BUS400: Individual/Independent Term Assignments #2 – Objective, Contents, Assessment, Formatting, and Submission Deadline
The main purpose of the assignment is to develop a strong foundation of business research and writing skills that will, hopefully, serve you in your academic and work career. Specifically, you will:
- Explore the impact of Covid-19 pandemic on a specific Canadian business firm, together with the ways and means used by the firm to deal with, and respond to, the pandemic and to ensure its survival as well as its viability
- Learn about the resources of both Seneca Library, the Internet, and other sources including your own
- Craft a professional looking business report with MLA citing of sources using the references and formatting functionality of Microsoft Word
- Familiarize yourself with the management and operations of real world business including the multiple aspects of social responsibility, the entrepreneurial process, and the various challenges facing Canadian firms
The main contents of your report will consist of:
- A Title/Cover Page, Table of Contents Page, main Body of the report (5-6 pages), and a Bibliography page, for a total of 6-7 pages (maximum).
- The body of the report should include the following five components:
1. Short Introduction the main purpose of which is to orient the reader to the main
objective (s) of the report and its main elements;
2. Basic Information about the firm under consideration, including areas
of activity, i.e., type of goods/service it provides, geographical operations, management
structure, total employment, and its economic situation before the onset of Covid-19
3. The Pandemic Challenge including the economic position of the firm before the onset of
Covid-19, impacts on the viability and profitability of the firm, on employment, on ways
of conducting business, type of assistance, if any, the firm is getting from the government
be it at the federal, provincial and/or municipal level, and future prospects
4. Lessons Learned from this unprecedented emergency situation in terms of planning for
emergencies, conducting business operations, physical design of space, and training
programs for employees
5. Conclusion summarising the main findings of the research paper, as well as the relevance
of the paper, using a point-by-point or bullet points to highlight both the findings of the
research paper and its relevance to anyone of the topics covered in the course.
The assignment/Research Project is worth 25% of final grade. Your report will be evaluated on the basis of the following criteria:
(1) Introduction: Does the introduction orient the reader to the subject matter of the paper? Has the purpose and organization been given clearly and concisely? (10%)
(2) Organization: Is there a table of contents? Are there headings and sub-headings? Is the organization logical? (15%)
(3) Amount of Research Material: Are there sufficient quantitative facts, materials, and research to support the arguments put forward in the report? (25%)
(4) Conclusion: Does the report/paper end with a good summary of the findings? Does it include any relevance to anyone of the topics covered in the course? (25%)
(5) Footnotes/Bibliography: Are footnotes and bibliographical materials accurately made use of (10%)?
(6) Mechanics, Syntax, and Grammar: Are there careless/avoidable errors in expression, grammar, spelling, and typing? Are sentences and phrases properly constructed? (15%)
Important formatting features include:
- DO a proper Title Page: Do include the title of the project/report, names of team members, and name of the professor. DO spell these names, including your own, correctly
- DO use Headings: Perhaps the most important feature because they save so much time in making reports easy to read and for setting up an almost instant Table of Contents
- DO use Headers or Footers: Do include page numbers
- DO include a Table of Contents: Use Headings to easily format your paper
- DO use Spell Check, ALWAYS. Some students recommend https://www.grammarily.com
- Better still, DO ask someone to roof read your report and offer to reciprocate with a classmate
- DO proper Citations: Use the Word Reference features to track and format citations
- DON’T PLAGIARIZE: Plagiarism is a very serious academic offence which could lead to suspension from the College. For this purpose, see: Seneca’s Academic Honesty Policy at: http://www.senecacollege.ca/policies/academics-and-student-services.html
- Seneca MLA Style Guide is at http://seneca.libguides.com/mla
- DO use SafeAssign to double check that you have cited everything DON’T worry about the SafeAssign score as the score alone means nothing. Make sure that you have cited everything that needs to be cited
- DO remember that even with proper citation, wholesale copying and pasting of large sections of your reports will lose you marks.
SUBMISSION DEADLINE AND MEATHOD: The deadline for submitting the online written report is mid-night (i.e., 11:59PM), Friday, July 30, 2021. The submission will be directly through the course blackboard, by clicking on Assignments, followed by Assignment #2, and then uploading the report.
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