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ASSESSMENT 1 (30%) Written – Individual Due: Week 4 – Sunday, 15 August 2021 @ 23:59
Analysis of Foundational Study of Management – in the context of contemporary multidisciplinary business
This assessment task is designed to address course learning outcomes:
CLO1: Evaluate leadership and management research and justify the application of management theory in contemporary contexts.
CLO2: Research management theory and explain how this theory applies to contemporary and socially responsible practices.
CLO4: Critically reflect on the relationship between management theory and management research evidence and communicate your knowledge of responsible management practices.
TASK Topic:
“Management theories are helping organisations in establishing socially responsible management practices along with increased efficiency and reduced negative impact on employee wellbeing.”
Considering the above statement, Analyse classical theories and their application in contemporary multidisciplinary business context. This paper focuses on:
- Human relation approach and it’s features.
- How Human relation approach has helped organisation promote productivity and efficiency along with a sustainable and socially responsible human resource management.
- How much relevance does Human Relations approach have in ‘New-Normal’ business environment – Covid 19 Era (businesses trying to operate with COVID-19 complications)
- Refer to the Marking Guide for academic requirements.
Assessment tasks help available online
Submission Requirements
- Read & follow Marking Guide requirements (page 2 of this document)before you start your Analysis.
- Canvas (Turnitin Submissions): Aim for no more than 20% similarity (excluding cover sheet).
- Submission must be in Word format and can be submitted multiple times before due date and time.
- When submitting work through Canvas, you must go to the Assessment declaration web page, and must ‘click through’ this page, thereby declaring your authorship of the work.
- Word limit: minimum 1750 – maximum 2000 words (excluding reference list)
- Font: Calibri 11 OR Times New Roman12 OR Arial 10
- Page Numbers
Spell check: ensure you perform a spell check; observe punctuation, syntax, and grammar rules. Harvard Referencing Style: refer to Referencing – RMIT University for help. Ensure to acknowledge all used quotations, as well all paraphrased ideas or concepts.
Papers without referencing and reference list will receive ZERO marks for the Assignment.
BUSM4295/BUSM4323 – MARKING GUIDE – Assessment 1, Semester 2 2021
Key elements:
- Human relations Approach
- Socially responsible practices
- Contemporary management practices
Student Name: ………………………………………………………… ID: …………………… GROUP: ……………. GRADE /30%
Grades allocation | Not achieved Failed | Basic Pass | Proficient Credit-Distinction | Excellent High Distinction |
Introduction 5 marks | 0 – 0.5 Not achieved Shallow poorly attempted | 1 – 1.5 Superficial. The introduction would have benefitted from a neat and clear outline. Relevant points are not clearly visible, and foundation for the rest of the paper is not clearly established. | 2 – 2.5 Clear and succinct introduction. Highlighted relevant points. Provided adept foundation for the rest of the paper. | 3 – 5 Exceptionally clear introduction. All the aspects interconnected well. Provided exceptional foundation for the rest of the paper. |
Analysis 16 marks | 0 – 7 Very weak or incoherent. Shallow poorly attempted Relevance or research or literature poorly attempted. | 8 – 9 Superficial analysis. Mainly based on the on-line resources and very little research and literature base and application support for the analysis. Relevant points are not clearly visible, contemporary examples are scattered or lost in description. | 10 – 13 Proficiently described. Clear and concise analysis supported by well researched and literature material and use of the relevant contemporary examples. | 14 – 16 Evidence of creative insight and originality. Exceptionally well and thoroughly prepared. Analysis supported by exceptionally well research, and the use of literature. Exceptional examples of application of the study into contemporary business. |
Conclusion 6 marks | 0 – 2.5 Not achieved or Not attempted Very poorly attempted with poor and incoherent support | 3.5 – 4 Superficially summarised the main ideas, and arguments. The key issues and actions are mainly lost with minimal literature support | 4.5 – 5.5 Proficiently summarised the main ideas, the arguments and actions. The key issues and actions appropriately highlighted and supported by literature | 6 Exceptionally well summarised. The key issues and actions applied exceptionally well and supported by well-chosen and appropriately related literature |
Referencing 3 marks | 0 – 0.5 No in text referencing or No reference list Poor in text referencing, poor reference list. | 1 – 1.5 Poorly attempted, with mistakes, however progressing. | 2 – 2.5 Good use of references. Several minor mistakes in text as well as reference list. | 3 Exceptional use of references |
Total 30 | Maximum 10.5 | Maximum 16 | Maximum 23.5 | Maximum 30 |
CRITICAL ANALYSIS TEMPLATE (Based on template work by K. Rankin and S. Wolfie Thompson Rivers University)
In a critical analysis essay, you systematically evaluate a work’s effectiveness including what it does well and what it does poorly. It can be used to discuss a book, study, article or even a film. You must read the relevant material, watch relevant videos, or podcasts and may need to look up terms or concepts you are unfamiliar with. Please research related reading/s prior to writing your essay.
For example: This analysis paper will examine foundational study of management in the contemporary multidisciplinary business context. The ‘Scientific Management study’ first developed by F.W. Taylor at the end of 19th century and applied at the beginning of 20th Century allows for the application of science to select, train, teach and develop workers (Williams, McWilliams, Lawrence, 2017). This study is very insightful because ………….
Summary of your Introduction
- State the title of the analysis paper, and your chosen study
- Briefly outline the main ideas of the study, /identify the authors of the study, historical context etc
- What this study involves: who, what, where, when, why and how
For example
- The author of the study argues that…
- The setting is…
- The research was…
- The main issues are…
- The main points are…
- The theme is…
- The author/s of the study concludes…
The analysis is made up of several different paragraphs.
- How the theories are applied in the contemporary world (2000 – 2020) provide clear examples with explanations
- Analyse how the classical theories can be used to positively influence Management.
- Investigate how the classical theories have benefited Contemporary Businesses in Environmental Sustainability Management and Ethical Management of the workplaces, their stakeholders (internal and external)
- Critically state using examples what is relevant and not relevant about the theories and their application in the current Economic Environment.
- The analysis may look at whether the study is (in its entirety, or partially), relevant in the modern world.
- In this section you will summarise your main ideas, (if possible) with new and stronger words, restate your thesis, and include actions. For example: this study is useful because….
- This is your chance to say what you think about the study, but you must back up your opinions with supporting arguments or details from academic texts.
- All in text quotations, ideas, study concepts used in writing your paper must be fully referenced using Harvard Referencing style. References must be provided in an alphabetical order.
Useful idea/s from the reference I will use in the assignment:
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