- Hello fellow activists,
As global citizens, you will be making an informed contribution towards the future of Australia’s foreign policy. We want you to be engaged and informed in creating solutions to some of the big problems facing Australia. Big challenges require informed and creative solutions. You have, thus far, been engaged in a variety of different writing styles. For this final assessment, you will be returning to the formal essay writing discourse.
In July 2020, the federal government announced an additional $270 billion to build a larger military to prepare for a “poorer, more dangerous world”. What are the major factors that led the Australian government to this decision?
Individual or group: Individual
Format: Essay
Weighting: 30%
Length: 1,500 words
Due date: Friday Week 12
Learning outcomes
- Explain Australia’s representative systems of government
- Explain Australia’s federal system
- Identify key issues in Australian foreign policy
- Participate in contemporary public debates using a variety of written genres
- Detailed instructions
This is an argumentative essay. Every term we will be raising the most important issues in Australia’s foreign policy. Foreign policy is a dynamic field which is constantly evolving based on events such as:
- War and peace
- International trade
- Dynamic social movements
- Health and natural disasters.
Your question will pose you with a problem facing Australia, asking you for a creative solution to that problem. Your classes in the weeks leading up to the essay will prepare you for this by using international relations concepts and history to apply this to the question and to provide relevant academic sources on the topic.
You should think about the best interests of Australia and the broader world. You should be optimistic and realistic. Think about what needs to change to achieve your goal, and how you are going to bring about that change.
Criteria | High Distinction (85-100) | Distinction (75-84) | Credit (65-74) | Pass (50-64) | Unsatisfactory (0-49) |
Argument (25%) | Student is able to create a clear, original thesis, which is strongly sustained throughout the essay. It will be logical and well-structured, display high levels of critical thinking, and respond to the question in an effective manner. | Student has attempted to create a clear, original thesis, which they sustained throughout the essay. It will flow logically and be reasonably structured, displays strong levels of critical thinking, and respond to the question in an effective manner. | Student has a clear thesis, but one which is inconsistently sustained throughout the essay. Each point doesn’t necessarily flow, the student displays critical thinking though can be descriptive, and responds to the question in a reasonable manner. | Student has a thesis, but it is not clear or consistently sustained. Each point is disjointed. The student is mostly descriptive, but does attempt some critical analysis. The student is able to formulate a response to the question. | Student has no thesis or has reworded the question. There is no logical flow to the essay, the essay is mostly descriptive with little to no attempt at critical analysis. There is no response to the question. |
Context (25%) | Student demonstrates a profound and accurate knowledge of key ideas in Australian foreign policy and is able to link these ideas effectively to contemporary examples in international relations. | Student demonstrates a reasonable and mostly accurate knowledge of key ideas in Australian foreign policy and is able to link these ideas effectively to contemporary examples in international relations. | Student demonstrates a fair awareness of key ideas in Australian foreign policy and is able to link these ideas to contemporary examples in international relations. | Student demonstrates some awareness of key ideas in Australian foreign policy. They are able to explain contemporary examples in international relations. | Student only shows a very general/no understanding of key ideas in Australian foreign policy. Displays limited appreciation of contemporary examples in international relations. |
Evidence (25%) | The student has displayed independent research by finding a broad range of suitable academic sources. Each source is engaged with in a critical rather than descriptive manner. The student is able to showcase the significance of each source to their thesis effectively. | The student has displayed some independent research by finding a reasonable range of suitable academic sources. Each source is engaged with in a critical rather than descriptive manner. The student is able to showcase the significance of each source to their thesis effectively. | The student has displayed an attempt at independent research by finding a fair range of suitable academic sources. Each source is engaged primarily with in a critical rather than descriptive manner. The student has attempted to showcase the significance of each source to the thesis. | The student has displayed independent research by finding a limited range of suitable academic sources. Each source is engaged with in a descriptive manner, though some attempt at critical thinking is evident. Some attempt to link the source to thesis is made. | The student has conducted little to no independent research. The secondary and primary sources have little relevance. Engagement with the sources is solely descriptive. No quotes used. |
Expression (15%) | The student has written in a clear and direct manner. They have woven quotes effectively into their own argument. The student is developing a distinctive and unique style with no noticeable grammatical errors. | The student conveys their meaning in a clear manner, though sometimes tangential. They have added quotes, but did not integrate them into the flow of sentences. There is a distinct style being developed. A few noticeable grammatical errors. | The student has written in a clear enough manner to convey meaning. Quotes are provided as blocks or floating. The student has a distinct style, but it is inconsistent at present. | The student has written in a generally clear manner so that for the most part their meaning is conveyed. Quotes are blocks or floating rather than integrated into a sentence. The student is still finding a voice of their own. | The student has not expressed themselves in a correct and clear manner. Their writing is difficult to understand because of a large number of grammatical errors. |
Referencing (10%) | The essay is fully referenced with a complete reference list, both of which are accurately formatted. No evidence of plagiarism. | The essay is for the most part correctly referenced with a complete reference list, both of which are reasonably formatted. No evidence of plagiarism. | The essay is partly correctly referenced with a complete reference list, both of which show some attention to formatting. No evidence of plagiarism. | The essay is sometimes correctly referenced with a complete reference list, both of which show some attention to formatting. No evidence of plagiarism. | The essay is not referenced, does not have a reference list, or has significant areas that lack attribution. Some evidence of potential plagiarism. |

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