- 1000 words (Australian Harvard references) due 25 th august 2022.
I provided the template for the plan if you wish to use it or you can create one.
Also, I provide the marking rubric
In this task, you will explore the scope of practice by applying the five rights of delegation to a provided scenario.
This is a written assessment task. This is not an essay, it is a plan. The best place to start is to firstly ensure you understand the 5 rights of delegation.
After this you should explore the scope of practice of each of the team members (do not forget you are one of the team).
Then, explore the principles of teamwork.
You firstly need to read the provided scenario.You then need to examine the five rights of delegation. These are:
- Right activity
- Right circumstance
- Right person
- Right communication
- Right supervision and evaluation
Please note: In this assessment task, you are employed as a graduate registered nurse (NOT a student).
You are a graduate registered nurse working at Broken River Aged Care Facility. The facility is a modern 60-bed facility run by a not-for-profit organisation. The facility has three wings – Tamar, Derwent, and Gordon.
After seven months of fulltime work, you feel comfortable with the routines and culture of the facility.
Today you are working the afternoon shift (1500- 2300 hours).
Your shift team includes:
Claire- Facility Manager Registered Nurse (RN) and Nurse Practitioner (NP) Rory – Clinical Coordinator (CC) Registered Nurse (RN) | Claire is the manager of the facility. Claire is an experienced manger and clinician. She finishes at 1730 hours. Rory is the Clinical Coordinator. He has worked in the aged care sector for the past ten years in a variety of roles. He has a passion for wound care and assessment. Rory’s rostered shift finishes at 1600 hours. |
Binsa – Enrolled Nurse (EN) Joshua – Enrolled Nurse (EN) | Binsa is an Enrolled Nurse: she has worked at Broken River for the past 6 years. Today Binsa is working 1600-2100 hours. Joshua completed his Diploma of Nursing two years ago. He works with a nurse agency – frequently working in the aged care sector. He has completed several shifts at Broken River. Joshua is working 1500-2300. |
Anna- Extended Care Assistant (ECA) Heena – Extended Care Assistant (ECA) Lisa- Extended Care Assistant (ECA) Max- Extended Care Assistant (ECA) | Anna is an ECA. She has completed a Certificate III in Aged Care. She has worked at Broken River for the past 4 years. Anna is working 1600-2100. Heena is an ECA. She has completed a Certificate III in Aged Care; she has worked at Broken River for the past year. Heena is also in the first semester of her Bachelor of Nursing. Lisa is an ECA. She recently completed her Certificate IV in Aged care. She has been employed on a casual basis for the past four weeks. Max has worked at Broken River for the 22 years. In addition to working as an ECA, he also works shifts in ‘leisure and lifestyle’. He knows all the staff, residents, and their families. Mac is known for his cheerful approach to work. |
At the commencement of your shift, handover is completed, you take particular note of:
- Mrs June Jenkins – June is 77 years of age; she has lived at Broken River for the past 3 years. June is receiving end of life care; her family are with her, including her husband, George. Mrs Jenkins has Alzheimer’s disease. She has a large supportive family; however, they have not accepted her dementia as a life limiting illness (despite education and referral to support services), and frequently in the past have asked staff ‘why is she not getting better?’. At the completion of handover, you assess Mrs Jenkins, and check the syringe driver. You talk with the family about her care and what to expect. They are distressed but happy with the care being provided.
- Mr Bob Archer – Bob is 82 years of age. He owned his own plumbing business and was an active community member. Bob’s wife died at Broken River three months ago and staff have noted his increasing frailty in this time. He enjoys watching the Football on TV, country music and a glass of red wine with his evening meal. He has a supportive daughter, Carol who is an RN at a local private hospital. Carol visits 2-3 times per week. Bob has a history of hypertension, benign prostate enlargement, depression, and gout. He is a tall man (188cm) and has a BMI of 28. At handover staff report Bob has been a little teary today and does not seem himself.
At 1745 hours, while residents are returning from the dining room to their rooms – many with the assistance of the ECA’s, the following occurs
- Lisa comes to in distressed state to inform her that Mr Archer has fallen in his bathroom (between the wall and the toilet) and ‘there is blood everywhere’.
- Max comes to tell you that Mrs Jenkins has died, and the family don’t know what to do.

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