Background Information:
Method Used: Qualitative Research Methodology (Phenomenological/Case Study/Document Analysis: OSINT Information – journals, social media platforms, public-facing websites, articles, newspapers, etc.) NO USE OF HUMAN SUBJECTS – NO INTERVEWS, NO SURVEYS
Research Design
This research proposes determining the risks that have skyrocketed during the pandemic, how the threats materialize, and the factors supporting and preventing these threats. This study’s findings will be essential in contributing to eliminating cybersecurity threats, thus enhancing organizational and individual success. The study shall utilize qualitative methods and a cross-sectional study design and will employ a case study approach. Besides, the study will use the following constructs and variables cybersecurity threats and technology experience. The case study examines the increase of cyber security threats affecting individuals, organizations, and institutions. I shall obtain data from reports detailing cyber-attacks that have happened since the COVID-19 outbreak.
I shall immensely rely on the reports and documents to examine previous recommendations for mitigating cyber security threats and examine their organizational influence. The inclusion and exclusion criteria shall characterize documents and reports that address cyber security threats that have happened since the COVID-19 outbreak.
I intend to research the cyber threat landscape concerning COVID-19 and its associated metrics. By establishing a wide-ranging integration of insider threats, Advanced Persistent Threat (APT) actors, the overall cyber threat, intelligence landscape, trade secrets, intellectual property, and better vaccine development techniques. The study’s goal is to obtain more accurate results and more advanced decision-making tools to help organizations detect and respond to such threats on a global scale. I believes disciplines of information security, cyber analysis, cyber-attacks, homeland security, and insider threats will complement each other well, providing an opportunity to bring valuable contributions to the cyber community. This will be accomplished by mapping threats against cybercrime occurrences and observing how these threats materialize; to understand the factors supporting or preventing them.
The reliance of many facets of society on technology and online platforms has grown exponentially during the COVID-19 pandemic. This drastic change has impacted all industries and service sectors alike including the health-care sector, education, retail, travel, food, and government agencies. The observations made in the last six months provide us with valuable insights for technology management and information systems. In this piece, we discuss some of these key insights.
Research Questions
- RQ1. How has the Cyber Threat Landscape been impacted during the COVID-19 Pandemic?
- RQ2. What are the main threats that have significantly increased from the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic?
- RQ3. How best can government agencies, organizations, and individuals reduce cyber threats during disasters such as pandemics?
The Case Study/Data Analysis method fits well as the framework of to guide the thesis. with a small-scale research and allows a variety of research methods and the utilization of multiple sources of data.
Layout for Paper
Rationale for the Research Approach (1-3 pp)
There are various research philosophies to be considered in the research purpose; the major philosophies analyzed are positivism, realism and interpretivism. I has focused mainly on positivism and interpretivism approach to collect the information. Positivism approach describes the relationship between two variables selected in the research purpose (Cooper, 2011). On the other side, the interpretivism approach is helpful in case study analysis which is usually assumption-based story. I have not focused on realism approach, as, this focuses on real data, which do not change with the passage of time. The main focus can be made on positivism and interpretivism approach; where, the most appropriate approach has been selected based on analysis (Pallant, 2007).
Data Collection, Processing and Analysis
Data Collection Methodology –
- Data will be collected from a sample of documents that are randomly (probability) or stratified (one is from certain years).
- The stratification will be by region: China, Russia, etc.; sector: health, public-sector, private sector, academia/education.
- Utilize social media websites, code repositories, public facing web servers, newsletters and articles, and journals, grouping them together and looking for trends.
- The reports and documents selected will be comprehensive and accurate in addressing cyber-attacks that have skyrocketed since the COVID-19 outbreak.
- The results from observations, reports and documents will be accurate and consistent.
- Publicly shared cyber-attacks encounter from organizations and individuals will be accurate and true.
Data Analysis Plan
Research Strategy
Research Limitations

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