Assignment 2 – A Written and Oral presentation of Individual Factors which affect Second Language Learning
Task: Present findings from a research project from a language learning classroom.
Procedure: Student teachers will evaluate factors which influence a language learner or learners using a questionnaire (devised by the student teachers and approved by the lecturer) on a topic of their (the student teachers’) choice. Findings will be presented in a written form and as an oral presentation to the MPLS LT Language Learner class.
Objectives: Demonstrate that you are able:
- to create a suitable research question(s)
- to use a questionnaire to elicit information from language learners about a language learning factor(s) which affects their learning
- to present the results of this research clearly
- to discuss your results in the light of your reading of the literature and the implications of your results for teaching
- to present your findings effectively in both written and oral form
Criteria: The questionnaire should take into account one or more aspects of language learning theory as discussed in the Paper lectures, i.e. L1 and L2 acquisition, L1 and L2 development, psycho-social factors and/or cognitive factors (including learning styles and strategies) as they affect the language learning process. Ethical guidelines should be followed. (You may profile the same learners as in Assignment 1 of this Paper, but you should not survey the topic of learner error again).
Presentation: Student teachers will submit the draft findings of their research in writing by 27/5/21 and be prepared to present their assignments orally to the class on 11/6/21. The complete and final assignment is due on 11/6/21. This assignment is worth 60% of the final grade for Paper LNGT801. 40% will be awarded for the written assignment and 20% for the oral presentation in class. The written assignment should be approximately 2500 words and the oral presentation 10-15 (max.) minutes in length (marks will be deducted for overly long presentations). The student should then be prepared to spend a period of 5 minutes answering questions. A suggested structure for your assignment is the use of headings, e.g., Introduction (including a brief literature review, approx. 600 words); Methodology; Results & Discussion; Conclusion; References (using the APA 7th referencing system). A guide to this is available online http://aut.ac.nz.libguides.com/APA7th and in this handbook). NB: Do not include raw data. Append your blank questionnaire/research tool.
Layout: Double space text, use 11pt Calibri or Arial font, only align text to left margin (= APA layout requirements), number your pages, and create a heading with your name and ID number on every page.
Grades are given on the basis of the descriptions below:
Grade A+
All of the criteria for GradeA fully met, the assignment is analysed in depth and shows original thought and interpretation.
Grade A
An analytical assignment demonstrating comprehensive, in depth understanding of issues relating to language learning factors. Thoughtful, critical evaluation of factors affecting the learning of informants and careful use of research tools. Reflection on methodology used for research. Effective use of references and sources. Citation and reference list accurate. Well written, logically structured and clear, tight presentation. In depth reflection on learning.
Grade A-
The assignment is of a high standard. Parts of the assignment will have shown the outstanding / excellent qualities of an A grade assignment.
Grade B+
The assignment shows for the most part, qualities of a B grade assignment. It also shows a few of the qualities of an A grade assignment, or shows these qualities only sporadically throughout the assignment.
Grade B
An assignment which is interpretative rather than purely descriptive. Demonstrates an understanding of issues related to learning factors. Good attempt at evaluating factors affecting the language learning of informants. Research tools mostly well-applied. Attempts to incorporate sources and references with points well organised and satisfactorily expressed. Citation and reference list mostly accurate. Some evidence of author’s reflection on own learning.
Grade B-
An assignment which demonstrates some but not all of the qualities of a B grade assignment.
Grade C+
An assignment that demonstrates the minimum requirements as set out for a Grade C assignment but parts of the assignment fulfil the criteria of a Grade B (although to a lesser extent than for a B- grade)
Grade C
An assignment which is mostly descriptive rather than interpretive. Demonstrates some understanding of topic and makes some attempts to evaluate the factors affecting language learning of informants. Factors not presented or analysed in appropriate depth. Limited use of research methods. Limited reference to sources. Some citation and reference list inaccuracies. Information and content are not optimally organised or presented. Some reflection on learning but limited in scope.
Grade C-
A weak C grade assignment. Only some of the Grade C criteria are met, or only to some extent.
Grade D
An assignment which fails to address the topic. Demonstrates a basic lack of understanding of language learning process. Contains little or no evaluation of the factors that affect informants’ learning. Inaccurate or inadequate use of research methods. Inadequate or inappropriate use of reference material. Disorganised, incoherent, poorly expressed. No evidence of author’s reflection on own learning.
Grade: Mark: /40
Presentation of Assignment 2
NAME: ___________________________
INSTRUCTIONS: Present the topic of your Assignment 2 to the class. The presentation should be 10 minutes long with a question time of 5 minutes. You should use visual aids such as PowerPoint slides to assist your presentation. If you are unfamiliar with PowerPoint presentations, please get some assistance as you will be marked on your presentation skills.
Talk is well-structured with an introduction and suitable conclusion: 2mks | |
Main ideas are easy to follow and content is relevant and appropriate to the aim: 5mks | |
Brief literature review is presented covering main theoretical background and relevant empirical studies: 2mks | |
Design and application of research tool/s is clearly explained: 3mks | |
Results are discussed and interpreted in light of relevant literature: 4mks | |
Speaks clearly and fluently without too many hesitations: 1mk | |
Presents assignment in lively manner: 1mk | |
Uses visual aids appropriately (i.e., PowerPoints): 1mk | |
Can provide adequate answers to classmates’ questions: 1mk |
Grade: Mark: /20

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