Word Count: 1800 words
A written report incorporating a case study and relevant theories in counselling covered during the Trimester.
Report brief:
Throughout this Trimester, we have learned about various counselling theories, namely:
Psychoanalytic therapy
Solution focused (including brief interventions)
Person-Centred therapy (including stages of change)
Narrative therapy
Cognitive behaviour therapy
Feminist theory and understanding the process of counselling one or more persons including families.
You are required to select ONE case study from a list to be provided during the trimester and then choose TWO of the counselling theories that you believe will be appropriate to assist the client(s) discussed in the chosen case study.
Your task is to apply each counselling theory, whilst comparing and contrasting the different ways in which each theory could be applied in an effort to help your client(s) with his/her/their problem:
Your answer must include the following:
1. Identification of the historical origins and evolution of BOTH of your chosen theories
2. Details about the typical counsellor/client relationship and any other elements of the chosen theories.
3. Application of, comparison and contrast between the two chosen theories
4. An outline of any ethical/legal issues to be considered,
5. An explanation of how you would use each of the TWO counselling techniques to assist your client – make sure to compare and contrast different needs of each theory in relation to techniques.
6. suggestion of a possible outcome for the client if the counselling goes well.
7. You may also suggest the number of sessions or any other requirements needed for the counselling to go ahead as planned, again comparing, and contrasting the TWO theories.
8. A final statement that outlines which of the two theories would best suit the client’s needs, based on your analysis.
Your written report should include at least 5 (scholarly) journal articles read, in addition to any textbook references.
Your report should also include an introduction, body and summary in a flowing text. Do not use separate headings etc. Use APA 7 style referencing.
Case study
Mary Lou has come to counselling to help relieve her fears about driving. About 15 years ago, she had an accident while driving and has not driven a car since. She has recently applied for a job, and she will need to use a car to get there. She feels motivated to learn to drive again, however every time she even thinks about driving, she experiences mild anxiety attacks.
As the counsellor how can you support Mary Lou?

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