Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities (KSA) gained from this exercise: this assignment will build open source intelligence gathering skills, report writing and summarizing skills using Infographics. This final project will build on skills developed over the semester including, application of the YCJA and Criminal Code.
Due Date: Friday, Dec 9th @ 11:59PM.
Bonus mark:
An extra 2 points will be assigned to all assignments handed in on/or before Dec 4th at 5PM.
You have been assigned with completing the following three part report:
- Executive Summary, w/Appendix (10 %)
- Infographic (10%)
- Victim Impact Statement (10%)
To complete this you will need to research the case involving Kelly Ellard. To do so, you will need to conduct an internet search using the name given, and expand your search based on the information returned. The goal will be to compile an executive summary that outlines the case, events, outcome, and current status of Ms. Ellard.
The ES will then be used to help create an Infographic that provides an overview of the criminal case; similar to a time line or story board of the event. Infographics are an important and concise way to convey a significant amount of information in a creative and meaningful way. Creating impactful and well organized infographics is an important skill that will be used in future courses and the work place. Resources and a tutorial are provided below.
Finally, a victim impact statement will be written by you, as a court appointed victim assistance representative. This statement will be written from the perspective that Ms. Ellard is applying for parole; a fictional date of May 2022 has been set for a parole hearing. To complete the victim impact statement you will need to gather as much information about the crime, the victims’ family members, and any information regarding Ms. Ellard’s rehabilitation. Detailed instructions and resources regarding the victim impact statement are provided below.
1. Executive Summary
An executive summary is a document that efficiently summarizes a large body of information.. For this final project, the ES will be used to gather case information. Because the information will be spread out over several different documents and news media on the internet, the ES will help summarize the information in one well organized document; providing an informative overview of the case assigned.
1. Research the Kelly Ellard (1997) case documenting key elements of the case, co-accused, victim, events, charges, etc… Questions to consider while gathering this information are provided below.
2. Summarize all findings into a one page Executive Summary Word document. Ensure a reference list is provided in APA format. The reference should appear at the end of the ES and be included in the one page limit.
3. To keep track of the websites visited, and the information read, use the Source Tracking table provided below. Copy and paste the URL, and other specified info, into the table. Ensure the hyperlinks work, and attach it as an Appendix to the ES document for submission.
4. Review, edit, and save this Word file for submission, along with the Infographic and Victim Impact Statement.
- Introduction – A short paragraph explaining the background of the event. The ES is a formal report; the writing style should reflect this. Avoid the use of first person, no “I”, “Me”, “My”, “Mine”.
- Body paragraph – Summarized information regarding event, persons involved, criminal charges, and trial outcomes.
- Conclusion paragraph – Current situation of the offender and the surviving victims’ family.
- References list in APA format.
ES MARKING (10 points possible):
The completed ES will be formatted as noted above and not take up more than one page. The Appendix is the only other page to accompany the ES. The Appendix should contain only, the Source Tracking table. (Total pages for submission: 2)
- 5 pts – Thorough summary of the case, concise, logical ordering
- 3 pts – Proper ES formatting; e.g. proper paragraphing and APA reference list
- 2 pts – Proper grammar, spelling, and sentence structure, and include the Appendix page with the Source Tracking table provided
Guiding Questions – Below are a list of questions to consider while collecting information on the assigned case. This information will help construct the summary
- Who is the accused? How old were they at the time of the crime
- Were there other people involved in the offence or contributing to the offending behavior
- What was the role of the accused individual in the offences
- Who is the victim, age, characteristics, etc….
- How did the event take place
- Criminal charges laid
- Prior convictions
- What was the outcome of the trial
- Does the offender have special needs or circumstances (mental, developmental, economic, etc)
- Has the offender participated in rehabilitation
Source Tracking: Keep track of source information here: (include this as an appendix to the ES Word document; please add rows as needed)
Name of website | Title/Headline | Date of Story | Date Accessed | URL | Brief description |
2. Infographics
1. Become familiar with what infographics are, how they are created, and the types of information they can be used for. Link to the infographic tutorial provided and complete the entire tutorial (approximately 1Hr.):
2. Select an Infographic creator
- select one presented in the tutorial
3. Select an appropriate infographic style, for example, “presentation” or “report” might be more suitable than “menu” or “book cover”.
4. Use the summarized points from the ES to create an infographic that tells the story of the case. Imagine your target audience being students in a Youth Criminal Law class; you are creating a case study for them to inform them on the case facts, investigation, and the youth criminal justice process. Focus on main points and use images and bulleted information to create the graphic.
5. Save the completed infographic and choose “share” the link. Turn off the password requirement. Copy the “shared” link and submit the link, all together, with the finished report to the Final Project dropbox on Blackboard.
INFOGRAPHIC MARKING (10 points possible):
- 6 pts – Thorough summary of the case, logical sequencing of events
- 2 pts – Use meaningful images, i.e. crime scene locations, photos, graphs, etc (avoid unnecessarily graphic images)
- 2 pts – Proper grammar, spelling, sentence structure, and sourcing of images
3. Victim Impact Statement
Using the information obtained from the internet search and ES writing compose a 350 word count victim impact statement. To compose this statement you will assume the role of a victim assistance representative writing on behalf of a specified family member; you will need to choose who this is based on available information. The family member can be surviving parents, siblings, grandparents, etc….
Remember, the statement is written in the current time frame and in response to Ms. Ellard applying for, the most current parole date . The victim impact statement would be written to a parole hearing board.
- 6 pts – Thorough, but concise description of impact to surviving family members (physical, emotional, economic impacts). Includes victims reasoning for supporting or not supporting parole for the offender. Includes noted rehabilitation, acceptance or responsibility, or lack thereof by the offender.
- 3 pts – Proper paragraphing, sentence structure, and spelling.
- 1 pts – Proper file submission. ES (in Word doc, w/Appendix), Infographic with working hyperlink, Victim Impact Statement

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