BSB41419 Certificate IV in Work Health and Safety

Work Health and Safety
Subject Information
CourseBSB41419 Certificate IV in Work Health and Safety 
Unit[s] of Competency
(If cluster list all units in cluster)
BSBWHS413 Contribute to implementation and maintenance of WHS consultation and participation processes 
BSBSTR402 Implement continuous improvement 
Assessment Information for Student
Name of taskImplement continuous improvement in consultation with a team 
Type of taskAssignmentTask Number
Where you will work on your taskThe Gordon, in class & in your own time 
Time available to complete this assessment Due date
What you are required
to prepare, do or make
Implement Continuous Improvement systems and processes, provide mentoring and coaching support and encourage the team to take responsibility and show initiative to implement the process. Implement and maintain Health & Safety consultation and participation to ensure the team are encouraged to participate.   
Specific Assessment requirements (if any)On at least 2 occasions you are to contribute to: – implementing and maintaining work health and safety (WHS/OHS) consultation and participation to ensure that required personnel are encouraged to participateidentifying barriers to, and opportunities for improving, effectiveness of WHS/OHS consultation and participation processes, and to implement and maintain improvement measures  
What skills and knowledge you need to demonstrateinitiate and contribute to consultationshare and communicate WHS info and dataimplement continuous improvementimplement processes to inform team members about continuous improvement outcomes/strategiesmanage records – document performance to identify further improvementsinternal/external customersmonitor, review and improve performanceencourage personnel to participateidentify barriers to improvementMentor a colleague   
Your assessor will provide these resourcesAccess to the Gordon online course All templates and documents are provided in the company resources online 
You (the student) will need to provide these resourcesAccess to a computer and printer, including programs required to develop a presentation: PowerPoint, Sway or other. Zoom 
After you complete this taskThe assessor provides feedback and your result for this assessment task through Gordon Online gradebook unless otherwise advised. You are required to upload your completed assessment and any other assessment artefact, such as a presentation you used, a completed checklist or a photograph of your work; see instructions for further information. Your overall result for this unit/s is also available through the Gordon Online gradebook (unless otherwise advised). Satisfactory completion of all summative assessments as listed in the Unit Guide and in Gordon online is required for Competency in the relevant unit/s overall. 
To submit this taskYou must submit this task to your assessor via Gordon online. You will find instructions on how to do this in your course online. 
Implement Continuous Improvement in consultation with a team
The scenario In your role as WHS/OHS officer, you have been approached by Maria, the warehouse manager, with responsibility of the labelling application team.  Maria explains that she has been tasked to implement a new continuous improvement process, to fix issues with the labelling of products for despatch.  She has started to research and believes that she may have found a solution, but when speaking with another staff member, she was told that he may need to consult with workers as the matter will impact on their health and safety.  Maria does not think this is the case and has sought you out for advice.   Maria further explains that Future Tech wants to replace the existing system where the labels are printed separately and must be applied to the boxes manually by the workers while the packages are still on a conveyer belt.  Three operators are currently employed for this task they would spend at least three hours of their shift labelling.   Labelling consignments is a difficult and slow process; often hampered due to staff availability and time pressures.  Operators must attach the labels while the packages move along the conveyor belt, and the conveyor moves at a fixed speed.  Experienced staff members have suggested that the speed of the conveyor is one of the factors for mistakes, and the time needed for labelling is increasing because of recent customer demands (a good thing).   Underpinning the desire to change the process is the time it takes and to reduce mistakes, as the workers are also expected to complete a range of tasks such as order picking, packaging, and housekeeping. The increased time spent labelling has led to the neglect of other necessary tasks, and labelling errors have led to increased customer complaints. Maria provides you with reports which indicate that: Staff have been complaining of back and neck pain due to the low position of the conveyer belt and over reaching when applying the labels.   If any of the 3 staff are on leave time slows the process due to lack of other available staff, resulting in lost time and less productivity. In turn, added stress on the team.   Lost time and productivity has affected profit margins, which are currently sitting at an average loss of 6% per month. The team are under pressure to improve these results.   Manual application has a risk of human error with wrong address labels being applied. The current figures are an average of 80 errors per week out of every 250 items despatched. The team manager is constantly harassing the workers to reduce the errors.   Errors in labelling incurs customer complaints which reflect the number of errors. Again, the team manager is applying pressure on the team to rectify these mistakes.   What did you explain to Maria about the duty to consult? Who else needs to be consulted with?   You tell Maria, that while your primary role relates to OHS, you are fully conversant with contemporary continuous improvement processes as they form both part of your Certificate IV in WHS. You offer to assist her with the project. Maria readily agrees as she feels under the pump and is not really up to speed with continuous improvement techniques.   You then arrange a meeting with, Maria and Sabapathee, the HSR for the warehouse DWG.   Maria explains that Future Tech wish to implement a new system that will improve the process for labelling the boxes in which the drone orders are delivered to clients.   Maria states she has identified that a LabelOn™ Benchtop Labelling Machine:  Flat and Near Flat Label Applicator meets the requirements.  She has suggested that Four of the machines will be installed. One operator is needed per machine. She suggests that we can see a video of the machine online and provides the link:   Sabapathee suggests that a meeting should be held with all staff in his DWG, as the suggested means will impact on the roles required in the workplace.  Maria is not keen as she believes her suggestion is a marked improvement on the current practices and further consultation is a waste of her time.   As the OHS officer, the subject matter expert in OHS/WHS for Future Tech, what did you advise her?   As a result of meeting with the employees and viewing the proposed new label maker, the employees have raised a number of issues with Sabapathee.  Sabapathee then meets up with you and Maria.   He raises the following concerns of the members of the DWG. Currently three employees rotate through the role each spending three hours per shift labelling, which is impacting on their ability to perform other role requirements. They are concerned that the proposal put to them requires an additional operator, which will further impact on the other work requirements creating additional work pressure which could increase psychosocial risks to the workgroup.   On reviewing the proposed machine, the operators believe there are a number of hazards that would need to be resolved, including ergonomic hazards, due to the low conveyor height and level of the machine, may mean hazardous manual handling risks associated with award or sustained posture.  Their initial risk assessment suggest as the task involving sustained awkward posture require repetitive movements being undertaken more than twice a minute and conducted for more than 2 hours in any shift, this needs to be resolved.  As such, Sabapathee believes the task involves hazardous manual handling. In the view of the DWG, the selection of the proposed machine does not alleviate the existing ergonomic hazards. Other hazards relate to electrical, entanglement and crushing hazards although the employees risk assessment suggest that the last three hazards are of low risk.   Importantly, the employees have identified that the proposed label machine is only suitable for flat packed boxes, meaning the box would be labelled before the order is actually picked and packed.  In their view this would most likely increase the error rate.   They have researched the issue and have identified another labelling machine which is semi automatic and can be programmed to label completed packages in sequence therefore reducing the changes of labelling errors.  The fact that this machine has a much higher capacity would only require one machine and it is capable of being suitable for the prosed increase in demand and expansion of the business.  This machine would cost around $10,000. Print-Apply Labelling System: Legi-Air 6000 for up to 2,400 labels per hour! – YouTube   You again meet up with Maria and inform her of the discussions of the workgroup, whilst acknowledging the concerns she believes that her solution offers ample improvements and would only cost around $7,500 for the four machines proposed.  She suggests that the ergonomic issue could be alleviated if the operators were able to sit.  Both you and Sabapathee do not believe sitting would be suitable option given the height of the existing conveyor.   Sabapathee states that the machines can be obtained from the same Australian distributor.   You suggest it may be possible to obtain both machines for appraisal and testing.  This is agreed and the supplier installs one of each machine and trains the existing three operators.  You have set up a quality control process and have agreed to keep tally sheets for each day of the week during the test.  The test will be conducted over four weeks. The following data was gathered during the four work week trial.       LabelOn™ Benchtop Labelling Machine:  Flat and Near Flat Label Applicator   Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Label mismatch ///// /// ///// /// //// ///// //// No label ///// /// / / Wrong label ///// ///// // ///// / ///// Damaged label //// //   / Totals 22 20 11 16     Print-Apply Labeling System: Legi-Air 6000   Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Label mismatch / // // / No label /       Wrong label / /// /   Damaged label         Totals 3 5 3 1   The operators also reported that when using the Label On Benchtop labeller that that they had experienced neck pain, from overreaching to operate the machine. Considering the Compliance Code for Hazardous manual handling Edn1, March 2018 WorkSafe Victoria, using the checklist  (Appendix B) complete a risk assessment and develop suggested control measures based of the information in the compliance code. (You will need to include this information in your management report and presentation).   While still present, the entanglement, crushing can be reduced by the introduction of guards and electric hazards are low risk with current inspection processes, an administrative control, remains suitable.   The concern, that having four operators will increase pressure on the time available for other tasks has not been considered at this time. The employees concern have voiced their concerns through the HSR, Sabapathee. You are taking this concern seriously and inform Sabapathee that you need to conduct some research and get back to him in regard to suggested control measures.   Undertake research and describe suitable control measures that could address the issues raised by the DWG.  (Ensure you reference any material relied upon).   There were no issues reported regarding the Print Apply labelling system as the operator only has to be present to observe the process and take remedial action by replacing any mislabelled box back into the system after altering the computer program to redo the label. As the operator only has to stand and observe the process line, he is isolated from any hazards.   Considering continuous improvement processes, who else might be a relevant stakeholder? List at least three and explain why you believe that are a relevant stakeholder?   As a result of the internal engagement forum, you have been advised that during the four week trail, customers reported receiving a number of wrong orders. During the trial, the customer lists for each machine was kept so as to be able to identify any issues once the items had been dispatched, in total 3,890 units were sent out to customers.  3000 units were labelled using the Print-Apply Labelling system (77%) with the remaining 890 using the Label On system. (23%).   In regard to the LabelOn machine, you after advised customers reported incorrect addresses on 16% There were 12% of errors concerning the Print-Apply Labelling system, but further review revealed these errors only applied to week Three when the orders were placed on a pallet in the wrong order.   Complete a 5 Whys analysis on the problem “Customers received the wrong order” Having regard to the elements for presenting a proposal, prepare a report for management containing including any statistics or graphs, weighing up the pros and cons of each proposal and making a recommendation that you believe has more benefit in the long term and provides the best outcome for health and safety of the workforce, including how consultation in regard to the OHS issues were undertaken, any risks identified and any suggested controls; as well as what advice you gave to any of the persons involved. (Remember to source any reference material you considered in preparing your report, including legislation.)     After you have drafted your report, you find out that Maria is still pushing for the LabelOn option.  Her assessment is based on cost, despite the manual handling and psychosocial risks. This is now raised by Sabapathee, the HSR for the Warehouse DWG as an unresolved health and safety issue. Considering the Occupational Health and Safety Act 2004 (VIC) and any relevant regulations, update your report and outline any obligations to resolve the issue.   What is the obligation and who must be involved?   Explain why cost is not relevant to making the decision regarding the implementation of the new labelling system.   What could Sabapathee, as the HSR, do to force the issue?   What are the circumstances could Sabapathee must consider if he chooses to exercise this power?   Sharing of continuous improvement strategies and resulting WHS/OHS implications Develop a visual presentation to support your management report. (You will be assessed during this presentation using Task 3 Observation checklist. Familiarise yourself with the assessment requirements prior to making your presentation.)     In the presentation you will need to cover: An explanation of WHS/OHS consultation requirements as explained to Maria and the issues raised by Sabapathee.Discussion and recognition of any barriers to participation and explanation of the steps that will be taken to overcome these barriers.Presentation of the pros and cons of both options, your recommendations, including:any underlying OHS/WHS hazards or risks;process improvements – efficiencies, expected savings and reduced errors;problem solving ( 5 Whys;)expected to benefit both your internal and external customers;How the new system will be monitored, performance measured, and how this will be communicated to the team.As the issue is still unresolved, outline to management, the obligations under the Act to resolve issues and give an overview of how Sabapathee, may use his powers to ensure the issue is resolved?Reference any legislation, guidance, statistics, risk assessments and information given earlier.   This can be using PowerPoint, Sway or any other form of presentation you would like to use. The presentations will be delivered to class view zoom.       
Assignment Coversheet Student Information 
Student’s Name Student ID No.
Student RightsIf you have any questions about the assessment outcome you should firstly speak to your trainer. If this conversation does not resolve your concern, you can appeal the decision within ten working days of the date below by sending an email to 
Student DeclarationI certify that the work completed and submitted for this assessment task is my own work and that where other people’s work or contribution is part of this assessment, it has been clearly identified in the assessment and that person’s role or source of the information has been acknowledged. 
Student’s Signature Date
Assignment checklist (Assessor Use Only) 
Performance and Knowledge to be addressed in this taskSatisfactory
1.Student demonstrated their ability and understanding of mentoring a colleague 
2.Student initiated and contributed to consultation on WHS/OHS issues and solutions 
3.Student was able to share and communicate WHS/OHS info and data clearly and confidently 
4.Student demonstrated their ability to assist with implementing a continuous improvement system 
5.Student implemented processes to inform team members about continuous improvement outcomes/strategies 
6.Student was able to manage records and document performance to identify further improvements 
7.Student was able to identify how continuous improvement had improved service for both internal and external customers 
8.Student was able to monitor, review and improve performance 
9.Student encouraged personnel to participate in discussion regarding WHS/OHS in the workplace 
10.Student was able to work through identified barriers to improvement that may be found in the workplace 
Assessment Outcome (Assessor use only)
Attempt Number☐  First submission☐  Second submission
Reasonable adjustment applied☐  Not required     
☐  Yes (briefly describe)
Outcome☐  Satisfactory☐  Unsatisfactory
Assessor’s Name Signature
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