Assessment Title | Assessment Task Two – Written Assignment |
Purpose | This assessment will provide students with an opportunity to engage with a health consumer, to gain insight into the impact chronic illness and/or disability has on the consumers life, and to plan person-centered care in partnership with a consumer. Students will have the opportunity to apply specific frameworks to demonstrate critical thinking, clinical reasoning and the principles of caring for people with a chronic illness or disability. Written consent from your interviewee to conduct your interview is required. |
Due Date | Wednesday 18th May 2022 |
Time Due | 09:00 |
Weighting | 50% |
Length | 1750 words (+/- 10%; includes intext citations, excludes reference list) |
Assessment Rubric | Appendix B of the NRSG372 unit outline |
LEO Resource | A National Q&A Session will be held during week seven (7) of the semester. The Q&A session will unpack the assessment task requirements. Students will have the opportunity to ask the National LICs any questions or clarifications they require. The recording of this will be made available for students following the session. All students are recommended to attend this session. A link for this will be made available on the Assessments page of the LEO unit. |
LOs Assessed | LO1, LO2, LO3, LO6 |
Task | You are required to conduct a phone or video call interview with a real person in your community who has a chronic illness or disability to discover the impact this has on their life. You will need to prepare for your interview. McGrath, Palmgren & Liljedahl (2019) suggest twelve steps for conducting research interviews; this article is linked on the NRSG372 reading list. Identify two (2) relevant care priorities for your interviewee. Present each priority and link this to the same health behaviour theory you chose in Assessment Task One. For each priority, identify and rationalise where the person sits on the Roper- Logan-Tierney (RLT) model of nursing independence to dependence continuum. For each identified care priority, outline one (1) health education topic relevant for the person. It is expected that appropriate evidence-based literature will be used to support your assignment. |
Consent Form | You will need to gain written consent from your interviewee PRIOR to conducting your interview and inform your interviewee they may be called at random by the LIC to confirm consent. There must be evidence that you have interviewed (via phone or video call) a real person in your community, demonstrated by the consent form and unique circumstances outlined in your essay. If there is evidence that students have not conducted a genuine interview an NN grade for the assessment will be awarded. |
Safety | Confidentiality must be maintained. You must de-identify your interviewee in your paper, by use of a pseudonym, and state this clearly in your paper. Any identifiable location, organisation, or workplace must be deidentified. This assessment does not encourage you to diagnose conditions or suggest treatments to your interviewee. Those under 18 years of age, carers, or currently enrolled students at Australian Catholic University, are not to be interviewed. Students are not to approach strangers for interviews, or to put themselves into situations of risk. Please be aware of the impact of conducting an interview on your interviewee. Should your interviewee become upset, please finish the interview at that point, and contact the LIC for further advice. |
Paragraph Structure | Written Assignment should follow the below paragraph structure Introduction: Introduce the interviewee with a pseudonym (and clearly state it is a pseudonym), their health status and condition(s). introduce your heath behaviour theory, the two (2) relevant care priorities, and the education area relevant to each care priority. (max 10% of word count). Para 1: Provide an overview of the health behaviour theory you are using to base your interview on. Para 2: What is your first priority? What information have you used to arrive at this? Where on the RLT dependence/independence continuum (by way of equipment, treatments, or interventions) Be specific and explain the priority in depth here. Para 3: What will the consequences be if you do not address this as your priority? This is where you need to justify this being your priority- use evidence to support. Para 4: As the nurse what is the relevant health education you will provide in relation to the identified care priority? You will need to provide specific information about what exact education you will provide. This needs to be more than “provide brochures” or “how to access information on the internet”. The content of the education needs to be specific and relevant to the person you are interviewing Para 5: What is your second priority? What information have you used to arrive at this? Where on the RLT dependence/independence continuum (by way of equipment, treatments, or interventions) Be specific and explain the priority in depth here. Para 6: What will the consequences be if you do not address this as your priority? This is where you need to justify this being your priority- use evidence to support. Para 7: As the nurse what is the relevant health education you will provide in relation to the identified care priority? You will need to provide specific information about what exact education you will provide. This needs to be more than “provide brochures” or “how to access information on the internet”. The content of the education needs to be specific and relevant to the person you are interviewing. Conclusion: What have you discussed throughout the paper? What are the next steps? Evaluation of the education provided will demonstrate what? (max 10% of word count). |
Submission | Consent Form is to be submitted to the “Assessment Two Consent Form” LEO dropbox on your campus tile. Please ensure you submit to the dropbox assigned to your stream.Written assignment is to be submitted to the “Assessment Two Written Assignment” LEO dropbox on your campus tile. Please ensure you submit to the dropbox assigned to your stream. |
File format | .doc or .docx (Do not submit .pdf files or pages files) |
Margins | 2.54cm, all sides |
Font and size | 11-point Calibri or Arial |
Spacing | 1.5 spacing including the reference list |
Paragraph | Aligned to left margin, indent first line of each paragraph 1.27cm |
Title Page | Not to be used |
Level 1 Heading | Centered, bold, capitalize each word (14-point Calibri or Arial) |
Level 2 Headings | Not to be used |
Structure | Introduction, main paragraphs, conclusion, reference list |
Direct quotes | Always require page number. No more than 10% of word count in direct quotes |
Header | Page number top right corner (9 point Calibri or Arial) |
Footer | Name – Student Number – Ax1 – NRG372 – 2020 (in 9 point Calibri or Arial) |
Referencing Style | APA 7th Please refer to the APA7 resource tile on the NRSG372 LEO site |
Minimum References | A minimum of 17 high quality resources are to be used. |
Age of References | Published in the last 5 years as this area of knowledge is rapidly developing |
List Heading | “References” is centered, bold, on a new page. (in 14 point Calibri or Arial) |
Alphabetical Order | References are arranged alphabetically by author family name |
Hanging Indent | Second and subsequent lines of a reference have a hanging indent |
DOI | Presented as functional hyperlink |
Spacing | Double spacing the entire reference list, both within and between entries |
Late Penalties | Late penalties will be applied from 9:01am on the due date, incurring 5% penalty of the maximum marks available up to a maximum of 15%. Assessment tasks received more than three calendar days after the due or extended date will receive feedback but will not be allocated a mark. Penalty Timeframe Penalty Marks Deducted 09:01am Wednesday to 9am Thursday 5% penalty 5 marks 09:01am Thursday to 9am Friday 10% penalty 10 marks 09:01am Friday to 9am Saturday 15% penalty 15 marks Received after 09:01 Saturday No mark allocated Example: An assignment is submitted 12 hours late and is initially marked at 60 out of 100. A 5% penalty is applied (5% of 100 is 5 marks). Therefore, the student receives 55 out of 100 as a final mark. |
Return of Marks | Marks will be generally returned in three weeks; if this is not achievable, you will be notified via your campus LEO forum. |
Final Assignment | Marks for the final assessment (assessment two) of NRSG372 will be withheld until after grade ratification and grade release. |
Assessment template project informed by ACU student forums, ACU Librarians and the Academic Skills Unit. |

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