Module: EBUS636 – Assessment.
Year 2022/23. Semester 2.
Sustainable Supply Chain Management.
Module Leader: Professor Paul Cousins.
The purpose of this assessment is to give you the opportunity to examine several aspects of this module. To test your understanding of some of the key fundamental principles and to give you the opportunity to build on your work and lessons learnt within the seminar programme to think about how you might go about implementing some of the theories, tools, techniques and concepts that have been discussed throughout the module.
Please answer all questions, the word limit for this assessment, in total, is 3,000 words. This relates to the total amount of words used in the document. The word limit on ‘Turnitin’ will be used to assess penalties (this is clearly stated in the module handbook) – the word count in Word and Turnitin may be different, so please make sure you check the Turnitin total before submitting. The word limit includes everything contained in your submission, it is the total word limit e.g. references, titles, footnotes etc.
You are required to answer ALL the question listed below. I have put suggested word limits for each section but feel free to vary this around – as long as you do not exceed 3,000 words in total you will not incur any penalties. All penalties will be awarded as per the School’s guidelines which are referenced in the Module Handbook.
You must submit this assessment, in ONE SINGLE document, with each question, clearly labelled in order and on a separate page within the document, uploaded to Turnitin via Canvas, on or before the 12th, May 2023. Further details relating to the time of the deadline on that day will be posted on Canvas. All late submissions will have a penalty automatically applied in line with the School’s guidelines.
Assessment Instructions.
Please note both questions carry equal marks – it is up to you how you distribute the word limit. You may include one reference list at the end of the document (this will be included in the word limit – keep it very brief with only key references mentioned). I suggest you use bibliographic software such as Mendeley or Endnote to manage your references and build your bibliography – this will stop repetition and it will also be a good learning experience for the dissertation. The software can be downloaded from Apps Anywhere on the University of Liverpool IT system.
- Submit ONE document. Number each question. Start each question on a new page within the document. Please number each page (use Word –> Menu – Insert – Page Number).
- You only need one reference page at the end – this will save your word limit. Use Harvard Referencing and put the reference page at the end of the document. Keep references to a minimum.
- Do not exceed 3,000 words total for the document. You may choose how many words for each section – I have given you an indication to help you.
(Answer both questions in one document, in order, start each question on a new page – both questions carry equal marks).
- What is meant by the term ‘sustainability’? Identify and discuss, using current examples, five key challenges in making sustainable supply networks sustainable. Include a discussion and some examples on how you might measure success.
50 Marks available
- Describe and critically discuss the main elements of the Natural Resource Based View (NRBV) of the firm. In particular focus on how they apply to sustainable supply chain management strategies and practices.
50 Marks available.
How will you be assessed?
- Clarity of argument – this includes criticality of debate as well as being clear about what you are arguing and why. At Masters level we expect to see ‘criticality’ of debate i.e. you should be discussing both sides of the argument and offering an opinion.
- Use of examples, supporting references and data to support your arguments.
- Use of the theories, models and concepts discussed in the module. We expect to see comprehensive use made of the materials covered in lectures, provided online and the readings.
- Grammar, spelling and clarity of presentation.

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