POIR8570 International Law and Global Governance
Semester One, 2021
Final Examination Paper
1 Day Take Home Paper
Start time: 9.30 am Saturday 12 June 2021 Sydney Time
Finish time: 9.30 am Sunday 13 June 2021 Sydney Time
NOTE: Papers received after the finish time (9.30 am on 13 June) will not be accepted and receive a mark of zero, unless a special consideration application has been made.
If you have a medical problem that prevents you from completing this exam paper you must see a doctor and obtain a medical certificate. In this case you should contact me ASAP to make alternative exam arrangements: lavina.lee@mq.edu.au
Instructions for Submission
- Before submitting the paper ensure that it is clearly marked with your NAME and STUDENT NUMBER in the space allocated at the top of the paper.
- The completed paper should be uploaded onto ilearn. You will find the turnitin submission link for the ‘Final Exam’ under the ‘Turnitin Assessment Submission Links’ tab. If for some reason, you have difficulty doing this, you should send the paper by email to: lavina.lee@mq.edu.au. In this case, you must still submit your paper to ilearn, but no late penalty will imposed if it is received by email on time.
- Note that normal rules for citing sources apply (you must not commit plagiarism). Quoted material should not make up more than 10% of the paper. Use your own words as much as possible as this demonstrates that you understand the questions asked.
- It is the responsibility of each student to ensure that they have reliable access to the internet to download and upload the exam paper.
POIR 8570 International Law and Global Governance
Final Examination Paper 2021
Part A – Long Answer worth 33% (650-800 words)
Answer ONE of the following two questions:
- Was the seizure and annexation of the Crimea by Russia in 2014 lawful under international law? Explain.
- Was the US operation to capture Osama bin Laden in Pakistan in 2011 lawful under international law?
Part B – Long answer worth 33% (650-800 words)
Answer ONE of the following two questions:
- International Humanitarian Law (IHL) has expanded substantially since the mid 20th century. At the same time there has been an increase, rather than a decrease in violations of IHL. How can this trend be explained?
- ‘The ICC can never implement a true rule of law system’. Do you agree with this statement? Why or why not?
Part B – Long Answer worth 33% (650-800 words)
Answer ONE of the following three questions:
- To what extent are the rules and processes of the WTO considered ‘fair’ by both developed and developing states? Explain.
- Why has it proved to be so difficult for states to produce an effective international regime in response to climate change? Refer to two theoretical approaches in your answer (Realism, Liberalism or Constructivism).
- What are the main ways in which dominant states interact with international law and global governance institutions? Explain.

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