Submission due: Week 10 (21 May 2021) ; Weightage: 50%
The assignment is an Individual assignment.
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Late penalties will be applied for assignments submitted after midnight on the due date without an approved extension. More details on late penalties are provided in the Unit outline.
Task: BUS301 Assessment Essay
Students will be required to present a written gap analysis for any chosen Information Technology (IT) company. In a gap analysis, the gap is described simply as “the space between where we are, and where we want to be.” To write this assessment, you must consider the present situation of your chosen IT Company. Important current factors such as attributes, performance, and employee competencies play into the overall productiveness of a business.
Refer to the marking rubric for detail. All assignments with the standard assignment cover sheet must be submitted through MyCIHE in MS Word format. Email/hard copy submission will not be accepted.
Total marks – 50. Refer to the marking rubrics (next page) for more details.
BUS301 Assessment 2 – Rubric for Essay
ULO | Criteria | High distinction 85 – 100% | Distinction 75 – 84% | Credit 65 – 74% | Pass 50 – 64% | Fail 0-49% |
a, b, c | Content with evidence (25%) | Content is relevant, indicated original thinking. Content concisely written with excellent demonstration (e.g. examples) of terminology. Clear demonstration of wider reading and inclusion of additional extensive reliable evidence beyond the minimum; correct referencing. | Content indicates original thinking weaved into the essay with claims well supported with appropriate and consistent referencing. | Content is mostly relevant and concisely written with demonstration of terminology. Some evidence of wider reading and inclusion of additional reliable evidence beyond the minimum; correct referencing. | Adequate relevant content with original thinking; relatively concisely written; adequate use of terminology. Minimum number of reliable evidence used; good attempt at correct referencing. | Little relevant content; limited concise writing; limited use of terminology. Shows some coherence but ideas are vague with little evidence of original thinking. |
Analysis Sequencing (25%) | Analyses and support are provided in a logical order that makes it easy and interesting to follow the author’s train of thought. | Analyses and support are provided in a logical order that makes it easy and interesting to follow the author’s train of thought. | Analyses and support are provided in a fairly logical order that makes it reasonably easy to follow the author’s train of thought. | A few of the support details or analyses are not in an expected or logical order, distracting the reader and making the essay seem a little confusing. | Many of the support details or analyses are not in an expected or logical order, distracting the reader and making the essay seem very confusing. | |
Research (25%) | Provided a highly coherent argument and a sophisticated explanation of the value of research approach. Utilised a range of literature which is expertly integrated into your discussion. | Provided a coherent and well argued explanation of the value of research approach and the value of the method you used. Arguments are well supported by a good range of the relevant literature. | Provided a reasonable argument for the value of a research approach and for the method you used. Draws on an adequate range of literature which is well integrated to support key points. | Work would have been strengthened by providing a more coherent argument for the value of research approach and for the method. Work would also benefit by using more course literature to support key points. | Did not provide either a clear argument for the use of research approach or argument for the method used. Work does not provide sufficient evidence of integrating the literature to support key points. | |
Language (25%) | Uses a wide range of vocabulary and grammatical structures with full flexibility and accuracy. Rare minor errors occur only as ‘slips’. | Uses a wide range of vocabulary and grammatical structures to convey precise meanings. The majority of sentences are error-free. | Uses a sufficient range of vocabulary and complex sentence forms to allow some precision. May produce occasional errors in word choice, spelling, word formation, grammar and punctuation. | Uses an adequate range of vocabulary and a mix of simple and complex sentence forms for the task. Makes some errors in spelling, word formation, grammar and punctuation but they do not impede communication. | Uses a limited range of vocabulary and grammatical structures which are minimally adequate for the task. May make noticeable errors in spelling, word formation, grammar and punctuation that may cause some difficulty for the reader. |

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