Assessment Submission details:
- Please include following details on the top of your assessment:
- Your Name
- Your Student Id
- Your Trainer’s name
- Assessment Due Date
- Actual Submission Date
Please Note: Any changes in the assessment due date must be approved by your trainer.
- This assessment must be in Microsoft word format. Following settings should be made for this assignment to keep consistency among all the assessments:
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Font: Times New RomanFont size: 12 pointLine spacing: DoubleText style: Normal | Top: 2.54 cmBottom: 2.54 cmLeft: 3.17 cmRight: 3.17 cmHeader: 1.25 cmFooter: 1.25 cm |
- Do not forget to attach the Cover Sheet at the front of the assessment.
- Make sure you have signed the Cover sheet to declare this is your own work.
- You can e-mail this assessment to your trainer’s e-mail address with following details: In ‘subject’ mention your ‘student Id – Your name’.
Achieving Competence:
To be deemed competent in this assessment you must:
- Correctly address all of the assessment requirements as described in this task
- Correctly address all of the submission instructions
- Successfully complete the Assessment Questions
- Submit assessment on or before the due date with an assessment cover sheet
Performance objective:
In this task, you are required to demonstrate the skills required to review the success or otherwise of the implementation of actions from your plan in Assessment Task 2. You will need to monitor records to identify trends and determine the efficacy of policy and procedures. You will need to recommend changes to policy where performance improvement is required.
Assessment description:
You are required to complete a review of the implementation of resource efficiency listed in Assessment Task 2. As part of the review process you are undertaking you need to ensure that you:
- monitor and review records of implementation, and identify trends or apparent areas requiring ongoing action
- document the outcomes of implementation strategy and evaluate the success or otherwise of the policy and sustainability management
- review audience feedback to your presentation/training from Assessment Task 2
- recommend modifications to the policy and management of sustainability.
Assessment Questions:
- Review the reports that document resource use at the Sydney Opera House (provided by your assessor). The excel document is named “Resource use records (for candidates). Note that
there are four spreadsheets available in the document provided. You can navigate between the spreadsheets by selecting the tabs at the bottom of this Excel document.
- Review the Sydney Opera House Environmental Sustainability Policy, Environmental Sustainability Plan, and other Sydney Opera House corporate information and policy documents at:
<http://www.sydneyoperahouse.com/About/CorporateInformation_Summary.aspx >.
- Review the audience feedback from Assessment Task 2.
- Review the resource efficiency targets provided in Assessment Task 2 and the related actions you created for each target. For the purposes of this assessment, assume that the actions you developed were implemented in FY 06/07 at the Sydney Opera House.
- Using the data provided and the corporate information available to you, develop a written report that includes:
- graphs or charts that could describe or summarise progress towards or against established targets
- an evaluation of the graphs or charts to identify trends in data and analyse data targets identified in Assessment Task 2
- a description of the success and/or shortfalls of the implementation of sustainability and communication targets based on:
- trends in resource use
- audience feedback from Assessment Task 2
- a description of trends that may require remedial action; include a plan that describes how these areas can be continuously improved in the future
- a review of Sydney Opera House policies’ coverage of measuring and analysing resource consumption to determine how the recording of resource consumption is currently addressed in policy
- recommendations for improvements to policy, communication and management of sustainability based on data taken from analysis of records.
- Submit your report to your assessor along with a list of the stakeholders who would need to receive your report.
You must provide:
- a written report as per the requirements detailed above. Your assessor will be looking for:
- communication skills to write a formal report targeted to Sydney Opera House management
- literacy skills to read and evaluate Sydney Opera House reports
- research, analytical and writing skills to research, analyse and present information; and to prepare written reports
- knowledge of policy development practices to review policy and recommend changes
- knowledge of sustainability management to recommend changes
- knowledge of Sydney Opera House policies and procedures to complete the task
- knowledge of systems and procedures to improve workplace sustainability.

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