Maximumword count: 4000 words
Please refer to the full word count policy which can be found in the Student Policies section here: ArdenUniversity| RegulatoryFramework
Please note the following:
Students are required to indicate the exact word count on the title page of the assessment.
The word count includes everything in the main body of the assessment (including in text citations and references). The word count excludes numerical data in tables, figures, diagrams, footnotes, reference list and appendices. ALL other printedwordsARE includedinthewordcount.
Please note that exceeding the word count by over 10% will result in a 10-percentage point deduction.
Assignment Task
Thisassignmentisworth100% ofthetotalmarksforthemodule.
Answer all the following questions. Please note the following instructions:
- You may select any organisation upon which to base your answers including the case study, but you are strongly recommended to select an organisation that you have worked for or one you feel you can research easily using the Internet and academic search engines. The latter approach is acceptable where you do not work for an organisation. It is also acceptable to base your answer on a case study.
- Where you are asked to supply MS Excel (or equivalent) material such as graphs and/or data tables please note these must be embedded as figures within the file and not shown as linked files (i.e. your assignment must be a single document in word or PDF format. Turnitin cannot accept multiple files or linked files).
With reference to the information in the case study, Kingfisher PLC. 2017. Annual Report 2016/2017 [Online]
[Accessed 4 February 2021] answer the following questions:
Question 1
You have been asked to conduct a survey of your fellow colleagues to gauge their response to the possibility of introducing a holiday pay scheme. Explain the significance of the following:
- Population
- Sampling techniques
You must draw upon relevant theory, concepts and models and appropriate organisational examples.
In order to complete this task, you will need to consider as a first step the factors outlinedinthe course materials, referring as a start to thelesson on Quantitative Research andaddrelevantacademicsourcestoyouranswer.
(1200 words)
(LO: 3)
Question 2
In respect of primary and secondary data compare and contrast:
- The main differences between primary and secondary data
- The advantages and disadvantages of primary and secondary data
You must draw upon relevant theory, concepts and models and appropriate organisational examples.
In order to complete this task, you will need to consider as a first step the factors outlinedin the course materials, referring as a start to the lessons on Quantitative Research andQualitativeResearchand addrelevantacademicsourcesto youranswer.
(1200 words)
(LO: 3)
Question 3
Drawing upon examples from either the case study organisation, your own organisation, or one with which you are familiar select an appropriate quantitative measure (such as turnover, profit, available from annual reports etc) and having obtained values over a number of equal time periods calculate the following:
- the mean
- mode
- the standard deviation
You must include all your manual calculations. Use an Excel spread sheet to verify your calculations and embed a copy of this spreadsheet in your answer.
In order to complete this task, you will need to consider as a first step the factors outlinedin the course materials, referring as a start to the lesson on Quantitative Analysis: CodingandDescriptiveStatisticsand addrelevantexternal sourcestoyouranswer.
(400 words)
(LO: 3,4,5)
Question 4
When it comes to making sound decisions an effective management information system acts as an important part of the process. To what extent would you agree with this perspective and why?
You must draw upon relevant theory, concepts and models and appropriate organisational examples.
In order to complete this task, you will need to consider as a first step the factors outlinedin the course materials, referring as a start to the lessons on Introduction and the Role ofBusiness Analysis in Organisations and add relevant external academic sources to youranswer.
(1200 words)
(LO: 1,2)
Total Words: 4000)
(LOs:1, 2,3, 4&5)
Formative Feedback
You have the opportunity to submit a draft assignment to receive formative feedback.
The feedback is designed to help you develop areas of your work and it helps you develop your skills as an independent learner.
The feedback is designed to help you develop areas of your work and it helps you develop your skills as an independent learner.
If you are a distance learning student, you should submit your work, by email, to your tutor, no later than 2 weeks before the actual submission deadline. If you are a blended learning student, your tutor will give you a deadline for formative feedback and further details.
Formative feedback will not be given to work submitted after the above date or the date specified by your tutor – if a blended learning student.
You MUST underpin your analysis and evaluation of the key issues with appropriate and wide ranging academic research and ensure this is referenced using the AU Harvard system(s).
Follow this link to find the referencing guides for your subject: ArdenLibrary
Submission Guidance
Assignments submitted late will not be accepted and will be marked as a 0%fail.
Your assessment should be submitted as a single Word (MS Word) or PDF file. For more information please see the “Submitting an Assignment – Guide” document available on the A-Z key information on iLearn.
You must ensure that the submitted assignment is all your own work and that all sources used are correctly attributed. Penalties apply to assignments which show evidence of academic unfair practice. (See the Student Handbook which is available on the A-Z key information on iLearn.)
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