Instructions –
Remove the text in blue before submitting the draft and final report via Gordon Online. Keep a copy for your records.
A draft report must be submitted and feedback gained before you submit the final version. Please indicate which version is being submitted.
Assessment task
This unit is about ‘skills and knowledge required to undertake a straightforward project or a section of a larger project. It covers developing a project plan, administering and monitoring the project, finalising the project and reviewing the project to identify lessons learned for application to future projects.
This unit applies to individuals who play a significant role in ensuring a project meets timelines, quality standards, budgetary limits and other requirements set for the project.’
It covers 5 main areas:
- Defining the project,
- Developing the project plan,
- Administering the project,
- Finalising the project, and
- Conducting a review
To successfully meet the assessment requirements for this unit, you will need to complete this report. Keep the headings listed; under each heading provide the relevant information that is applicable to you and your workplace.
All the information in this report will be kept confidential.
Note – the order of the comments in blue text need not reflect the structure of the report. You can change the order of the information under each heading as you feel is needed. Delete this blue text before submission
Keep the Table of Contents, update as needed, and update before submission.
There is no word limit/requirements, but the report needs to be written professionally, have correct formatting, spelling and grammar. It needs to be written at Diploma level; for information on what this includes, see: www.aqf.edu.au/aqf-levels .
Note – for this task you will also need to complete the separate Project Plan template document; this provides an overview of the project being discussed in this report. Expand on the information in that template in this report.
You will also need to complete a separate Risk Management Plan, using the template provided. There must be at least 4 risk categories included, a minimum of two of these relate to WHS and a minimum of two others that relate to other risks.
1. Project context
In this section, you will provide some brief context related to the project you are reporting on:
Explain your project objectives.
Explain the project deliverables.
Explain the project scope.
Outline the documentation you obtained/received related to the project.
Discuss who the stakeholders were in the project.
Discuss the timeframe for this project. Provide information on the reasons the timeframe was selected.
Outline how this project related to the organisations vision/mission/goals, etc.
Outline how the project related to other organisational projects.
Outline the organisations processes for managing projects.
Discuss the legislative framework related to project work.
Discuss your role/responsibilities on this project.
2. Project definition
Note – this section provides a broad overview of your thoughts and actions when you first were involved in this project.
In this section:
Outline the issues you noted when you first looked at the project documentation.
Explain the processes you used to clarify these issues.
Outline the sources of information you used to assist in defining the project.
Outline how you defined and understood the limits of your responsibility.
Explain the reporting requirements you needed to complete.
Discuss how you clarified how this project fitted in with other organisational projects.
Outline how you defined the resources (e.g., human, physical, electronic, etc.) needed to complete the project.
Discuss what quality outcomes were needed, and how these were defined.
3. Project plan
In this section:
Outline the processes you used to develop the project plan.
Discuss the project management tools that were used. Include information about the reasons these were selected and used, and how successful they were.
Outline how the project deliverables were defined.
Discuss the processes/tools you used to complete the WBS for the project.
Outline how the resources (e.g., human, physical, electronic, etc.) required for the project were sourced.
Outline how the project timeframe was defined. Include information related to how the timeframes for elements of the WBS were defined.
Explain your processes for developing the risk management plan. (Note – you will need to include the separate Risk Management Plan template)
Outline your processes for developing the project budget. You need to either attach a separate budget document, or discuss the budget and how it was managed here. (Note – for some projects, there may be no direct costs; in this case, you need to work out the cost for your time contribution. This includes listed the number of hours, the cost per hour [including the on-costs] and the total value.)
Discuss the processes you used to ensure the quality of the deliverables/outcomes.
Explain your processes for consulting with stakeholders while developing the project plan.
Outline how you finalised the project plan and gain relevant approval(s) to proceed.
4. Project administration
In this section:
Discuss how you supported your project team. Include information on how you made sure that they understood the project requirements.
Explain the record keeping processes you used during the project.
Outline how you monitored project aspects (e.g., budget, resources, quality, etc.) during the project.
Explain how you kept stakeholders informed during the project.
Discuss how you monitored and managed the risks during the project.
Outline how you ensured the project met the deliverables. If these changed over the course of the project, explain what happened and how this was dealt with.
5. Project finalisation
In this section:
Outline how you completed the budget/financial record keeping as the project finished.
Explain how any staff transition to other roles was handled.
Discuss the completion of project documentation. Explain what needed to be done, how it was done, etc. – include information on processes for storing the documents.
Discuss who was involved in signing off on project completion. Explain who decided/confirmed the project was completed.
6. Project review
In this section:
Provide a detailed review of the project, including how the outcomes compared to the initial project scope/plan.
Outline who else was involved in the review.
Explain the impact this project had on the team/organisation.
Outline what further projects are underway/planned/proposed that are a result of this project.
Discuss the lessons you learnt from undertaking this project. Explain what you would do differently for the next project.
7. Appendix/References
In this section, list any relevant sources you used to help you prepare your report.
This includes the Project Plan Summary document, and the risk management plan; it may include the budget. These documents should be uploaded with the report as additional documents are attached to this report as an appendix.
If there are any separate documents that support the findings of this report, list them here and ensure they are attached when you submit the report.

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