MKT10009 Marketing and the Consumer Experience

MKT10009 Marketing and the Consumer Experience

School of Business, Law and Entrepreneurship

Assessment Task – Assignment 2


Marketing and the Consumer Experience

Semester 2, 2023.

Assessment TypeAnalytical Report
Associated Unit Learning Outcomes (ULO’s)2, 3, 4
Group or Individual taskIndividual
Value (%)25%
Due DateMonday 20th September at 10:00 AET – Enterthis date into your Calendar
  Submission details/form1,400 words + 10% (= 1,260 to 1,540). Not included in Word Count are Title Page, Table of Contents, List of References, Appendices.

Purpose or Overview

  • To develop understanding of marketing management tasks and of how marketing fits into other business functions within an organisation.
  • Use research information and apply marketing concepts to propose ethical, creative solutions.

Detailed Assignment instructions

Assignment Overview

Important: Assignments 2 and 3 are linked to each other! For Assignments 2 and 3 you will form a Group of 3 or 4 people. This document explains Assignment 2 – your Individual report. Assignment 3, which follows, is a Group assignment. The Group will work together using the Group members’ Assignment 2 information.

First, the group will decide on what industry you will study. Each group member will then choose a brand within that industry and do a report on that brand. This will be your Assignment 2.

Format; Please also include a Title Page*, Table of Contents and page numbering.

* Title Page contents: MKT10009, Semester and Year, Assignment Number, Date of Submission, Your Name.

If you used Chat GPT (or any other AI support), please place a statement on your Title page to say; “I have used Chat GPT (or INSERT other AI as the case may be) in developing and writing this Assignment”.

Individual Brand Report.

In Assignment 2 you will work alone to analyse one brand within the product category chosen by your Group. Companies are always trying to stay up to date with what is going on in the market, and the strategies of their competitors. Assignment 2 is where you conduct this “marketing intelligence” exercise. Then, in Assignment 3, you will work with your fellow Group members to compare and contrast the brands that you and your fellow Group members analysed in Assignment 2.

 Choosing your Brand and Product category

As soon as the group is formed you will go to Canvas > MKT10009 > Assignments > Assignment 2 and:

  1. Choose one of the IBISWorld industry reports.  
  2. EACH GROUP MEMBER then chooses ONE of the RETAIL brands from the table (NOT the Corporate owner/brand). Do NOT CHOOSE the SAME BRAND as another Group member. 
  3. Coordinate with your groupmates to choose brands that target as many different consumers as possible. For  example, if one person chooses a brand that is targeting young consumers, then another could study a brand targeting more mature consumers.

   You will coordinate with your Group, but each member will work on their respective brand individually.

Further industry information is available from the Library > Search > Subject Guides > Login to Canvas > Business & Law >          Marketing & Advertising > Other Sources – Euromonitor Passport, Factiva, and Marketline in addition to IBISWorld.

Report content

The brand report must contain:

  1. A summary of the brand with relevant background information of its presence in Australia. This may include (but not limited to) things such as the brand’s history in Australia, market size, recent performance trends, and other relevant marketing information. The analysis should also include a display of all relevant offerings (sub-brands, product lines, variants, brand positioning) that the brand (or its parent company) has in the product category that you have chosen. You should also present an overview analysis of the *Marketing Mix (“the 4Ps”), plus for “P” for Product you need to analyse the Three Levels – Core/Essence, Actual and Augmented. See Week 6 and Week 1Franz Schrepf explains the 4Ps and the 4Cs.
  2. An application of the Three Levels Theory – (Core/Essence, Actual and Augmented) of your product See Week 6.
  3. An analysis of at least one macro and two micro environmental factors using the SIP-CCC & DENT-PC framework. (See Week 3) Choose factors that currently have the largest impact for your brand in Australia. For each factor, you will need to:
    1. Describe them and outline the role they play in relation to your brand.
    1. Identify trends in this factor that either represent a risk or an opportunity for your brand.

Micro environment > SIP-CCC – Identify One Supplier AND One Intermediary (retailer, distributor or wholesaler – NOT Competitor or Customer) of importance to your brand: –

  • Describe them and outline the role they play in relation to your brand.
    • Identify the key risks if the relationship between your brand and this Supplier or Intermediary broke down.
    • Identify a way this Supplier or Intermediary could be used to provide your brand with an additional opportunity.

Macro environment > DENT-PC – Identify at least one macro factor where trends will impact your brand: –

  • Identify risks and opportunities that these trends present for your brand. The macro factor might contain several different trends. For example, the Demographic macro factor will include decreasing family size and shift in age-group as two separate trends.
  • A ‘persona’ of the ideal target consumer segment for your brand in Australia. A persona is a fictional character who represents a consumer segment (see Week 4) who would be most attracted to your brand. Your persona must include the consumer’s demographic characteristics (gender, age, income, Family Life Cycle stage etc.) and a picture of a person that best represent that segment. In addition, the persona should also list:
    • The consumer’s motivations for using products in your category, what benefit does the consumer want from buying and using the product? What problem are they wishing to solve? What need are they are trying to satisfy?
    • Their frustrations with the products currently on offer – for example, no low price no-caffeine coffee, no brands with fair trade or sustainably-produced ingredients, etc.
    • their criteria for choice amongst competing brands, and (See Week 2 Online Study – Consumer Decision Making Process Stage 3 and Class Activities regarding criteria, cut-offs and so on.)
    • Life goals that are relevant to the product category. Things such as “be healthy”, “have a happy and loving family”, “be wealthy”.

Your persona needs to be supported by evidence and should not just be a product of your imagination. Complete a Table like the one below.  

Name;                                                                                                    (insert photo here or below this table).
Age and gender;Residence;Education;Occupation;
Life Cycle Stage;Major life goals;
The consumer’s motivations for using products in this category are: –  
Their frustrations with the products currently on offer are: –  
Their criteria for choice amongst competing brands are: –  
Life goals that are relevant to the product category: –  
Other factors relevant for this consumer when buying in this category: –  
  • You must also accompany your persona with an explanation of how the brand is triggering need recognition for that brand (See Week 2). Study the brand’s packaging and marketing communications and answer the question “what is the brand doing to make the persona want this product?”.



When reading your assignment, the markers will be guided by these questions, elaborated on the rubric at the end of this document:

  • Does the work give clear background information about the brand being investigated, supported by credible and relevant evidence, and presented in a way that gives good understanding to the reader?
  • Does the environmental analysis demonstrate that the student understands the theory, and was the analysis itself supported by credible and relevant evidence?
  • Does the persona have all the required criteria? Are all the details about the persona and need recognition analysis sensible and relevant to the product category being investigated?
  • How much effort did the student put into the work to make it compelling while also adhering to the technical instructions?

Student Manual Guides – See Canvas > Modules > Student Manual >

  • Chapter 4 – Finding information, Chapter 7 – Report Writing, Chapter 9 – Referencing.
  • Please consult Swinburne Library and/or Learning Skills Advisors if you require help with how to find and reference your information sources.


  • Use Times New Roman font, font size 12 in portrait orientation.
  • Ensure your report is free of spelling and grammatical errors.


  • To avoid plagiarism, you are required to provide a reference whenever you include information from other sources in your work.
  • Referencing conventions required for this unit are APA 7 – the most recent version.
  • Helpful information on referencing can be found at and at Canvas > Modules > Student Manual > Chapter 9.

Submission Requirements

  • Assignments and other assessments must be submitted through Canvas assessment submission system.
  • Please ensure you keep a copy of all assessments that are submitted.

Extensions and Late Submission

  • Late Submissions – Unless an extension has been approved*, late submissions will result in a penalty.
  • You will be penalised 10% of the assessment’s worth for each calendar day the task is late, up to a maximum of 5 working days. After 5 working days a zero result will be recorded.
  • Extensions* can only be granted by the Unit Convenor.

Student Study Support Services

  • You should talk to your Unit Convenor or Tutor, for information on academic support services available for Swinburne students.
  • Alternatively see the Student Services and/or the Library Website for further study support resources.


Plagiarism is the action or practice of taking and submitting or presenting the thoughts, writings or other work of someone else as though it is your own work. Plagiarism includes any of the following, without full and appropriate acknowledgment to the original source(s):

  • The use of the whole or part of a computer program written by another person;
  • The use, in essays or other assessable work, of the whole or part of a written work from any source including but not limited to a book, journal, newspaper article, set of lecture notes, current or past student’s work, any other person’s work, a website or database;
  • The paraphrasing of another’s work;
  • The use of musical composition, audio, visual, graphic and photographic models,
  • The use of realia that is objects, artefacts, costumes, models and the like.

Plagiarism also includes the preparation or production and submission or presentation of assignments or other work in conjunction with another person or other people when that work should be your own independent work. This remains plagiarism whether or not it is with the knowledge or consent of the other person or people.

It should be noted that Swinburne encourages its students to talk to staff, fellow students and other people who may be able to contribute to a student’s academic work but that where independent assignment is required, submitted or presented work must be the student’s own.

Enabling plagiarism contributes to plagiarism and therefore will be treated as a form of plagiarism by the University. Enabling plagiarism means allowing or otherwise assisting another student to copy or otherwise plagiarise work by, for example, allowing access to a draft or completed assignment or other work.

Swinburne University uses plagiarism detection software (such as Turnitin) for assignments submitted electronically via Canvas. Your Convenor will provide further details.

The penalties for plagiarism can be severe ranging from a zero grade for an assessment task through to expulsion from the unit and in the extreme, exclusion from Swinburne. Consequently you need to avoid plagiarism by providing a reference whenever you include information from other sources in your work.


High Distinction (HD) 80-100Distinction (D) 70-79Credit (C) 60-69Pass (P) 50-59Fail (N) 0-49
Work that exceeds expectations and may serve as a guide to others as an example of “best practice”Very good work. Purposefully and logically developed. Thoroughly addresses all aspects of the task. Shows evidence of sound understanding and thoughtful examination.Good work. Generally clear, accurate and relevant. Adequately addresses all requirements of the task. Development is generally logical, facts generally correct.Satisfactory. Shows basic understanding with minimal evidence of reflection or thoughtful analysis. Merely complies with the basic requirements.Unsatisfactory work that requires further development and needs improvement Does not address the topic in a meaningful way. May be extremely brief, inaccurate, illogical or undeveloped.
Brand Report (20%) Does the work give: Clear and accurate summary of the brandThe brand’s recent market performance in Australia?A complete and thorough display of the brand’s offering in the market?An analysis of its marketing mix in Australia?Is the analysis supported using appropriate, impactful, and compelling sources?Goes beyond the required criteria and does so very effectively. The report provides a very clear, insightful and compelling analysis of the brand. Demonstrates highly varied and compelling supporting data to create a very persuasive argument within the specified limit.Uses the complete required criteria and answers them accurately and thoroughly. Uses appropriate, varied, and related supporting data to shape the content of the section; or uses highly varied and thorough supporting data but does so outside of the prescribed limit.Uses the minimum criteria and provides accurate answers but does not do so in a way that shows deep understanding. The analysis uses reasonably varied supporting data in the justification of the argumentThe work does not fulfil some of the criteria or does not answer them accurately. The analysis is accompanied by minimal supporting data.Most of the work in this section does not meet the criteria or uses glaringly irrelevant content.
Environmental Analysis (30%) Does the work demonstrate understanding of the following concepts in this section effectively in its analysis? SIP-CCCDENT-PC Are there at least two main factors identified within the above framework? Is the analysis insightful and supported using appropriate, impactful, and compelling sources?Goes beyond the required number of factors analysed. The analysis applies the right concepts in the right manner in a way that demonstrate mastery of the concept Demonstrates highly varied and compelling supporting data to create a very persuasive argument within the specified limit.Uses the required number of factors and answers them accurately and thoroughly. Uses appropriate, varied, and related supporting data to shape the content of the section; or, uses highly varied and thorough supporting data but does so outside of the prescribed limit.Uses the minimum number of factors but does not answer all in a thorough manner. The way the concepts were used in the analysis demonstrate accurate understanding, but the application of the concepts could be improved. The analysis uses reasonably varied supporting data in the justification of the argument.The work shows an incomplete or basic grasp of the required criteria. The analyses were either incomplete or simple, and do not go beyond the basic level. The analysis is accompanied by minimal supporting data.Most work in this section does not meet the criteria or uses glaringly irrelevant content.
Persona (30%) Is the persona based on sound reasoning and/or evidenced by relevant sources? Does the persona: have an appropriate picture which is consistent with the demographic information given?presented the segment’s motivations, frustrations, and life goals in a coherent way supported by sound rationale?utilizes the CDMP frame appropriately to analyse need recognition?Goes beyond the required concepts and theories and does so very effectively. The analysis applies the right concepts in the right manner in a way that demonstrates mastery. Demonstrates highly varied and compelling supporting data to create a very persuasive argument within the specified limit.Uses the complete required concept and theories accurately and thoroughly. Uses appropriate, varied, and related supporting data to shape the content of the section. Or uses highly varied and thorough supporting data but does so outside of the prescribed limit.Uses the minimum required concept and theories. The way the concepts were used in the analysis demonstrate accurate understanding, but the application of the concepts could be improved. The analysis uses reasonably varied supporting data in the justification of the argumentThe work shows an incomplete and basic grasp of concepts and theories and attempts to use them. The concepts and theories used were either incomplete or simple, and do not go beyond the basic level. The analysis is accompanied by minimal supporting data.Most of the work in this section does not meet the criteria or uses glaringly irrelevant content.
Organisation (5%)Organisation appropriate to task. Paragraphing is to a high standard. Cohesive devices used accurately & appropriately throughoutOrganisation sufficient but may have been handled more effectively. Paragraphing to a good standard. Cohesive devices used accurately (with minor lapses)Organisation evident, clear overall progression. Paragraphing evident but central topic may not always be clear. There may be underuse or some inaccurate use of cohesive devices. Minor lapses in cohesionOrganisation evident but poorly handled. May lack paragraphs / lack clear central topics for paragraphs. Some cohesion within or between sentences may be faulty.Organisation not evident. May lack paragraphs / lack clear central topics for paragraphs. Little or no cohesion within or between sentences.
Grammar and Vocabulary (10%)Grammar A wide range of grammatical structures are employed with precision. Rare, minor errors / ‘slips’ may occur. Vocabulary Wide range of sophisticated vocabulary used with precision. Vocabulary is of appropriate academic register. Rare minor errors or ‘slips’ may occur.Grammar Majority of sentences are error free (occasional lapses). Errors do not interfere with message. Vocabulary Range of academic vocabulary, generally used with precision (some inaccuracies may occur).Grammar Frequent error free sentences. Good control over grammar & punctuation (although errors occur). Vocabulary Errors have only minimal effect on meaning. Sufficient range of vocabulary to demonstrate flexibility and some use of academic style & register. Errors in word choice or formation may occur but have only minimal effect on meaning.Grammar Some error-free sentences. Punctuation mostly accurate. Errors sometimes affect meaning. Vocabulary Adequate vocabulary for the task. May lack an awareness of academic style & register. Errors in word choice or formation have some effect on meaning.Grammar Mostly simple sentence forms. Some error-free sentences. Punctuation mostly inaccurate. Vocabulary Errors affect meaning. Vocabulary mostly inadequate for the task. Lacks an awareness of academic style & register. Errors in word choice or formation have large to some effect on meaning.
Referencing (5%)Correct referencing for APA style is evident throughout the whole report (both in-text referencing and references list).Correct referencing for APA style is evident throughout most of the report (both in-text referencing and references list), with only minor corrections required.An attempt at referencing for APA style is evident throughout most of the report, (both in-text referencing and references list), with improvements required in consistency.APA style referencing is evident in parts of the report (in- both text referencing and references list); however, improvement in correct style and consistency is required.Did not meet criterion.
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