Assessment Task 2: Heuristic Bias
Details of task:
You are required to produce a written piece, which demonstrates how the material contained in this unit has been or could be, applied to a scenario in your own work practice (or life). Reflect on a recent or past interaction with a customer/client or colleague where a bias affected your behaviour towards that person, provide a brief description of the context and your role then answer the following questions as a series of short-answer responses (approx. 200 words each). Refer to the rubric for more information of what should be included in each question.
- What was the nature of the bias?
- What led to its activation?
- Describe how it affected your behaviour.
- Describe how it is likely to have impacted the interaction/work being done with the person.
- Outline strategies you could implement to manage such a situation differently in the future.
Due date: 11.59 pm 09 May 2021
Word limit: 1,000 words (+10% variance allowed)
Value: 30%
Estimated return date: 2 weeks after submission
Criteria for marking: See next page
Section | Excellent HD (>80%) | Very Good D (70-79%) | Good C (60-69%) | Satisfactory P (50-59%) | Not Satisfactory N (<49%) |
Nature of bias ( /10) | Provided a clear and concise description of the scenario. The bias is identified and discussed in context demonstrating a nuanced understanding of distortions. | Provided a clear description of the scenario. A bias is identified and discussed in context. | Provided a description of the scenario. A bias is identified. | A scenario is identified, but the bias is not clearly identified. | No relevant scenario is provided. |
8-10 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 0-4 | |
What led to activation ( /20) | A consideration and description of the personal, client, discipline, colleagues and/or organisational factors that contributed to the bias are clearly identified and explained. There is evidence of reflective practice and self- critique. | A consideration and description of the personal, client, discipline, colleagues and/or organisational factors that contributed to the bias are clearly identified and explained. There is evidence of some reflection. | A consideration and description of the personal, client, discipline, colleagues and/or organisational factors that contributed to the bias are clearly identified and explained. | A description of personal and client factors that contributed to the bias are clearly identified and explained. | No factors are clearly identified, or explanation of link to activation is not made. |
16-20 | 14-15 | 12-13 | 10-11 | 0-9 | |
Affected behaviour ( /20) | A description of how the bias changed behaviour is provided, discussed in the context of the factors leading to activation. There is evidence of reflective practice and self-critique. | A description of how the bias changed behaviour is provided, discussed in the context of the factors leading to activation. There is evidence of some reflection. | A description of how the bias changed behaviour is provided, discussed in the context of the factors leading to activation. | A description of how the bias changed behaviour is provided. | No description of how the bias changed behaviour is provided. |
16-20 | 14-15 | 12-13 | 10-11 | 0-9 | |
Impact on work ( /20) | The response provides a reasoned and well-supported argument as to how the bias activation and behaviour influenced the work with the client and meeting the treatment/rehabilitation goals with the client. There is evidence of reflective practice and self-critique. | The response provides a reasoned and well-supported argument as to how the bias activation and behaviour influenced the work with the client and meeting the treatment/rehabilitation goals with the client. There is evidence of some reflection. | The response provides a reasoned and well-supported argument as to how the bias activation and behaviour influenced the work with the client and meeting the treatment/rehabilitation goals with the client. | The response provides a reasoned argument as to how the bias activation and behaviour influenced the work with the client and meeting the treatment/rehabilitation goals with the client. | The response is missing or indicates that the question has been misunderstood, or provides insufficient detail to demonstrate an understanding of the question. |
16-20 | 14-15 | 12-13 | 10-11 | 0-9 | |
Strategies to manage ( /20) | Strategies for mitigating bias or averting unhelpful changes in clinician behaviour are clearly identified and explained. There is consideration of practicalities, and there is evidence of reflective practice and self-critique. | Strategies for mitigating bias or averting unhelpful changes in clinician behaviour are clearly identified and explained. There is consideration of practicalities, and there is evidence of some reflection. | Strategies for mitigating bias or averting unhelpful changes in clinician behaviour are clearly identified and explained. There is consideration of practicalities. | Strategies for mitigating bias or averting unhelpful changes in clinician behaviour are clearly identified. | The response is missing or indicates that the question has been misunderstood. |
16-20 | 14-15 | 12-13 | 10-11 | 0-9 | |
Written expression and referencing ( /10) | The response is communicated with professional language that would be appropriate in a real clinical setting. Concepts are expressed clearly and succinctly, with consideration of nuance. The reference list contains key references clearly linked to the client. | The language communicates a professional clinical approach and reflects the nuance of change. The reference list is present and contains a range of references clearly linked to the client. | The language used is appropriate for a professional setting and reflects the nuance of change. The reference list is present and contains references relevant to the client. | The language used is generally appropriate for a professional setting with some lapses. The reference list is present but may contain references not relevant to the client. | The language used is inappropriate for a professional, clinical setting and/or no reference list is provided. |
8-10 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 0-4 | |
(Worth 30% of total grade for unit) Total /30 | /100 |

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