Groundwater Characterisation Study (40% of topic) DUE DATE 27 May.
The aim of this groundwater characterisation study is for you to undertake a simple assessment of the groundwater in a particular area using fundamental Concepts of hydrogeology. You will be required to go to a groundwater database website (some States have more user-friendly databases than others, so have a look at them all before you select one), e.g.
and download groundwater data for a small cluster of wells (10-20) within Australia. From here you will need to conduct a characterisation study of the groundwater in your selected area and write up your findings in a report that should be a maximum of 10 pages (an appendix with additional figures can be added).
Please submit your final report electronically to FLO by the due date indicated below. Possible characterisation and analysis activities include but are not limited to:
Water level versus time
Average water level in each well
Plot water level contours
Groundwater flow directions
Comment on temporal and spatial trends in water levels
Comment on the geology of the area: consider describing it and how it might influence the groundwater (geology maps are available from: xxxxxxxx
Comment on the stratigraphy (Groundwater databases may have individual bore logs available. Also, Geoscience Australia has data and many useful tools available that you might like to explore: xxxxxxxxxx)
Review availability of groundwater quality data
You should also attempt to interpret a selection of the following:
Compare water levels with rainfall: is the system rainfall driven? (The Bureau of Meteorology website has rainfall data available for download for the past 14 months: xxxxxxxxxxxx Data for other time periods is available by contacting the BOM.)
Climate influences
The influence of other controlling factors e.g. rivers, lakes, oceans
Comment on groundwater quality spatial and/or temporal trends
Discussion about land-use impacts
Likelihood of pumping impacts
Potential for future issues to develop (e.g. soil salinisation from rising groundwater levels)
The influence of vegetation
An example of a hydrogeological characterisation study by CSIRO can be found at:
You are reminded that plagiarism in any form is unacceptable.
The Characterisation Study will be graded against the following criteria:
Correct referencing
Technical content
Correct referencing
Interpretation of data
Page count

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