BSBCUS401 Coordinate Implementation of Customer Service Strategies | |
Name of Participant: | ID No: |
How to complete this Assessment: To complete this assessment, research and reading will be required. Research could include research of your own organisation to determine processes, procedures, policies and plans that may be required. Other research into current practices for your industry and academic theory may also be required. Please read all the information given to you including the Student Handbook and other Help Documents before you start your Qualification. For each unit, read the whole assessment before starting your responses. Ensure you check with your Trainer that you are on the right track before going too far in your assessment. Refer to your training plan for the assessment due date and correct order to complete this unit. View and download your assessment from your Online Student Area. When completing your Assessment, please ensure ALL work is your own. If a piece of evidence or work is partially created by another person, please make a note of this in your submission. If you need to talk with your Trainer, call 1800 998 500 to book an appointment. If you feel you are not yet ready to be assessed or need further clarification or understanding, please contact your Trainer. Upload your assessment into the task submission area with any additional evidence required. Ensure that you write the minimum number of sentences when a written answer is required, giving a good explanation to show your understanding or skills in relation to the topic. When you have been notified that your assessment is marked go to the Online Student Area for your Trainer’s responses to your work. If you need to make any changes to your assessment, please do so and resubmit. If you need help with any of the above, view your help documents on the Online Student Area or call 1800 998 500. *Please see Assessment Requirements on back page. | |
Tasks included in this Assessment include: Task 521 – Advise on Customer Service Needs Task 522 – Implementation of Customer Service Task 523 – Evaluate Customer Service Task 524 – Written Questions |
Task 521 – Advise on Customer Service Needs |
For the organisation you are currently working in OR for the Bogan Building case study provided, create a report suitable for presentation to management on a customer or delivery situation needing rectification including as a minimum the following; T521.1 Ensure you Explain in 4-6 sentences for each aspect T521.1.1 Clarify and accurately assess customer needs using appropriate communication techniques. Ensure you explain how you ensured that the customer’s needs are accurate. For example, what customer surveys, or comments, or complaints led you to this conclusion. (Your customers could include business owners, general public, your boss, departments within your organisation and appropriate communication techniques could include surveys, questioning, meetings, casual discussion, dealing with complaints etc.). T521.1.2 Diagnose problems matching your organisations service delivery to customers’ expectations and develop options for improved service delivery within your own organisations requirements and standards T521.1.3 Provide relevant and constructive advice and strategies to improve customer service delivery (Constructive advice could include thoughts, solutions, strategies, and ideas on in determining how to deliver better customer service) |
Task 522 – Implementation of Customer Service |
Based on your chosen organisation for Task 521 above complete each of the following; T522.1 Explain in a minimum of 4-6 sentences, how you would ensure that your new customer service strategy is promoted and implemented consistently in consultation with designated individuals and groups. Provide a copy of checklists, procedures or policies or any other documentation that you may use to ensure implementation. T522.2 Determine what budget and resources you need, to implement your new customer service strategy. Please provide a listing of the expenses with the budget. You may wish to use the table below for this. (Example provided. Please remove these before completing the table for your chosen case study) Costing for implementing (the name of your strategy here) for better customer service Item Quantity Required Total Item cost e.g. Smile as each customer comes to be served and say “How has your day been so far” N/A $0 e.g. Name badges for each customer service officer 26 $180 T522.3 Explain in a minimum of 4-6 sentences how you would; Ensure your customer service team is consulted on the implementation of the strategies and then Get approval to go ahead with your new customer service strategies T522.4 Explain in a minimum of 4-6 sentences how you would promptly put into action procedures to resolve customer difficulties and complaints within organisational requirements. |
Task 523 – Evaluate Customer Service |
Based on your chosen organisation for Task 521 above; T523.1 Either For you own organisation’s study case, provide client survey data on the satisfaction levels in relation to your customer service being provided. Or From the Bogan Building case study, how would you review client satisfaction with your service delivery using verifiable data in accordance with organisational requirements. Also from the case study, explain what the client satisfaction would be from the customer in the study case (good, bad or average). Then Use your findings to complete a report to the management on the following (using a minimum of 4-6 sentences on each aspect); T523.2 Identify and report changes necessary to maintain service standards to the customers or clients. T523.3 Prepare conclusions and recommendations from the evidence and provide constructive advice on future directions of your customer service strategies. T523.4 Explain how you would maintain systems, records and reporting procedures to compare changes in customer satisfaction levels. |
Task 524 Written Questions |
For the case study you chose in T521 please complete the following (remember to write a minimum of 4-6 sentences for each aspect) T524.1 Explain possible sources of information and techniques for identifying customer needs and reviewing customer satisfaction. T524.2 Outline the principles of good customer service. T524.3 Explain the organisational business structure, products and services related to customer service. T524.4 Describe product and service standards and best practice models. T524.5 Explain how you identify the needs and priorities of the organisation in delivering services to customers. |
*Assessment Requirements Complete ALL assessment tasks, projects and questions to a Satisfactory standard, ensuring that you provide enough evidence for your Assessor to prove that you are competent in the unit. Complete this Assessment which involves research and other activities that will make sure you have the skills and knowledge required to demonstrate that you are competent in this unit. Each assessment task is designed to assess your understanding and skills of the unit. Sometimes activities may be available that will help you understand the why’s and the how’s – the theories and techniques – and to enrich your skills so that they are transferable to other situations. If you do NOT complete some sections of a task or provide enough details etc., your evidence will be deemed Not Satisfactory, meaning that more evidence is required. Your Assessor will then ask you to provide ‘More Evidence’, so that you can resubmit your assessment or ask you some further questions. You are allowed to resubmit your assessment evidence up to 3 times before you are deemed Not Yet Competent for the unit – Please refer to Global Training Institute Handbook, found on our website, for more details. |

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