Assignment Two
The following learning outcomes will be assessed:
- Demonstrate critical appreciation of current and new data models and database systems for traditional and Big Data systems.
- Appraise current and emerging trends in database systems and their application in the real world.
- Design and develop database systems using a range of different database development tools.
- Evidence of critical evaluation of the major developments and issues of databases within the database arena and their support in various application areas.
Important Information
You are required to submit your work within the bounds of the University Infringement of Assessment Regulations (see your Programme Guide). Plagiarism, paraphrasing and downloading large amounts of information from external sources, will not be tolerated, and will be dealt with severely. You should make full use of any source material, which would normally be an occasional sentence and/or paragraph (referenced) followed by your own critical analysis/evaluation. You will receive no marks for work that is not your own. Your work may be subject to checks for originality which can include use of an electronic plagiarism detection service.
Where you are asked to submit an individual piece of work, the work must be entirely your own. The safety of your assessments is your responsibility. You must not permit another student access to your work.
Where referencing is required, unless otherwise stated, the Harvard referencing system must be used (see your Programme Guide).
Please ensure that you retain a duplicate of your assignment. We are required to send samples of student work to the external examiners for moderation purposes. It will also safeguard in the unlikely event of your work going astray.
Submission Date and Time | As specified on Canvas |
Submission Location | Electronic submission via Canvas |
This is the second assignment for this module and is worth 65% of the overall module mark. All work must be done individually.
Your assignment is to design, develop and query a database using multiple DBMSs, i.e., Oracle and MongoDB, to provide a brief comparison of relational and NoSQL document store database technologies.
If you wish you may use PostgreSQL instead of Oracle, and your solutions should be PostgreSQL equivalents to the relevant questions.
For a case study of your choice, perform the following tasks:
- Provide a UML class diagram (NOT an ER diagram) showing the main entities and attributes in your design and the relationships between them. The UML class diagram MUST be data model independent, i.e., you are showing entities in the system, NOT tables. Ensure that you include complex relationships (e.g., inheritance hierarchies, aggregation, etc.) in your design.
- Create a complete SQL script file that will run in Oracle to implement the design from task 1 as an object-relational database. Ensure your SQL script file runs without errors, i.e., it drops then creates the database objects (tables, user defined types, etc.) and inserts sufficient sample data for your queries below. Make sure that you provide the complete SQL script file within your submitted report. Any auto-generated code exported from the DBMS will be given a mark of 0 for this part.
Provide a brief critical discussion of no more than 200 words identifying the object features that you have implemented in your database and how you implemented them.
- Develop a set of documents using MongoDB to develop the equivalent document store database for your design in task 1. Ensure you make use of appropriate document store features including, for example, nested documents, arrays, etc. Do not simply replicate the Oracle implementation but make full use of MongoDB document store features. Make sure the sample data you use matches the data stored in your database from task 2. Make sure you provide the complete script file for creating your MongoDB database (i.e. the db.collection_name.insert commands), do not just provide a list of documents outputted from the interface, otherwise you will get 0 marks for this part.
Provide a brief critical discussion, of no more than 200 words, identifying how you have incorporated document store features into your database.
- Develop the following queries in Oracle SQL on your database from task 2 above. Ensure that you develop queries which include:
- A join of three or more tables – you must use multiple types of join operations in this query (e.g., inner join, left/right/full outer joins, etc.) and the query must include a restriction on the rows selected.
- A query which uses one (or more) of the UNION, DIFFERENCE or INTERSECT operators.
- A query which requires use of either a nested table, sub-types (or sub-tables if using PostgreSQL) or similar. Note: sub-queries are NOT acceptable as they do not meet the requirements of this task.
- A query using temporal features (e.g., timestamps, intervals, etc.) of Oracle SQL.
- A query using OLAP (e.g., ROLLUP, CUBE, PARTITION) features of Oracle SQL.
You should submit FIVE SQL queries maximum, i.e., one for (a), one for (b), etc. Any other queries will not be marked. This means, for example, that if you submit two queries for part
(a) then only the first query will be marked. It is required that at least one of your queries will be embedded within a stored procedure, and one query will include a stored function.
- Using MongoDB, implement queries which produce an equivalent result (i.e. returns the same data) to those in task 4a-e above. If you are unable to complete an identical query in MongoDB, then you should write a query which is as similar as possible in functionality to the SQL query. Ensure you use the native MongoDB query language and NOT SQL for your MongoDB queries.
Ensure that you cite appropriate academic references (i.e., research papers) where relevant in your discussions.
You need to ensure therefore that your case study is of sufficient detail to be able to complete tasks 1-5 above. As a suggestion, you should aim to have between four and six entities within your design which you would then represent in your two implementations using tables and document collections as appropriate. You must consider complex relationships between the entities such as inheritance and aggregation in your design.
Marks given will consider the challenge of your case study and the challenge of the queries that you develop. For example, a query using temporal functions such as extract/intervals will gain more marks than a simple query on a date which is not at the appropriate level for this module.
Submission Requirements
Your submission for this assignment is a technical report which includes your solutions to tasks 1-5 above.
You are required to submit the following three files within one ZIP file:
- A technical report which includes your solutions to tasks 1-5 above. A template (which you must use) for this document is given in appendix 1. All SQL and MongoDB queries must be included as well as screenshots to demonstrate that all your database creation, inserts and queries work. The file must be converted to PDF for submission.
- An SQL script file (with a .sql extension) containing all of the code for task 2.
- An equivalent script file (with a .js extension) containing all the MongoDB code for task 3.
Ensure that you use your full name as the name of the ZIP file (i.e., FIRST_NAME_LASTNAME.zip).
Staying within the bounds of University of Sunderland regulations, you should make full use of any source material available to you (particularly journals, conference papers or technical reports). Any form of academic misconduct, including plagiarism, collusion and paraphrasing, will not be tolerated, and will be dealt with under University Infringement regulations. If you are unclear about how to reference correctly then please ask.
Marking Scheme
The marks breakdown is as follows:
Task | Weight | Exceeds expected standard | Meets expected standard | Just below expected standard | Fails to meet expected standard | Not attempted | |
1 | UML class diagram | 5% | Case study at a very good level and challenge. UML class | Case study is of an appropriate level and challenge. UML class | Case study is almost at an appropriate level and challenge. UML class | Case study is not at an appropriate level and lacks challenge. UML | Not attempted or very poor attempt. |
diagram correctly | diagram correctly | diagram correctly | class diagram provided | ||||
describes the case | describes the case | describes the case | but does not suitably | ||||
study, notation is used | study, notation is used | study, notation is mostly | describe the case study, | ||||
correctly, clearly | correctly, clearly | correct, but attributes | and incorrect notation is | ||||
showing attributes and | showing attributes and | and entities are not | used. Attributes and | ||||
entities with a very good | entities with some | clearly shown with | entities are not clearly | ||||
attempt to embed | attempt to embed | limited attempt to embed | shown and no complex | ||||
complex relationships. | complex relationships. | complex relationships. | relationships. | ||||
A good number of | Suitable number of | Suitable number of | Unsuitable number of | ||||
entities is described to | entities is described. | entities is described. | entities is described. | ||||
demonstrate the | |||||||
complexity of the | |||||||
scenario. | |||||||
2 | Oracle SQL database creation and data insertion | 15% | Correctly working SQL script file which can be run without error and completely matches the scenario described, utilising some advanced features of Oracle. Database integrity rules are correctly implemented including all types of integrity constraint. Very good use good use of object features (e.g. inheritance/user-defined types/aggregation) incorporated. An excellent set of screenshots are provided to fully demonstrate that the code works. An excellent set of sample data is provided. A stored procedure and function have been included. | Correctly working SQL script file which can be run without error and matches the scenario described. Database integrity rules are correctly implemented. Good use of object features (e.g. inheritance/user-defined types/aggregation) incorporated. Screenshots are provided to fully demonstrate that the code works. A good set of sample data is provided. A stored procedure and/or function has been included. Good discussion provided. Good use of references. | SQL script file developed and mostly error free but does not fully match scenario. Not all database integrity rules correctly specified. No/limited object features (e.g. inheritance/user-defined types/aggregation) incorporated. Some screenshots are provided but more could have been provided to clearly demonstrate that that system works. Some sample data is provided. Limited discussion provided. No/limited use of references | SQL script file developed but does not match scenario and contains errors. No, or limited, integrity rules specified. No, or very limited, screenshots provided. No, or limited, sample data is provided. No discussion provided. | Not attempted or very poor attempt. |
Very good discussion with very good use of references. | |||||||
3 | MongoDB database creation and data insertion | 15% | MongoDB database code provided which correctly implements the case study using appropriate and some | MongoDB database code provided which correctly implements the case study using appropriate document | Good attempt at the MongoDB database but shows some issues in understanding of how to implement a document | Poor attempt at the MongoDB database which shows lack of understanding of how to create a document | Not attempted or very poor attempt. |
advanced document | store facilities. | store. Code is mostly | store. Code contains | ||||
store facilities | MongoDB code will work | error free and a good | many errors. Limited or | ||||
throughout. MongoDB | without error. Sample | matching data set has | no sample data | ||||
code will work without | data matches sample | been provided. Some | provided. No, or limited, | ||||
error. Sample data | data provided in Oracle | screenshots provided. | screenshots provided. | ||||
matches sample data | but correctly uses | Limited discussion | No discussion provided. | ||||
provided in Oracle but | MongoDB concepts. | provided. No/limited | |||||
correctly uses some | Screenshots have been | use of references | |||||
advanced MongoDB | provided to demonstrate | ||||||
concepts. Screenshots | that code works. Good | ||||||
have been provided to | discussion provided. | ||||||
fully demonstrate that | Good use of references. | ||||||
code works. Very good | |||||||
discussion with very | |||||||
good use of references. | |||||||
4 | Oracle queries | 15% | All Oracle queries developed, work and are | All Oracle queries developed, work, and | All queries attempted but may contain errors | Not all Oracle queries attempted and contain | Not attempted or very poor attempt. |
at an excellent level of | are at an appropriate | and not at an | errors. Not at an | ||||
challenge. Natural | level of challenge. | appropriate level of | appropriate level of | ||||
language descriptions | Natural language | challenge. Natural | challenge. No, or poor, | ||||
are given which clearly | description of each | language description is | natural language | ||||
describe each query. | query is given. | given but does not | description is given. No, | ||||
Screenshots are given | Screenshots are given | clearly describe the | or limited, screenshots | ||||
which show the correct | which show the correct | query. Screenshots are | provided. | ||||
output from each query. | output from each query. | given which show data | |||||
output. | |||||||
5 | MongoDB queries | 15% | Excellent set of MongoDB queries provided fully using | 4 or 5 MongoDB queries provided and are a good attempt to match the | Good attempt at 3 or 4 of the MongoDB queries, using MongoDB | Poor attempt at one of more of the MongoDB queries. Many errors in | Not attempted or very poor attempt. |
appropriate and some | Oracle queries provided, | constructs where | code. No, or few, | ||||
advanced MongoDB | using appropriate | relevant. Some errors in | screenshots have been | ||||
constructs. Full set of | MongoDB constructs. | code. Screenshots | provided. | ||||
screenshots provided | Screenshots are | have been provided | |||||
which clearly | provided to fully | which attempt to show | |||||
demonstrate that the | demonstrate that the | that the queries work | |||||
queries work with | queries work, showing | with appropriate results. | |||||
complete results shown. | appropriate results. |
Appendix 1 – CET341 Assignment 2 Structure Template
Task One:
Include the UML class diagram here
Task Two:
Include screenshots to demonstrate that ALL of your SQL code works. Provide discussion of no more than 200 words.
Task Three:
Include screenshots to demonstrate that ALL of your MongoDB code works. Provide discussion of no more than 200 words.
Tasks Four to Six
Complete the following tables:
Query a: A join of three or more tables – you should consider various types of join in this query (e.g. inner join, left/right/full outer joins, etc.) and the query must include a restriction on the rows selected Provide a description of your query here | |
SQL code | MongoDB code |
Insert the SQL query code here | Insert the MongoDB query code here |
Screenshots | |
Insert a screenshot of the output from your SQL query here | |
Insert a screenshot of the output from your MongoDB query here |
Query b: A query which uses one (or more) of the UNION, DIFFERENCE or INTERSECT operators. Provide a description of your query here | |
SQL code | MongoDB code |
Insert the SQL query code here | Insert the MongoDB query code here |
Screenshots | |
Insert a screenshot of the output from your SQL query here | |
Insert a screenshot of the output from your MongoDB query here |
Query c: A query which requires use of either a nested table or subtypes Provide a description of your query here | |
SQL code | MongoDB code |
Insert the SQL query code here | Insert the MongoDB query code here |
Screenshots | |
Insert a screenshot of the output from your SQL query here | |
Insert a screenshot of the output from your MongoDB query here |
Query d: A query using temporal features (e.g., timestamps, intervals, etc.) of Oracle SQL Provide a description of your query here | |
SQL code | MongoDB code |
Insert the SQL query code here | Insert the MongoDB query code here |
Screenshots | |
Insert a screenshot of the output from your SQL query here | |
Insert a screenshot of the output from your MongoDB query here |
Query e: A query using OLAP (e.g., ROLLUP, CUBE, PARTITION) features of Oracle SQL Provide a description of your query here | |
SQL code | MongoDB code |
Insert the SQL query code here | Insert the MongoDB query code here |
Screenshots | |
Insert a screenshot of the output from your SQL query here | |
Insert a screenshot of the output from your MongoDB query here |
Provide your reference list in Harvard format.
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