation. Targeting and Positioning | Not provided | Poor selection of segmentation strategy and/or not supported by theory. | Basic selection of segmentation strategy and/or little relevance to theory and/or targeted audience profile or with little relevance to company. | Good selection of segmentation strategy and rationale supported by some theory. Good targeted audience profile with discussion of at least one relevant demographic, geographic or psychographic variable | High level, rationale segmentation strategy applying theory. High level targeted audience profile considering at least two relevant demographic, geographic and psychographic variable, | Exceptional segmentation strategy formulated through application of theory and evidence of academic research Exceptional target audience profile with consideration to all relevant demographic, geographic and psychographic variables. | 5 |
Customer Value Creation Mix | Not provided | Poor selection of Value Analysis with respect to current industry trends. | Basic selection and rationale of Value Analysis with respect to organisation | Good selection of Value Analysis with respect to organisation. | High level selection of Value Analysis with respect to organisation and industry trends High level rationales of Value Analysis formulated through application of theory. | Exceptional selection of Value Analysis elements with respect to organisation and industry trends. High level rationale of Value Analysis elements formulated through application of theory and evidence of academic research. | 10 |
Scholarly pursuit: references to at least two academic journals, presentation of the report in business format including proper Harvard referencing | No academic research. Exceptionall y poor spelling and/or grammar and/or adherence to correct report formatting. | Poor academic research Poor spelling and/or grammar No or little adherence to correct report formatting. High level of content not referenced correctly or not using Harvard referencing format. | Acceptable academic research Acceptable spelling and/or grammar. Proper formatting attempted but improvement required. Some attempt at referencing or not referencing using Harvard referencing format. | Evidence of good academic research. Good spelling and/or grammar Some adherence to proper formatting. Moderate attempt at referencing in the Harvard format. | High level academic research and application. High level spelling and/or grammar. Report mainly followed correct formatting. Most references correctly acknowledged using the Harvard format, | Exceptional academic research and application of theory. Exceptional spelling and/or grammar Report completely adhered to business report format. All references acknowledged in the correct Harvard format. | 5 |

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