Task 1: Analysis and interpretation of a simulated school data set (including NAPLAN data) and written report on findings. – Length – 2000 Words
In this assignment you are required to write a report on a fictional school using a simulated data set. You will interpret, analyse and compare the data set with normative NAPLAN data. From this analysis you will determine a specific issue which is identifiable in the data (e.g., poor attendance of students, boys not making benchmarks in reading etc.). You will then review current empirical research on the factors relating to the chosen issue. Finally you will outline a proposal (a list of recommendations) which are aimed at resolving the chosen issue and improving the outcomes of students.
In this task you will be graded on your ability to
1) identify trends in a simulated educational data set, analyse patterns in data using statistical notation and terminology.
2) compare the simulated NAPLAN data set with normative data
3) make inferences from the data to guide future curriculum and pedagogy decisions
4) present all of the above in a written report
IMPORTANT: For detailed description, marking rubric, and instructions to complete this assignment see the Major Assignment Information Folder below.

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