Question 1: [10 marks] Information Privacy
a. With COVID variants continue to be on the rise, now governments have legalized mandatory double vaccination and launched a vaccine passport for citizens to show their proof of vaccinations to access businesses and services. While some people are happy to be double vaccinated and tell everyone that they have done so, others distrust the entire vaccination rush and refuse to vaccinate. The latter group feels almost violated that their private health record (i.e. their vaccination status) is to be shared with employers, for instance, or nosy colleagues, and feel their freedom of choice and privacy are violated. Using one or more ethical theory we learned in this course, explain the justification of each of these two stances regarding vaccination; one that aims for the public good at the price of violating privacy and choice, while the other assures privacy and choice yet potentially jeopardize society and the public health system; note there may be other cases, just focus on these two in your answer. [3 + 3 = 6 pts]
Hint: focus on the ethical theory/ies that best describe and justify each of the two stances on the topic.
b. What is the COVID Alert application and what specific private information does it collect about the user? See [1-3] [2 pts]
c. Identify and briefly describe at least 2 privacy concerns of the COVID Alert app that are raised by the critics. See [4-5]. [2 pts]
Question 2: [10 marks] Privacy and the Government
According to a May 19, 2021 news release from the Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada (OPC) [7] regarding vaccine passports: At its essence, a vaccine passport presumes that individuals will be required or requested to disclose personal health information – their vaccine/immunity status – in exchange for goods, services and/or access to certain premises or locations. While this may offer substantial public benefit, it is an encroachment on civil liberties that should be taken only after careful consideration. The OPC further outlines the specific contexts under which vaccine passports may be considered. Then it outlines some references to what constitutes legal authority and the limitations of consent. Finally, a list outlining the collection, use and disclosure and retention of data limitations along with various points of concerns that must be addressed. Answer the following questions by strictly referencing to the information presented in this articles [7, 10, and 11].
a. Explain how the Ontario Vaccine Passport implementation meets or does not meet the privacy regulations; justify your answer. [6 pts]
b. If the University of Windsor today would implement such an app for all students, faculty and staff to use, assuming there is legal authority to do so, what are the main privacy related points that must be addressed by the developers (at least 4)? [2 pts]
c. The University of Windsor uses a “Safe Lancer” app that requires all those who enter the campus to complete the COVID questionnaire. Is this app in compliance with the OPC guidelines in [7]? Justify your answer. [2 pts]
Question 3: [10 marks] Computer and Network Security
In reference to [4], [5], and [6]:
a. What are some potential security concerns that have been identified with the COVID tracing apps? Identify and briefly describe at least two. [1.5 x 2 = 3 pts]
b. Hackers have successfully exploited Zoom, using the “Zoom Bomb” and infiltrated private video conversations. With virtual doctor visits on the rise, Ontario is making use of OTN (see [8]) to enable virtual doctor visits and video calls with patients. What are some of the security procedures that OTN has adopted to assure client privacy and security (identify at least three)? [3 pts]
c. Which is more secure, a phone call (as the case with TeleHealth Ontario) or a video computer call (as the case with OTN virtual call) that you would recommend to a health care professional today? Justify your answer with supporting evidence where possible focusing on the network security aspects of the underlying technology. [4 pts]
Question 4: [10 marks] Computer Reliability
a. What is/are the flaw/s that the Alberta COVID tracking app suffered from? See [4,5] – [2 pts]
b. and, what recommendations would you give to the software developers when developing such an app so as to assure its reliability? [4 pts]
c. What is/are the flaw(s) the Windsor-Essex-Health-Unit struggling with when it comes to releasing timely and accurate data [see 9]? (feel free to seek other sources to support this answer). [2 pts]
d. What is the difference between software verification and validation in the context of COVID tracking apps; support your answer with a brief example for each? [2 pts]
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