Aged-care quality standards blog
Relevance of Safety and Quality standards to the practice of registered nurse
Do you know about the aged-care quality standards? If no, then you are at the right place. Aged-care quality standards include a set of eight standards that must be followed while taking care of aged people. The care provider has to comply with the specific standards to provide quality and responsive care to the people. The government-funded care providers have to look at the standards set by the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission. The commission has the responsibility to look after the government-funded agencies for compliance with the standards.
Aged-care quality standards
These standards have to be followed by the registered nurse and the staff members at the healthcare facilities during the care provision of the patient. It can utilize the quality standard ratings to comply with the desired set of standards, and this is what makes it more effective. Some of the standards are:
Consumer dignity and choice
The dignity of the patient is maintained in clinical settings. The registered nurse has the responsibility to look after the choices of the patient during the treatment and assessment process. This could help in managing the health outcomes for the patient.
Ongoing assessment and planning
A registered nurse and the healthcare team have to involve the aged patients in the planning for care. This will encourage them to be a part of the healthcare process and will help in boosting their confidence while working with the healthcare team.
Personal care and clinical care
The aged patient has the right to get the personal and clinical care that is needed. The care provider cannot deny the patient for the provision of care at any time.
Services and support for daily living
It is the responsibility of the care provider to support the aged patients in their daily activities. This will assist the aged people to do things they want to. All the necessary activities should be supported by the care providers without any hesitation.
Organisation’s service environment
It is the responsibility of the registered nurse and the staff members to ensure that a safe environment is provided to the patients. The patient must be comfortable and must feel belonging to the environment.
Feedback and complaints
The patients must feel safe while giving feedback of the aged-care facility. Appropriate actions must be taken on the complaints of the patient, and thus providing a comfortable environment for the patients.
Human resource
The competency level of the staff members must be maintained to provide quality care to the patients in the healthcare settings. They must be capable to take care of the patients.
Organisational governance
The organisation must be well-governed and must have a stable structure. The patient must feel like a partner in the organisation.
Aged Care Quality standards are crucial to ensure the rights of the aged people in the care facility. These standards have a wide range of applications for aged patients and a range of responsibilities for the care providers. It will allow them to serve the aged patients appropriately.
Australian Government. (2021). Aged Care Quality Standards. Retrieved from:,living%20that%20are%20important%20for%20my…%20More%20
Weekly Source. (2021). Aged care standards. Retrieved from:
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