Assignment 3 Group Report
Structure Presentation slides, notes and recording
Group or Individual Group
Learning Outcomes Assessed This assessment task is designed to test your achievement of learning outcomes 2, 3, 4 and 5
Word Limit 10 slides (max) (+ 1 cover slide)
Weighting 30%
Due Date Week 10 (See Canvas)
Assignment Overview
In this assignment, you will work in a group to identify a business, and subsequently model and enhance one of its business processes. You will consider the consider the context in which the business operations and the impact of any changes.
Specific Tasks
- Get organised into a group of 4 (Unit Convenors will explain this process).
- As a group, identify a business or organisation that at least one group member has a close interaction with (i.e., you might be a customer, an employee, or a committee member). Having trouble finding a suitable business? Ask you tutor for some guidance.
- As a group, identify a specific process that is core to the business (i.e., a transaction; an analytical activity; a supply chain process; customer management process; IT help request; etc.). It is best if you have been directly involved with the process.
- As a group, answer the following 10 questions, using the identified lectures as a guide:
- What does the business do? Why? How core is digital technology to the business? Central to strategy? To operations? Both? Neither? Justify. (See Lecture 1-2)
- How does the business relate to the tech sector (i.e., Is it part of the tech sector? If so, which part? Or, does it just use services from the tech sector?) (See Lecture 4)
- What process are you focusing on? How would you categorise the process? What part of the business does it relate to? (See Lecture 3)
- Model the process: Who are the main actors/roles involved? What are the tasks/decisions involved? How do they flow? (See Lecture 3)
- What data is the process reliant on (i.e., core entities and attributes) (See Lecture 7).
- What technology (networks/hardware/software/cloud) are required to enable the process? Create a simple architecture diagram (See Lecture 5, 6)
- Are external service technology providers used in the process (e.g., ERP, web services, outsourcing, offshoring)? Who are they? If not, should they be? Explain (See Lecture 4, 5,12)
- Based on your experience with the process, identify an improvement opportunity. Adjust your process model, annotating it, and explaining any new data and technology requirements (See Lecture 3, 5, 6).
- What systems development method would you suggest in order to implement the change? Why? (See Lecture 8)?
- What value and benefits would the updated process deliver? (See Lecture 9) What about concerns? Does your new approach open up any potential cybercrime, privacy, and security concerns? (See Lecture 11)
INF10003 Assignment 1
- Compile your answers in a slide deck (e.g. MS Powerpoint or Adobe Suite). The answer to each question should be presented on a single slide. The slide deck should therefore consist of 1 x cover slide, and 10 x content slides. You may use the notes section in the slide deck to provide supplementary information. In addition, your team should also make a 10-minute recording of the presentation (e.g. MS Powerpoint; Zoom recording; Adobe).
Other Issues
Submission Requirements
- The slide deck and recording must be submitted via the Canvas, as a pdf AND pptx AND video file (or equivalent), using the Assignment 3 link
- Refer to rubrics on Canvas for more information on how you will be marked.
- Do not email the assessment to either the convener or tutor.
- Keep a backup of your report submission. If your assessment goes astray, whether your fault or ours, you will be required to re-produce it.
- The slide count does not include references or appendices slides.
Extensions and Late Submission
Please reread the section on Extensions and Late Submission that can be found in the Unit Outline. Extension requests must be directed to the unit convenor, using the Application for an Extension for a piece of Assessment form. Late submission of an assessment will result in a late penalty being applied as required by Swinburne University assessment guidelines.
Please reread the section on plagiarism that can be found in the Unit Outline. Any evidence of plagiarism will result in a Fail. Collaborative discussion with other participants in the unit around concepts and additional examples is highly recommended, but don’t copy.
Assessment Help
If you have any queries or concerns you may discuss it with the convenor and/or tutor in the Canvas discussion board in the appropriate discussion forum or by email. IT Technical Help Technical assistance on any IT related issues can be obtained from the Swinburne Service Desk (03) 9214 5000.

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