
The following case study contains the information required to complete Assessment Task 3.

You are required to use the information below, along with reviewing current, relevant, peer-reviewed nursing literature to answer Assessment Task 3.

For the purposes of Assessment Task 3, please choose ONE (1) of the following family members, Danielle, Jack or Maria to assess using the Levett-Jones Clinical Reasoning Cycle (CRC) and the Roper-Logan-Tierney Model of Nursing. You should complete stages 1-4 of the CRC to demonstrate your understanding of the theories.

Case Study

The Demetriou family live in a 2-level home in the suburbs of South-Eastern Sydney. Peter (46 years) and Danielle (44 years) live with their 3 children, Harriet (19), Jack (17) and Lola (12). Peter’s father died 8 years ago from colon cancer and his mother Maria (74) has moved in with the family.

The Demetriou family have booked an appointment at their local multidisciplinary Primary Health Care Clinic for their yearly influenza injection.

Family MemberAgeBackground
Danielle Demetriou44 yearsPrimary school teacher. Works part-time (3 days a week) at the local primary school. Is overweight (BMI 40), is the ‘mum taxi’ driving kids to school and their extra-curricular activities (sport, music etc). Her parents live on a sheep property outside of Cobar, North Western NSW. Mother history of Breast Cancer (Stage 2A) (recovered) and father has early stage dementia.
Jack Demetriou17 yearsFinal year of high school – is good at AFL (plays first division for GWS). School/study is not a priority and he has no plans for a career beyond playing AFL. Has his driver’s licence. He does not drink or take drugs due to sporting commitments and his social circle centres around the AFL club. Jack has a history of generalised anxiety disorder and takes Lexapro daily.
Maria Demetriou74 yearsMaria is a widow who had 4 children and now lives with her son Peter’s family. She migrated with her family from Greece in the mid 1960s and spent most of her time as a mum or working part time in food preparation factories. Maria had a fall at home almost 3 months ago. Although there were no fractures identified, she was diagnosed with osteoarthritis. She was discharged home with anti-inflammatory pain relief and has been provided a walking stick to use during her recovery, which she finds she is still using. As well as the anti-inflammatories for osteoarthritis she is on vitamin D and calcium tablets daily.

ASSIGNMENT 3: Case Study

As well as responding to challenging situations using advanced psychomotor skills, Registered Nurses use sophisticated thinking abilities to apply clinical reasoning as they make decisions about patients with complex and diverse health care needs (Levett-Jones, 2018). There are 3 family members included in this case study that you can choose from. Please review the family information provided to you in the Demetriou family case study located in the Assessment Tile on LEO or in Appendix B of this document.

In written essay format you are required to pick ONE (1) member of the Demetriou family and apply the first FOUR (4) phases of the Clinical Reasoning Cycle to demonstrate how a beginning nurse might plan the care of this one individual.

Due date:                                          Submit before 0900 Wednesday 11th May, 2022

Weighting:                                       40%

Length and/or format:                    1200 words     +/- 10%

Purpose:                                           Each student will submit an essay which demonstrates application of core theories of the unit to a case study. This piece will allow the student to demonstrate their developing skills of identifying health care priorities and person-centred nursing care.

Learning outcomes assessed:    LO4 – explain the contribution of competent, holistic evidence-

based health care to clinical reasoning and decision-making in nursing practice across the lifespan

LO5 – apply the Roper-Logan-Tierney Model of Nursing in planning care for diverse populations across a range of settings LO6 – apply Levett-Jones’s Clinical Reasoning Cycle in identifying health care priorities, and initiation of health management and person-centred nursing care

How to submit:                                Via the appropriate Turnitin dropbox, located on the NRSG138

LEO page, under the Assessment tile.

Return of assignment:                   The assessment, feedback and grade will be returned via the

Turnitin dropbox. As this is the final assessment item for this unit,

the students’ results be available when final grades are released

Assessment criteria:                      The assessment will be marked using the criteria-based rubric

(Appendix C)


Writing requires skill and being able to write within a specified word limit is an essential component of professional and academic work. Reading and writing critically are fundamental skills which demonstrate an understanding and an ability to make judgements and solve problems, hence why only 10% of a word count should be direct quotes. That is, if the word count is 1500 words only 150 of those words should be direct quotes. Word counts provide students with an indication of the amount of detail and work required for each assessment item.

What is included in a word count?

Essentially, all text within an assessment item from the introduction through to the conclusion is counted in the word count. This includes all in-text citations, direct quotes and headings. The word count does not include the following:

  • •  Title page
  • •  Reference list
  • •  Appendices
  • •  Tables
  • •  Figures and legends


Please note that if you submit your assignment, notice that the similarity index is high but do not have time to revise your assignment before the due date has passed, then you are advised to:

  • ·       contact the Lecturer in Charge and request that your assignment be removed.
    • ·       revise the assignment, submit it within three days of the due date and incur a late submission penalty.
    • ·       submit it into the regular drop box. Do not submit into the extension drop box. Please review the Academic Integrity and Misconduct policy if you choose not to do this.


This unit requires you to use the APA 7th referencing system.

See the ‘Academic referencing’ page of the Student Portal for more details.


It is your responsibility to read and familiarise yourself with ACU policies and regulations, including regulations on examinations; review and appeals; acceptable use of IT facilities; and conduct and responsibilities. These are in the ACU Handbook, available from the website.

A list of these and other important policies can be found at the University policies page of the Student Portal.

Assessment policy and procedures

You must read the Assessment Policy and Assessment Procedures in the University Handbook: they include rules on deadlines; penalties for late submission; extensions; and special consideration. If you have any queries on Assessment Policy, please see your Lecturer in Charge.

Please note that:

  • any numerical marks returned to students are provisional and subject to moderation;
  • students will not be given access to overall aggregated marks for a unit, or overall unit grade calculated by Gradebook in LEO;


  • students will be given a final mark and grade for their units after moderation is concluded and official grades are released after the end of semester.

Academic integrity

You have the responsibility to submit only work which is your own, or which properly acknowledges the thoughts, ideas, findings and/or work of others. The Academic Integrity and Misconduct Policy and the Academic Misconduct Procedures are available from the website. Please read them, and note in particular that cheating, plagiarism, collusion, recycling of assignments and misrepresentation are not acceptable. Penalties for academic misconduct can vary in severity and can include being excluded from the course.


The Turnitin application (a text-matching tool) will be used in this unit, in order to enable:

  • students to improve their academic writing by identifying possible areas of poor citation and referencing in their written work; and
    • teaching staff to identify areas of possible plagiarism in students’ written work.

While Turnitin can help in identifying problems with plagiarism, avoiding plagiarism is more important. Information on avoiding plagiarism is available from the Academic Skills Unit.

For any assignment that has been created to allow submission through Turnitin (check the Assignment submission details for each assessment task), you should submit your draft well in advance of the due date (ideally, several days before) to ensure that you have time to work on any issues identified by Turnitin. On the assignment due date, lecturers will have access to your final submission and the Turnitin Originality Report.

Please note that electronic marking, Grademark, is used in this unit using Turnitin. Turnitin will be used as a means of submitting, marking and returning assessment tasks and so a text matching percentage will appear on your submission automatically.


Every campus provides information and support for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Students. Indigenous Knowings are embedded in curricula for the benefit of all students at ACU.


If you are experiencing difficulties with learning, life issues or pastoral/spiritual concerns, or have a disability/medical condition which may impact on your studies, you are advised to notify your Lecturer in Charge, Course Coordinator and/or one of the services listed below as soon as possible.

For all aspects of support please visit ACU Info section in the Student Portal.

  • Academic Skills offers a variety of services, including workshops (on topics such as assignment writing, time management, reading strategies, referencing), drop-in sessions, group appointments and individual consultations. It has a 24-hour online booking system for individual or group consultations.
    • Campus Ministry offers pastoral care, spiritual leadership and opportunities for you to be involved with community projects.



The following case study contains the information required to complete Assessment Task 3.

You are required to use the information below, along with reviewing current, relevant, peer-reviewed nursing literature to answer Assessment Task 3.

For the purposes of Assessment Task 3, please choose ONE (1) of the following family members, Danielle, Jack or Maria to assess using the Levett-Jones Clinical Reasoning Cycle (CRC) and the Roper-Logan-Tierney Model of Nursing. You should complete stages 1-4 of the CRC to demonstrate your understanding of the theories.

Case Study

The Demetriou family live in a 2-level home in the suburbs of South-Eastern Sydney. Peter (46 years) and Danielle (44 years) live with their 3 children, Harriet (19), Jack (17) and Lola (12). Peter’s father died 8 years ago from colon cancer and his mother Maria (74) has moved in with the family.

The Demetriou family have booked an appointment at their local multidisciplinary Primary Health Care Clinic for their yearly influenza injection.

Family MemberAgeBackground
Danielle Demetriou44 yearsPrimary school teacher. Works part-time (3 days a week) at the local primary school. Is overweight (BMI 40), is the ‘mum taxi’ driving kids to school and their extra-curricular activities (sport, music etc). Her parents live on a sheep property outside of Cobar, North Western NSW. Mother history of Breast Cancer (Stage 2A) (recovered) and father has early stage dementia.
Jack Demetriou17 yearsFinal year of high school – is good at AFL (plays first division for GWS). School/study is not a priority and he has no plans for a career beyond playing AFL. Has his driver’s licence. He does not drink or take drugs due to sporting commitments and his social circle centres around the AFL club. Jack has a history of generalised anxiety disorder and takes Lexapro daily.
Maria Demetriou74 yearsMaria is a widow who had 4 children and now lives with her son Peter’s family. She migrated with her family from Greece in the mid 1960s and spent most of her time as a mum or working part time in food preparation factories. Maria had a fall at home almost 3 months ago. Although there were no fractures identified, she was diagnosed with osteoarthritis. She was discharged home with anti-inflammatory pain relief and has been provided a walking stick to use during her recovery, which she finds she is still using. As well as the anti-inflammatories for osteoarthritis she is on vitamin D and calcium tablets daily.


DescriptionHigh Distinction [100-85%]Distinction [84-75%]Credit [74-65%]Pass [64-50%]Unsatisfactory [49-0%]No Attempt [0%]
Structure (10 marks)The content in the essay matches the outline presented in the introductory paragraph. Most paragraphs are organised in a logical manner so that content flows from one paragraph to the next, and the essay ends with a rational conclusion.The content in the essay mostly matches the outline presented in the introductory paragraph. Most paragraphs are organised in a logical manner, and the essay ends with a rational conclusion.There is a clear introduction, followed by the body of the essay, with a conclusion. However, content within the body and within paragraphs is not always logically sequenced.There is a clear introduction, followed by the body of the essay, with a conclusion. However, there is little evidence of sequential presentation of information.There is not a clear introduction, body and conclusion.There is no sequencing.
Application of knowledge- Stage 1 Consider the patient situation (15 Marks)Demonstrates comprehensive application of the first stage of the Clinical Reasoning Cycle in relation to the case study. Clear identification of all related issues.Demonstrates a very good application of the first stage of the Clinical Reasoning Cycle in relation to the case study and the majority of related issues.Demonstrates good application of the first stage of the Clinical Reasoning Cycle in relation to the case study and the main related issues.Demonstrates adequate application of the first stage of the Clinical Reasoning Cycle in relation to the case study and some related issues.Little or no application of the first stage of the Clinical Reasoning Cycle in relation to the case study or related issues.No understanding of the first stage of the Clinical Reasoning Cycle in relation to the case study provided.
Application of knowledge- Stage 2 Collect cues/information (20 Marks)Demonstrates comprehensive application of the second stage of the Clinical Reasoning Cycle in relation to the case study. Clear identification of all related issues.Demonstrates a very good application of the second stage of the Clinical Reasoning Cycle in relation to the case study and the majority of related issues.Demonstrates good application of the second stage of the Clinical Reasoning Cycle in relation to the case study and the main related issues.Demonstrates adequate application of the second stage of the Clinical Reasoning Cycle in relation to the case study and some related issues.Little or no application of the second stage of the Clinical Reasoning Cycle in relation to the case study or related issues.No understanding of the second stage of the Clinical Reasoning Cycle in relation to the case study provided.
Application of knowledge- Stage 3 Process information (15 Marks)Demonstrates comprehensive application of the third stage of the Clinical Reasoning Cycle in relation to the case study. Clear identification of all related issues.Demonstrates a very good application of the third stage of the Clinical Reasoning Cycle in relation to the case study and the majority of related issues.Demonstrates good application of the third stage of the Clinical Reasoning Cycle in relation to the case study and the main related issues.Demonstrates adequate application of the third stage of the Clinical Reasoning Cycle in relation to the case study and some related issues.Little or no application of the third stage of the Clinical Reasoning Cycle in relation to the case study or related issues.No understanding of the third stage of the Clinical Reasoning Cycle in relation to the case study provided.
Application of knowledge- Stage 4 Identify problems/issues (15 Marks)Demonstrates comprehensive application of the fourth stage of the Clinical Reasoning Cycle in relation to the case study. Clear identification of all related issues.Demonstrates a very good application of the fourth stage of the Clinical Reasoning Cycle in relation to the case study and the majority of related issues.Demonstrates good application of the fourth stage of the Clinical Reasoning Cycle in relation to the case study and the main related issues.Demonstrates adequate application of the fourth stage of the Clinical Reasoning Cycle in relation to the case study and some related issues.Little or no application of the fourth stage of the Clinical Reasoning Cycle in relation to the case study or related issues.No understanding of the fourth stage of the Clinical Reasoning Cycle in relation to the case study provided.
Use of Evidence (10 marks)Supported by recent and high-quality scholarly sources.Supported by recent and good quality scholarly sources.Supported by recent and adequate scholarly sources.Supported by some scholarly sources.Minimal relevant or credible academic references or use of non- credible scholarly sourcesNo evidence of credible references.
Mechanics – Grammar, Spelling and Punctuation (10 Marks)Expressed ideas clearly, concisely and fluently. There are no errors with grammar, spelling and punctuation, and the meaning is readily discernible.Expressed ideas clearly and concisely. There are minimal errors with grammar, spelling and punctuation. However, the meaning is easily discernible.There are some errors with grammar, spelling and punctuation. The errors detract, but the meaning is discernible.There are substantial errors with grammar, spelling and punctuation. The errors detract somewhat, but the meaning is discernible with some effort.There are substantial errors with grammar, spelling and punctuation, such that the errors detract significantly from the meaning.Grammar, spelling and punctuation are such that the reader cannot make sense of the content.
Academic style and referencing (5 Marks)Used appropriate professional language; correctly cited all sources both within the text and reference list; consistently and correctly used APA referencing style.Used appropriate professional language; correctly cited most sources both within the text and reference list; minor errors in the APA referencing style.Used appropriate professional language; correctly cited most sources both within the text and reference list; used APA referencing style with minimal errors.Mostly appropriate professional language used. Correctly cited most sources both within the text and reference list; used APA referencing style with occasional errors.Language used is unprofessional. Not all references are credible and/or relevant. Many inaccuracies with the APA referencing style.There are no references supporting the assignment. APA style has not been used. References do not match citations.
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