Task overview
Assessment Name | Social Media Strategy Report |
Task description | You will plan a 1-week social media campaign for this semester’s client. This will include: a description of your social media campaign, and justification for how your idea is well suited to your client’s business objectives and target audience; a list of measurable objectives for the campaign; a description and justification of your content strategy for one or more social media channels; a social media management strategy; and a social media evaluation strategy, Support your argument with the discussed literature in CYB104 and other academic and industry sources. This is an authentic assessment because you will be creating a social media campaign for a real industry client. NOTE: Do not contact the client or engage with their social media feeds or create new social media feeds related to the client, otherwise you risk failing the task entirely. |
Due Date Length | Refer to the Blackboard site. |
Maximum 2,000 words. Word length includes in-text referencing and excludes your reference list, content calendar, and appendices with three pieces. | |
Weighting | 50% |
Individual or Group | Individual |
Learning outcomes measured | Demonstrate understanding of social media fundamentals.Critically evaluate how organisations use social media.Collaboratively design, plan, and manage a social media strategy for a business or not-for profit organisation, and evidence knowledge of how to evaluate its effectiveness.Demonstrate understanding of how to create and curate social media content on different platforms, and of how to engage social media audiences. |
Task Instructions
What you need to do | Read the Criterion Reference Assessment (CRA) sheet featured at the end of this document.Review and evaluate your recommendations based on the tutor’s feedback from Assessment Task 1 and the information provided from the client this semester.Describe the idea of your social media campaign in response to your client’s business objective/s and target audience, along with a list of measurable objectives for this campaign.Describe and justify your content strategy for one or more platforms.Outline and explain how you will manage the campaign. This will include the design of a one-week content calendar, and an explanation of the monitoring and listening techniques and tools to be used. Justify the timeframe chosen.Develop a social media evaluation strategy (including an analysis and critical interpretation of the key performance indicators to consider for the success of the social media strategy).In the Appendix section of the report include at least three content elements to demonstrate how your content plan will work in one or more platforms.Support your arguments using academic and industry literature. |
Presentation requirements | This assessment task must be presented as a professionally prepared social media campaign report. There is one template designed to help you with the structure of your report. It includes: Introduction (brief introduction about what is the main idea of your campaign based on the client’s goals)Description of the idea for your campaign, along with a list of objectives for the campaign.Content strategy (description and justification of your content strategy)Social media management strategy (one-week calendar) with time frame justifiedSocial media evaluation strategy and success criteria for the campaignReference list (using QUT APA referencing for citing academic and industry literature)Appendix, which includes the at least 3 content elements you created. |
Resources needed to complete task | CYB104 unit materials. (Available on the Blackboard site)QUT Cite|Write APA guide. |
Submission Information
All staff who are assessing your work meet to discuss and compare their judgements before marks or grades are finalised. Refer to MOPP C/5.1.7.
Academic Integrity As a student of the QUT academic community, you are asked to uphold the principles of academic integrity during your course of study. QUT sets expectations and responsibilities of students specifically stating that students “adopt an ethical approach to academic work and assessment in accordance with this policy and the Student Code of Conduct (E/2.1)”. Students need to be aware that academic integrity refers to text and non-text sources, i.e. “copying or adapting non-text based material created by others, such as diagrams, designs, musical score, audio-visual materials, art work, plans, code or photographs without appropriate acknowledgement” (MOPP C/5.3.6 Academic Integrity). It also includes self- plagiarism, this “involves the re-use by a student of their own work without appropriate acknowledgement of the source. Students should seek express consent from the unit coordinator prior to re-using their own work in an assessment submission” (MOPP C/5.3.6 Academic Integrity). Students are expected to demonstrate their own understanding and thinking using ideas provided by ‘others’ to support and inform their work, always acknowledging the source. While we encourage peer learning, it is not appropriate to share assignments with other students unless your assessment piece has been stated as being a group assignment. If you do share your assignment with another student, and they copy all or part of your assignment for their submission, this is considered collusion and you may be reported for academic misconduct. If you are unsure and need more information http://www.mopp.qut.edu.au/C/C_05_03.jsp#C_05_03.03.mdoc. |

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