Case Study: Jackson
Jackson is a 32-year-old gay man living with Chronic fatigue syndrome in Mullumbimby, NSW.
He lives with his partner of seven years, and the two have been discussing the possibility of parenting, either as foster carers or via adoption. Jackson has worked on and off during his life as cartoonist but has often needed medical support for his chronic illness, and has sometimes been forced to resign from employment or cut back his contracting work because of his physical health. He is currently unemployed but has a small income from contracting work.
Lately, Jackson has had episodes of feeling “very flat and blue” while also feeling overwhelmed by the financial stress, coupled with his health contains and his desire to have a family with his partner.
He is finding that there are a lot of limited options for him to work in a sustainable way that doesn’t aggravate his health. He is also worried about how this might affect his eligibility for foster parenting or adoption. After sharing his feelings with a friend, they suggested that he should “just get another job”.
Jackson has approached your local community centre for support. He is also seeking support for how he can best navigate through his current challenges while living with an invisible disability. This case has been assigned to you as the access and inclusion support worker in the organisation
Your task for this assessment is to:
Prepare and submit a 20-minute video-recorded presentation based on the case study above. In your presentation, you must provide:
- An explanation of the key issues and barriers facing your client
- An outline of the structural and environmental disadvantages and social exclusion affecting your client.
- An intervention plan to support your client
- A justification of the intervention plan, drawing on key theory.

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