The Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) was meant to be a ground-breaking new agreement by placing 12 economies under a common set of economic norms and regulations. After the US withdrew from the TPP, the remaining 11 signatories continued talks and which led to the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans Pacific Partnership (CPTPP).
What impact has the CPTPP had and may still have, on Global Business Law? Discuss. Include in your discussion a critical analysis of the US’s withdrawal from the TPP and any effect that withdrawal has had on Global Business Law. What is Biden’s view of the CPTPP and how might that impact on Global Business Law?
- Note that the assignment is worth 40% of your total assessment mark.
- Stick to the word limit of 2,000 words. Check the word count (Under “Review” in word) and when you do make sure that the box at the bottom which includes footnotes or endnotes is NOT ticked. If it is, your word count will include footnotes and you will not get an accurate word count.
- Submit only in electronic format through “Assignment submission”. Check the Similarity Index of Turnitin and that you have referenced correctly.
Learning Objectives
The Learning Objectives for the Essay are 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5.
LO 1: understand an overview of the present domestic and international arrangements for the regulation of international business
LO 2: identify the legal and non-legal issues concerned with the regulation of international business
LO 3: identify emerging and contemporary policy issues involved with the regulation of international business
LO 4: identify and outline the role of international courts and tribunals in which international business law issues may be resoled
LO 5: Critically evaluate emerging and contemporary policy issues in relation to the regulation of business.
According to SCU Policy, Learning Outcomes “are the expression of the set of knowledge, skills and application of the knowledge and skills a person has acquired and is able to demonstrate as a result of learning.” Please note, the Learning Outcomes only broadly lay out the learning expectations. The marking rubric, by comparison, shows the levels of performance for each grade. This provides more detailed information about what the markers are looking for in the particular assessment.
In short, if students are looking to understand how the assessment will be marked and what the markers are specifically looking for, then students should be referring to the detailed marking rubric which has been made available with the assessment.
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