BSB50820DIPLOMA OF PROJECT MANAGEMENT Case Study Assessment Kit Module 3 

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Date Modified: 11/11/2020

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Assessment Information.. 4

Competencies Being Assessed. 4

Assessment Process. 5

Progress Checklist 6

Assessment Coversheet.. 7

Supervisor/Manager Support and Communication. 8

Assessment Requirements. 9

1. Knowledge Questions. 9

2. Tasks. 12

Assessment Information

Competencies Being Assessed

BSBPMG534 Manage Project Human Resources

For a full view of this unit of competency

BSBPMG535 Manage Project Communications

For a full view of this unit of competency

BSBPMG538 Manage Project Stakeholders

For a full view of this unit of competency

Assessment Process

The assessment is designed to help you gather evidence of your competence against the requirements of the unit of competency (as outlined above) while applying your learning in the workplace. Your evidence may take a variety of forms and must be:

When should I submit this assessment?

You have twelve months to submit all the assessments for the Diploma of Project Management. Please advise AIM if you anticipate needing more time so that your records can be updated.

Use this assessment kit to complete your responses to the assessment, attaching additional evidence and documentation as appropriate. Please ensure all additional documents are clearly labelled so that your assessor understands the relevance to specific parts of the assessment.

Assessment Submission and Feedback

Submit your assessment online via myAIM. Once submitted, your assessment will be assessed and feedback returned to you via myAIM.

You will receive an assessment of either Satisfactory or Unsatisfactory. If you receive an unsatisfactory assessment you will be provided with one (1) more opportunity to submit your work.

Upon completion of all the assessment requirements for this module you will receive an overall assessment of Competent or Not Yet Competent for each unit of competency. If you are assessed as Competent, you will be eligible for a Statement of Attainment. If you are enrolled in a full qualification, you will be issued with a Certificate and Transcript upon successful completion of all of your units.

Technical tools for completing this assessment

To complete this assessment you need access to:

  • A computer with internet
  • Programs for word processing and other relevant programs to develop project management documentation and reports as required (please use work tools wherever possible)

Progress Checklist

This checklist is designed to help ensure you don’t miss anything when completing your assessments and preparing them for submission. Completion of this checklist is optional.

Read and ensure you understand the AIM Student Handbook. Particularly in terms of your rights and responsibilities. Access the Student Handbook on the AIM website.YES
Read the assessment information, particularly the competency being assessedYES
Complete the cover sheetYES
Answer the knowledge questions within this assessment kitYES
Complete the tasks within this assessment kit.YES
Compile your complete submission, ensuring that all additional documents and attachments are appropriately labelled. Also ensure any media submissions such as video and audio are ready for submission. Save this assessment document with the following name: Surname_firstname_Module3_Assessmentkit   Save additional documents with the following name: Surname_firstname_modulenumber_tasknumber_documenttype For example: Smith_Jane_Module3_Task1f_projectcharter Or Smith_Jane_Module3_Task2b_meetingminutesYES
Submit your assessments via myAIM.YES

Assessment Coversheet

Program title: Diploma of Project Management
Unit of competency: BSBPMG534 Manage Project Human Resources BSBPMG535 Manage Project Communications BSBPMG538 Manage Project Stakeholders
Program date: 18/06/23
Name: Olivia CrvenkovicEmail:
Telephone: NAMobile: 0409807846
Organisation: NA
A brief description of your organisation: NA 
A brief description of your team/department: NA 
A brief description of your role: NA 
You will submit your completed assessment online through myAIM. By making this submission you agree to the following declaration: Declaration: Student Handbook I understand that the Australian Institute of Management Education and Training will retain information relating to my assessment and not disclose it to third parties without my permission, with the exception of my employer on request (where my employer is financing my course) and AIM service providers (such as my assessor) acting in confidence on my behalf.

Supervisor/Manager Support and Communication

Having the support of your supervisor/manager will assist you in completing your assessment and applying your learning back into the workplace.

Please note: This is not a compulsory part of the assessment process.

Communication with your Supervisor/ManagerParticipant CommentSupervisor/Manager Comment
Review your experience of the training  
Discuss the assessment requirements and its applicability to the workplace  
Identify the resources and support needed to complete the assessment  
Agree a plan of action for successful completion within the timeframes  
Discuss your satisfaction with the training and assessment process  





Assessment Requirements

1. Knowledge Questions


Answer the following questions:

  1. : It is a continuous and ongoing process to clarify and communicate the job priorities, responsibilities and expectations for the performance. It also includes the development of the planning to improve the performance as per the goals.
  2. : It sets out the skills, capabilities and competencies for the workforce to meet the project or organisational goals. It also defines how the learning and development goals can be achieved in a sustainable way.
  3. Process to search and hire the candidate is recruitment process whereas shortlisting of the suitable candidate is part of the selection process.

Resource identification technique is used. It is identified what resources are required and then the resource availability and their skills are assessed before to book them for the project.

  1. it means that managers leave their desk and move around the workplace to understand the employees and their work. It is useful when managers have limited understanding with approaches used by employees to accomplish the work.
  2. these are major criteria used to measure performance. For example, it can be how many same tasks are completed by an employee in a day.
  3. This meeting aims to analyse the performance and identify the area of improvement. It is used at the end of the week or a month when a task is completed.
  4. Group members can work together to make decisions on common problems. It is useful when employees are capable to support others and have enough understanding about the concern.
  1. Instead of individual, entire team is rewarded for the outcome. It helps to encourage teamwork.
  2. it means to improve performance by providing coaching and other resources. It is used when resource lacks knowledge and skills for a task.
  3. It aims to bring sharing of knowledge, encourage of attitudinal and behavioural change and teaching of skills. It includes trainer to support learning.
  4. it is a process through which new employees acclimatise and adjust with workplace. It is required when new candidate joins the office for first time.
  1. it means to interactive way of sharing and receiving information that is consistent and effective with organisational objectives.
  2. It includes memos, emails, letters, faxes and reports to share the information. There is no face-to-face interaction.
  3. : it means to provide access. In this, only information is retrieved. For example, project manager can pull the information on progress of the project task.
    1. it means to assess how and what information is shared within the team and how individual is contributing.
    1. it means to take feedback from all the members and then summarise the overall performance in communication.
    • it includes assessment of contractor and suppliers for their communication process and outcomes.

Trello and Asana are two popular project management information systems. Trello offers visualisation and enable optimisation in execution. Asana also provides a large set of tools and techniques to support project information management. The most suitable one is Asana as it is easy to use and it has flexible pricing model.

  1. it means to require the participation of stakeholders for an event.
  2. it means to consult with related stakeholders for their opinions and advice.
  3. it means to inform the stakeholders for particular outcomes. It is done when outcome is related to the stakeholders’ roles and responsibilities.
  4. : in this level, stakeholder receives extended set of information to develop more awareness about a particular situation.

Interest: Seek participation; consult; inform; maintain awareness

Influence: Important; influential; mandatory; beneficiaries; impactees.

Project sponsor  ConsultMandatory
Project customer  Seek participationBeneficiaries
Project manager  Maintain awarenessInfluential
Internal/external subject matter experts  ConsultImportant
End users  Seek participationBeneficiaries
Suppliers  Seek participationImpactees
Project team member  ConsultInfluential
Compliance body  InformImpactees
Contractors  InformImpactees
  1. : it means to create the group of key stakeholders for easier and effective information sharing. It allows their better engagement in project to consider their ideas and feedbacks.
  2. : It allows the stakeholders to share their feedbacks through a questionnaire.
  3. : each key stakeholder is interviewed to understand their requirements and expectations.
  4. : it is used to take and share the data with stakeholders and develop streamline communication with them.
  5. : a dedicated website or forum is used to allow them for sharing their opinions.

If stakeholders’ interest and expectations are not considered then the project may fail to achieve acceptance at the end. For example, a project is not suitable if it is not meeting the required legal obligations as required by legal bodies.

  1. it can lead to changes in stakeholders’ expectations and they may not be further interested in the project.
  2. Poor communication can lead lack of information to stakeholders and they may perceive the project as a failure.
  3. it can result in lack of communication and information sharing with stakeholders and they may not have all the required information on the time.
  4. It results in lack of understanding with project stage and execution.

2. Tasks


  • Acknowledge any information you have used (websites, books etc.) by referencing the original source.
  • You will be asked to develop project management documents to demonstrate your competency. The documents you develop should be included in the assessment documentation you submit.
  • Before you submit your work please ensure you have clearly named and labelled your documents so that your assessor knows what submissions relate to which questions and tasks. Refer to the Progress Checklist in this assessment kit for how to name your documents.

Project Management templates

In developing project management documents, you can use the PM templates available in myAIM or you can use PM templates from your own workplace.

Important note:

Please be aware that any workplace templates you use as part of your assessment will be treated as commercial-in-confidence.

Your project

To complete the assessment, you will use the supplied case study project (based on the Tsunami Group simulated business) as the basis for your responses. You will need to read the case study before you commence the Assessment Tasks.

Complete the following tasks in relation to this project. Record your answers in this document.

Task 1 Project Human Resources Management

2.1.1    Develop and submit:

  1. , allocating project team members to individual tasks identified in the work breakdown structure (WBS). Matrix needs to include dates when tasks are planned to be completed.
Task NameDurationPredecessorsStartFinishResource Names
project59 days01-07-2221-09-22
Initial phase10 days01-07-2214-07-22
Define goals and objectives3 days01-07-2205-07-22Project manager
Analyse the project context5 days206-07-2212-07-22Xian Lim
Identify the stakeholders2 days313-07-2214-07-22Gail Tetsu
Requirement phase8 days15-07-2226-07-22
Vision documentation1 day415-07-2215-07-22Andrew Simmons
gather requirements8 days415-07-2226-07-22Gail Tetsu
Document the needs4 days618-07-2221-07-22Gail Tetsu,Project manager and Xian Lim
Design phase4 days22-07-2227-07-22
Analyse business infrastructure1 day822-07-2222-07-22Neerja Singh and Kathy Anderson
Document equipment and contracts2 days1025-07-2226-07-22Xian Lim
Create blue print of product3 days1025-07-2227-07-22Andrew Simmons and Project manager
Manufacturing phase17 days27-07-2218-08-22
conduct a tender exercise6 days1127-07-2203-08-22Project manager
Select and contract the manufacturers2 days1127-07-2228-07-22Project manager
Select suppliers3 days1127-07-2229-07-22Xian Lim
Supply the essentials5 days1601-08-2205-08-22Xian Lim and Kathy Anderson
Compliance and contract signing2 days1708-08-2209-08-22Project manager
Manufacturing product7 days1810-08-2218-08-22Gail Tetsu and Project manager
Marketing12 days04-08-2219-08-22
Develop marketing and advertising strategy10 days1404-08-2217-08-22Gail Tetsu and Andrew Simmons
Strategy monitoring2 days2118-08-2219-08-22Andrew Simmons
Supply and sales8 days22-08-2231-08-22
Order initial stock3 days2222-08-2224-08-22Kathy Anderson
Establish the product into existing systems5 days2425-08-2231-08-22Gail Tetsu and Kathy Anderson
Closing15 days01-09-2221-09-22
Documentation10 days2501-09-2214-09-22Andrew Simmons
Handover5 days2715-09-2221-09-22Project manager

Skill requirements

Project manager:

Gail Tetsu:

Neerja Singh

Xian Lim:

Kathy Anderson:

PowerKeep satisfied   Customer, Sponsor, Steering committee, and regulatorsManage closely   Small and medium size businesses, Senior executives, Administrative team and project manager  
Monitor   System administrator and helpdeskKeep informed   Suppliers and testing team
StakeholderImpactInfluenceWhat is important to the stakeholder?How could the stakeholder contribute to the project?How could the stakeholder block the project?Strategy for engaging the stakeholder
CustomerHighMediumProduct quality, customer services and price.Feedback and reviews on the products and services,They may show little or no interest in products.Branding and marketing.
SponsorHighHighTimely and cost-effective design and sales.By providing directions and setting expectations.By reducing fund and schedule and cancelling contracts.Sharing project progress and scope.
Steering committeeHighHighExecution as required.By providing directions and setting expectations.By opposing the decisions.Clarify the project plan and take their approval before to proceed.
RegulatorsMediumLowLegal complianceBy setting legal obligations and standards.By raising legal actions.Take license and patents if required.
Senior executivesHighHighTimely and cost-effective design and sales.By providing directions and setting expectations.By reducing fund and schedule and cancelling contracts.Sharing project progress and scope.
Administrative teamMediumMediumProject and resources are managed.By managing resources and executing project goals and mission.By eliminating resources or reducing data and service availability.By sharing targets and goals.
System administrator and helpdeskMediumMediumQuality of information systems.By managing Information systems and data.By showing less interest in project design.They can be involved during design and planning process.
SupplierMediumMediumGood price and benefitsBy delivering required supplies on the time.By delaying or not providing required items.Using contracts and regular talk.

2.1.2Describe the process you would undertake to develop and implement human resource requirements making sure to address the following in your response:

  1. you would apply to support employee engagement and performance. Briefly explain why these are appropriate for this project (25-50 words each)

Performance review: techniques such as feedback and reviews can be used to monitor the performance and engage the employees for improved outcomes.

Training: training on weaknesses can engage the employees for skills development. It is appropriate to develop new skills and enable knowledge sharing.

  • project role descriptions. (15-25 words)

Communication is foremost requirement. Further, skill and capability assessment can improve the role negotiation process.

  • document for one of the project team members

Job brief

The project requires a project manager for permanent basis.



Requirements and skills

  • you would implement and why these were appropriate for this project? (25-50 words)

There will be use of on-desk training and it will include all employees working on design and manufacturing tasks. It will help them to improve their understanding with requirement and build skills.

2.1.3 Describe how project activities conducted by project team members could be measured, recorded, and reported on to make sure they complied with the agreed performance requirements. (25-50 words)

           There will be weekly progress reporting and final report will be compiled and submitted to project manager for further review. Weekly meetings are also useful.

Summary of what to submit for Task 1 Project human resource management

Task 2 Project Information and Communication Management

  • and submit a communication management plan for the project.

Document Control

14/06/20231.0ApprovedShare to all team membersProject manager
StakeholderSpecific Interests/ NeedsRequirementsFrequencyMedium
Project sponsorInterested in project outcomes and execution. Sponsor needs timely updates about project progress.Project progress document and specific issues.MonthlyEmail and printout
Departmental managersInterested for efficient communication with others/ Need an insight on progress of team.Team contribution report, project specification and disputes and conflicts meetingWeeklyFace-to-face
External stakeholdersInstructions for them and data to meet their outcomes/ Need approvalsApprovals on supplies and services.On-demandTelephonic and email
Change control boardReason behind change/ Need change request formChanges are consistent across the projectOn-demandFace-to-face/ meeting
CustomersInterested in product price and features/ They need comprehensive details about productAdvertisement and EmailFrequently like once a weekOnline
Project managerInterested in project success/ Need project insightsProject documentsWeeklyEmail/ Hard-copy
Project teamInterested in assigned task/ Need instructions for tasks.Role and job descriptionAt the start of the projectEmail
Steering committeeInterested in project outcome/ Need project insightsProject progress report and change requestMonthlyMeeting
System administration teamInterested in assigned task/ Need instructions for tasks.Role and job descriptionAt the start of the projectEmail
  • you would undertake to identify and agree on documentation requirements and communication processes. (25-50 words)

There will be a meeting with key stakeholders to understand their requirements and the communication process will be formulated. It will be applied after approval from project manager and sponsor.

  • s)

The system will store and manage the project progress and other data. It will be accessible to all team members and senior executives to fetch and store information as per their role. It will be Excel-based.

  • this system was chosen and why it is appropriate for the project (15-25 words)

Excel-based system is preferred as it is in skill-set of all resources and it is easy to use.

  • you would ensure communication processes remained valid, accurate and at the required quality. (15-25 words)

It will be monitored regularly for behaviour of the team members toward the process.

Summary of what to submit for Task 2 Project information and communication management  

Task 3 Implement and Monitor Project Stakeholder Management

Propose and describe two (2) hypothetical instances where you became aware of an issue related to managing stakeholders for your project. One (1) of these issues must be related to a human resource conflict.

For each issue, address the following questions:

The issue of ‘prevention of collaboration’ is reported by particular resource. I will use general notice to all team members to report the issue.

  • are the potential impacts of this issue on the project in terms of human resource management, stakeholder engagement and project communication and information management? (25-50 words)

It will reduce productivity and interest of particular resources. It will reduce their engagement in work and impacts effectiveness of communication and information management.

I will encourage individual for collaboration and coordination. I will develop teams and allocate governing responsibilities.

To: sponsor

Subject: Regarding prevention of collaboration

Dear sir,

As reported by a team member, the project is facing prevention of collaboration in planning and designing phase. It can impact the quality of decisions and outcomes. I think, encourage to the resources for teamwork and collaboration will be solution at first but later, we can monitor the behaviour and attitude of individual for teamwork. However, it does not cause any changes in project tasks. Awaiting your responses in this regard.

Thank you.

The project stakeholder management plan will include two additional meetings: one will be used to encourage the resources for collaboration and second meeting will measure the individual’s behaviour for teamwork.

Team leader will use benchmarking and other techniques to measure progress. Previous experience for similar projects will be used to retrieve and manage knowledge for various tasks.

360-degree feedback can be used to measure effectiveness of stakeholder engagement. It can be documented as a summarised information for the event and can be used for further improvement.

Summary of what to submit for Task 3 Implement and monitor project stakeholder management  

Task 4 Stakeholder Meeting

Purpose of assessment

For this assessment you will deliver a presentation and facilitate a meeting on its content. You will be assessed on your interaction and communication skills as well as your contributions to each of the meeting agenda items.

You will give your presentation at an AIM assessment workshop; this will be held online via webinar.

While participating in this assessment workshop you will also be required to act as a stakeholder for the other project managers that will be participating while they give their presentations. You will be assessed on your ability to provide feedback, ask relevant questions, and use appropriate communication.

Please note, your presentation will be recorded for assessment purposes.

Your assessor will be looking to see that you demonstrate:

  • clear communication
  • active listening and questioning to clarify understanding
  • collaboration and co-operation with others to achieve a shared goal

This means that you will need to discuss each agenda item with those present, not just provide your opinion.

  • to deliver to the group. Your presentation must cover the following:
    • facilitate a discussion to elicit feedback.
Submit the following for Task 4 Stakeholder meeting 1. Presentation addressing Task 4.1.  

Task 5 Project Finalisation – Managing Project HR, Communications and Stakeholders

So far you have planned and implemented the project human resources, stakeholder engagement and communications & information management plans for your project. Now that you have come to the end of the project, reflect on these aspects in relation to the project outcomes and respond to the following questions.

In previous projects, I learned that stakeholder satisfaction is important for project success. I will consider stakeholder engagement on priority.

  • completed the previous assessment tasks, made changes as requested, and having presented your project to a group and received feedback.

Role delegation and resource conflict resolutions are important to keep the project managed. Stakeholders’ can be engaged and informed for related changes in the project.

I did well to identify the resource management related issues.

Next time, I will make sure that communication plan is comprehensive and addressing the requirements of the stakeholders.

  • management? Explain why these activities are important for this project. (25-50 words)

I will conduct comprehensive human resource management plan and ensure that all the related information is maintained in information system. It is important to avail the required information for further execution.

Summary of what to submit for Task 5 Managing Project HR, Communications and Stakeholders  

Please submit all your responses to this assessment kit to myAIM.

– End of document-

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Length: 2000 words +/- 10% (excluding references)For this assessment, you must choose eight sources (academic readings and policy documents) as the basis of your Research and Policy Review. You must choose your set of sources from the ‘REFERENCES MENU’ on the moodle site, noting the minimum number of sources required

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HSN702 – Lifespan Nutrition

Assessment Task: 2 Assignment title: Population Nutrition Report and Reflection Assignment task type: Written report, reflection, and short oral presentation Task details The primary focus of this assignment is on population nutrition. Nutritionists play an important role in promoting population health through optimal nutritional intake. You will be asked to

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Written Assessment 1: Case Study

Billy a 32-year-old male was admitted to the intensive care unit (ICU) with a suspected overdose of tricyclic antidepressants. He is obese (weight 160kg, height 172cm) and has a history of depression and chronic back pain for which he takes oxycodone. On admission to the emergency department, Paramedics were maintaining

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Assessment Task 8 – Plan and prepare to assess competence

Assessment Task 8 – Plan and prepare to assess competence Assessment Task 8 consists of the following sections: Section 1:      Short answer questions Section 2:      Analyse an assessment tool Section 3:      Determine reasonable adjustment and customisation of assessment process Section 4:      Develop an assessment plan Student Instructions To complete this

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Nutrition Reviews Assignment 2 – Part A and Part B

This assignment provides you with the opportunity to determine an important research question that is crucial to address based on your reading of one of the two systematic reviews below (Part A). You will then develop a research proposal outlining the study design and methodology needed to answer that question

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NUR332 – TASK 3 – WRITTEN ASSIGNMENT for S2 2024. DESCRIPTION (For this Task 3, the word ‘Indigenous Australians’, refers to the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples of Australia) NUR332 Task 3 – Written Assignment – Due – WEEK 12 – via CANVAS on Wednesday, Midday (1200hrs) 16/10/2024. The

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NUR100 Task 3 – Case study

NUR100 Task 3 – Case study To identify a key child health issue and discuss this issue in the Australian context. You will demonstrate understanding of contemporary families in Australia. You will discuss the role of the family and reflect on how the family can influence the overall health outcomes

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NUR 100 Task 2 Health Promotion Poster

NUR 100 Task 2 Health Promotion Poster The weighting for this assessment is 40%. Task instructions You are not permitted to use generative AI tools in this task. Use of AI in this task constitutes student misconduct and is considered contract cheating. This assessment requires you to develop scholarship and

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BMS 291 Pathophysiology and Pharmacology CASE STUDY

BMS 291 Pathophysiology and Pharmacology CASE STUDY Assessment No: 1 Weighting: 40% Due date Part A: midnight Friday 2nd August 2024 Due date Part B: midnight Sunday 29th September 2024 General information In this assessment, you will develop your skills for analysing, integrating and presenting information for effective evidence-based communication.

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