An essay on one of the following topics with an example/ case study from agribusiness industry:
- The nature of good and bad decisions: Can good decisions result in bad outcomes?
- How does individual decision making differ from decision making in a group environment?
- What role does risk play in decision making and problem solving?
Your essay should follow the pattern discussed in the BC100 prescribed text and all sources of information and ideas should be referenced appropriately. A main source of information should be the BC200 prescribed text.
Your assignment should be completed in MS Word® and submitted on Moodle via the Turnitin Portal in BC200.
An essay should read like a story, with an introduction, discussion and conclusion, similar to an article in a newspaper or magazine.
The first page of your assignment should be a cover page with:
- Title of the assignment
- Unit code and Unit Title
- Due date
- Lecturer’s name
- Student’s name
- Student’s ID number
- Word Count
- Statement of authorship using the following words:
I declare that this assignment was researched and written by myself. I did not use any learning resources that have not been acknowledged. I have not copied from another student.
The introduction paragraph, or paragraphs, should tell the reader what they are about to read and set the scope and purpose of the essay (e.g. This essay will discuss the … The topics discussed include …………).
Use separate paragraphs for each point, BUT AN ESSAY DOES NOT HAVE HEADINGS FOR EACH SECTION.
The concluding paragraph/s then summarises what you have already said in the discussion section.
The last page of your assignment will be the ‘Reference List’ page. I would expect there to be a minimum of (ten) 10 high quality academic references

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