Assessment Task 2: Reflective Writing
Here to create the website, Weebly is chosen as it has various types of features as well as more appropriate for educational sites. From existing template, a template is chosen where we can add four digital curated easily. The topic is chosen as cyber bullying for children so various types of resources like e-poster, e-books, animation, youTube video are chosen to make the website attractive as well as make the children conscious about cyber bulling. The four digital curated resources are used in this weebly website include info graphics, animated picture, youTube link and a self-created video. The info graphics is shown in the home page of the website where e-posters are presented about the topic. Three e-posters must increase the knowledge and awareness of cyber bullying to the children. In the home page, a self-created video is uploaded with PowerPoint presentation where usage of computer and internet by children, definition of cyber bullying, who are cyber bullies, causes for cyber bullies, why internet is chosen for cyber bulling, why children are not asking for help if they are cyber bullied, tips for stopping cyber byllying, stepwise practical approach to stop the cyber bully, prevention of cyber bully, when Cyber bulling will become a Crime as well as 5 questions which are asked by children (who are using internet) them so that they should not involve with cyber bully are discussed.
In the next page (About), an animation is shown about e-safety from cyber bullying by children. A YouTube video is also embedded in this page to demonstrate “The protect yourself Rules” so that children will be very much attracted and responsive from cyber bullying. In the activity page, an interesting case is presented where children need to reply three answers from the case so their knowledge about cyber bullying facts and usage of proper internet will be cleared. The quiz page has 3 MCQs where knowledge testing about cyber bulling will be evaluated.
This website must enhance the knowledge of cyber bullying for children by playing and learning. This website is designed in Weebly where it is published in free sub-domain. This website must be a digital document for creating another project.
Reflection references:
Website References:
Screenshots of the Website:
Page 1 (Home Page):
Page 2: (Home Page)

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